View Full Version : More Customization

07-29-2012, 05:58 PM
Ok, I love the first two STS games, and enjoy DL. However, the release of DL has revealed a major weakness in SL and PL, but as SL is the one most affected, I'll post about it. SL has a major shortage of customization options. Prior to infested deck, nearly every single player lvl 40 and up had the same armor (red voleria) save the rich ones, who were rocking custom mega or custom Voleria. and don't even get me started on the <sarcasm> wide variety of weapons used, not just pistol and shield <sarcasm/>. The fact is, even with the new infested vanity items, nearly the entire player base looks the same. Something needs to be done about this. IMO, it detracts from the fun of the game to enter a town and discover a horde of your identical twins. In DL, every character is different and unique, with a look that reflects what their player wants. In SL, every player is dressed the same, except for those who have enough money to buy the store or custom sets.

Suggestion #1: More designs. In DL, there are only about three weapons per level, but because there is a large number of different weapons skins, it creates variety. SL needs to have one or two versions of armor available, with a noticeable cosmetic difference. Maybe make a set that has more armor vs one that has more stats, and make the armored one thicker and heavy than the stat model, for example.

Suggestion #2: The Vanity creation and paint shop. My store bought lvl 20 olive drab armor remains my favorite armor set I've ever owned, and I was really sad when I was forced to upgrade away from it. I suspect most other people have been in that same situation at some point. To fix that, and add a degree of customization, STS could add a option to turn a standard armor into a vanity item (for a fee in plat), and also be able to recolor the item while you're at it. Then, each player could assemble a unique look for their character.

Suggestion #3: Ability swapping. I love duel pistols, but don't like most other aspects of playing an operative. Some other people probable like armor from another class, or wish they could acquire a skill from another class. I propose STS add the ability to give characters that are one class the ability to use armor, weapons, or a few skills from another, once again for a plat fee. I'd suggest limiting this to two skill transfers, and only allowing you to use two of the categories. for example, an operative could gain the ability to use cannons and the growing rage skill, but wouldn't be able to wear commando or engineer armor. This way, the characters can grow in uniqueness, but not to the degree that they drift out of their class role. Swapping should cost a fair amount..

Suggestion #4: More class weapons. Each class needs at least two types of class weapons, not just one. Commando could have cannons and maybe a rapid fire, low damage rifle (perfect for aggroing a target, switch to aggro another, and repeating). Operatives could have duel pistols plus a slow firing, high damage sniper rifle. and engineers could have gloves and a rapid fire, low damage pistol. Essentially, more tactical weapon choices to better suit play style.

Suggestion #5: Because the suggestions above will make it very difficult to tell members of different classes apart at a glance (a problem that already occurs, to a limited extent), classes will need a class icon either on the avatar page or visible in gameplay (maybe stick it next to the name).

To the people who say that these changes (and in particular #3) will widen the gulf between players who buy plat and those who don't, you're right. But the key phrase there is widen, not create. There is already a gulf, and STS will have to decide if more customization is worth widening it. Personally, I think it is (and I'm not a heavy plat buyer). If STS doesn't want to widen that gap, delete #3. #1 and #2 are the easiest ways to boost diversity, with #5 to prevent the changes from distorting gameplay.

07-29-2012, 08:42 PM
i do not get why this should happen.

in my opinion, SL community is fine atm, as long as we can farm pinks were satisfied period.
so i don't know if theres any point of these ideas to be added.

07-29-2012, 08:50 PM
There is more to life than pinks. Not much more, but some.

07-30-2012, 03:35 AM
while i like this this idea i wouldn't call it a flaw that we dont have much customization cause we actually do we just dont wear the different items cause there weaker, you can where any item you want you just choose to wear the stronger stuff, however more vanities are always appreciated, sl fun at the moment just more content keeps us happy where in DL alot of the levels are just cut and paste (most evident after playing sl and pl) while the gear looks good the levels are repetitive, i would rather have good maps that are entertaining then more customization.

all in all i think sl is fine so long as all the maps actually look different (campaign maps

07-30-2012, 05:43 AM
I lol'd
Lol? I couldn't possibly laugh at this content, and neither will I know why O.o


More class items does sound good, but I think a more satisfying campaign that I wouldn't mind playing over and over again will do better. Dead Man Caves is still my favourite.

07-30-2012, 07:08 AM
I think more faces n emotes should be added,am talkin about some awesome scii fii alien faces!

07-31-2012, 12:37 PM
We are content starved and hungry, real hungry!!!

I agree there are plenty of options to make a players appearance different (although weak) for fashion show purposes. People want the strongest available armor and weapons. We can always use more choices I guess, especially for back and legs, but in general. At least with the uc marine pants, we now can cover any armor set (again still a bit limited on how much you can do, but still a commendable step).

I like the basic idea of this thread, but I really don't want SL becoming like DL. How many outfits can they make for vampires before they are out of ideas? Everyone is 4 gems and a weapon that looks different and is basically the same, and from what I saw in DL pvp, everyone is using skill attacks mostly anyways. There is quite a bit of variety already in SL, it's just that it is armors with stats, which lose their viability when a cap gets raised.

Maybe like the face-o-matic on b*, there could be an armor-o-matic with many different colors, so people could recolor whole sets or individual pieces. This way there can be more variations in the new strong armors everyone will have. I am not against platinum, I just think a recolor should be credits (basically shows the player earned the recolor off of runs or selling or whatever, but this would limit the resale to the cost of the item + changing color +/- custom which wouldn't really hurt or help the market)
The other option would be more color variants of the droppable armors. After voleria, and the amount of purple armors that dropped, some color variants may help resale and break up the sheer quantity of the one item.

I like vanites, like everyone else, but to me DL has way too many and there will be many many more. SL in my opinion, doesn't need what DL has going on to add variety.