View Full Version : PL Lingo

07-26-2012, 05:30 PM
Hey there! Worship here in need of some help! :disturbed:

So I noticed that unlike SL and DL, you need a certain Str, Dex, or Int to equip an item, instead of a certain level/class.
Anyway, my Bird, ReWorship, does not focus on Dex. I put the att. points in Str for better damage.
So am I known as a War Bird?

If not, then what does all the lingo mean? Like War Bird/Bear or whatever :)
Do certain builds have certain names?
And finally, can someone give me a list of them?

Haha, thanks guys!


07-26-2012, 06:41 PM
Hey there! Worship here in need of some help! :disturbed:

So I noticed that unlike SL and DL, you need a certain Str, Dex, or Int to equip an item, instead of a certain level/class.
Anyway, my Bird, ReWorship, does not focus on Dex. I put the att. points in Str for better damage.
So am I known as a War Bird?

If not, then what does all the lingo mean? Like War Bird/Bear or whatever :)
Do certain builds have certain names?
And finally, can someone give me a list of them?

Haha, thanks guys!

Yes, you would be considered a Warbird, although having 100% STR isn't a really good idea.
I would suggest Dual Spec DEX/STR; you would still be able to equip your STR gear while being able to alternate to DEX.

And one last thing is, putting points into DEX will give you better damage.
STR is more for dodge/armor/tanking purposes.

Here's all I can think off:
(remember, the dual spec option is always more common than having all your points into an attribute that is not your base natural attribute)


Pure INT/Nuke Mage= having all points into INT
Dex Mage= dual spec INT/DEX or all points into DEX
Pally= dual spec INT/STR or all points into STR
Hybrid= dual spec STR/DEX (not recommended)

Tank/pure STR= all points into STR
Dex Bear= dual spec STR/DEX or all points into DEX
Int Bear= dual spec STR/INT or all points into INT

DPS Bird/Nuke Bird/pure DEX= all points into DEX
Warbird= dual spec DEX/STR or all points into STR
Int bird= dual spec DEX/INT or all points into INT
(There isn't really a case I've heard of where a bird had only STR/INT and no DEX. It's pure creativity or stupidity. Mostly stupidity.)

Suentous PO
07-26-2012, 06:48 PM
Heya, str/dex are called warbirds. Putting stats in st helps your armor and health pool, dex helps damage and to hit mostly. I don't think anyone uses a pure st bird build, at least not what I've seen, pure st would cause you to miss more than you should. I'll get ninja'd if I go Into all the minutia, so check out the class section for all the nitty gritty. Sometimes the lingo refers to equipment used "bowbear, talonbear" and some of it refers to stat allocation "warbird (mixed st/dex) dex bird (pure dex) , or the maligned yet supercool intbird"
Of course it can be more complicated sometimes.

*see I knew someone could type faster than me :)*

07-26-2012, 07:32 PM
Yes, you would be considered a Warbird, although having 100% STR isn't a really good idea.
I would suggest Dual Spec DEX/STR; you would still be able to equip your STR gear while being able to alternate to DEX.

And one last thing is, putting points into DEX will give you better damage.
STR is more for dodge/armor/tanking purposes.

Here's all I can think off:
(remember, the dual spec option is always more common than having all your points into an attribute that is not your base natural attribute)


Pure INT/Nuke Mage= having all points into INT
Dex Mage= dual spec INT/DEX or all points into DEX
Pally= dual spec INT/STR or all points into STR
Hybrid= dual spec STR/DEX (not recommended)

Tank/pure STR= all points into STR
Dex Bear= dual spec STR/DEX or all points into DEX
Int Bear= dual spec STR/INT or all points into INT

DPS Bird/Nuke Bird/pure DEX= all points into DEX
Warbird= dual spec DEX/STR or all points into STR
Int bird= dual spec DEX/INT or all points into INT
(There isn't really a case I've heard of where a bird had only STR/INT and no DEX. It's pure creativity or stupidity. Mostly stupidity.)

Gonna make a str/int birdie soon :D

07-26-2012, 07:47 PM
Call it "Notyobrains"

Suentous PO
07-26-2012, 07:59 PM
Call it "Notyobrains"

Lol "notyobuild"

07-26-2012, 08:56 PM
mai burd iss dex so but thenks for the hents

07-26-2012, 09:00 PM
(There isn't really a case I've heard of where a bird had only STR/INT and no DEX. It's pure creativity or stupidity. Mostly stupidity.)

Just made one! Thanks for the great idea!!

07-27-2012, 12:44 PM
Thank you guys! I will be sure to give you thank tomorrow, because I ran out today :p
But thanks again :)