View Full Version : Rep Titles Question

07-25-2012, 05:36 AM
Hello again people of the Off-Topic threads! :witless:

I'm here with another question, maybe more, for you. This time, about the Reputation Titles.

I've personally messaged a couple of forumers about their titles and how they achieved them. One answered truthfully but the other I'm not so sure about. Seemed a bit sardonic in their reply... maybe.

For those of you who've passed or just hit the 1337 posts mark, are you awarded the title ELITE? And are we able to choose between what rep titles we've earned or they're just automatically "upgraded" to our newest one?

Kind regards,
Hardcoure. :chuncky:

07-25-2012, 05:47 AM
1337 posts does get you the elite title, however, at 1338 it reverts back to senior member. Afaik, there's no way to manually change it. Hope this answered your questions. :)

Sent from my HTC Evo 3D

07-25-2012, 06:05 AM
All right, does answer my questions. But your post brought up another... I've seen people around posting this word "afaik". What in the world does that mean?

07-25-2012, 06:14 AM
as far as I know

07-25-2012, 06:29 AM
Hahaha oh I see. Here I was thinking it was some type of code or something more important to the games/forums.

07-25-2012, 08:35 AM
Yep, you'll also see iirc on occasion. iirc = if I recall / remember correctly.

Sent from my HTC Evo 3D

07-26-2012, 02:26 PM
Don't rly care about reputation or reputation titles or even about forum titles.

U'll get them in time and u rly shouldn't worry about them.

07-26-2012, 03:17 PM
You can manually choose your title, but if you have another title, Guardians of Alterra Ambassadors of. . . Or Chroniclers have the option to go from forums title to whatever the title they have