View Full Version : request for juggernaut buff (PVE)

07-17-2022, 10:17 AM
hey again.. :>

was thinking the taunt should be more effective .. as in; if jug is active, the mobs do not lose argro from warrior at all.. overriding any taunt from any source that's applied afterwards.. and also larger range... perhaps something like bear taunt in PL, 15m, 18m range was it?? that was so nice.

and the unstoppable subskill should be applied without charging ..

and maybe add an aura that buffs allies with tank.. (HP, armor, damage reduction) or perhaps damage, crit.. (but rally horn already does that so maybe not/.) lets not make it too op.. hahahaha


EDIT: yeah, the taunt of jug is USELESS, it gets overridden way to easily by other players. and then they die.

if there is a cd for taunts, wherein it can be overridden, buff that cd for warrior taunts to 9999999s .. so it can never be overridden by other taunts.,.? ;P

07-17-2022, 11:29 AM
Closed to move discussion to this thread (https://www.spacetimestudios.com/showthread.php?644697-taunt-rework-possibly).