View Full Version : [Pisces] The timing of the Orange Ring and the Green Fog are not the same.

07-24-2022, 07:47 PM

When Pisces activates the debuff on the enemy, a Green Fog and an Orange Ring appear for better visualization. When the Green Fog disappears, the Orange Ring remains on the enemy. And the debuff disappeared.

Could you make them both have the same time?


After update 2022-07-26


After the update the timing of the Orange Ring and the Green Fog are the same and are working correctly. The before and after is shown in the video.

About the Hud icon, from what I read in the comments, Rogue players prefer to use the icon to show the Buff time. And use the Orange Ring to show the Debuff on enemies.

07-25-2022, 08:14 PM
This has been fixed and will be in the next server (content) update.


Andi wibowo
07-26-2022, 10:29 PM
Please revert back the icon, we use the icon to see when we can do "the bend" and until when we can't do "the bend", not just to see the debuff duration.

07-27-2022, 01:34 AM
Please revert back the icon, we use the icon to see when we can do "the bend" and until when we can't do "the bend", not just to see the debuff duration.

This has been fixed if you patch (log out and log back in).