View Full Version : Its all about the procs now

07-26-2022, 01:29 AM
Remember that few years ago normal skills without procs actually did something to the target?
I miss those days ��
Nowadays if you dont proc your weapon which are luck based (especially Pisces), you will probably not gonna do much.
This is why a weapons that are hard to proc are challenging.
Maby for future weapons, think about increasing the base damage of the weapon by a fairly larger amount, rather than make procs of x10 the damage x10 hp and so on..

07-26-2022, 01:57 AM
Remember that few years ago normal skills without procs actually did something to the target?
I miss those days ��
Nowadays if you dont proc your weapon which are luck based, you will probably not gonna do much.
This is why a weapons that are hard to proc are challenging.
Maby for future weapons, think about increasing the base damage of the weapon by a fairy larger amount, rather than make procs of x10 the damage x10 hp and so on..

+1 agree with this!

Having a very op proc that is hard to activate (by activate i mean the “self-buff” that mythic weps have) is hit or miss and it’s annoying. Speaking as a rogue main, I am especially frustrated with my mythic weapon proc activation. While the proc for pisces is op, activating it is based on pure luck chance. There is hardly anything you can do to better your chances at activating the “self-buff”. Since haste doesn’t affect the charging time of weapons, a rogue is essentially at the mercy of rng. And don’t even get me started on how bow is designed in a way where Haste doesn’t affect it -.-.

If devs really want to stick with procs, people would appreciate a weapon that is reliable at proccing or at least allows a player to have some sort of influence over its chances. That’s all I want, some sort of control over my play style where I’m not at the mercy of rng. The 76 arcane weapons and the 81 mythic staff is a perfect example since it has a chance of proccing over dmg dealt. A player can simply cater their play style to have DOT and they can proc the wep.

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07-26-2022, 02:05 AM
+1. There's not much pleasure in playing with a bow now. The proc on Mari is useless and I refuse to mess about with the daggers again.
So basically I just do sunken dailies, make a fool of myself in the boat race (when I can be bothered to do it), or just log in for an hour to chat and browse auction.

Adek Nakal
07-26-2022, 03:08 AM
haste does effect weapon charging time except bow,which is weird other weap are fine with haste but bow uh.

07-26-2022, 03:12 AM
haste does effect weapon charging time except bow,which is weird other weap are fine with haste but bow uh.

Cinco- Bow action time is not affected by haste.
When the bow is used the action time is longer than all other weapons making its cooldown the lowest meaning haste does not take much effect.

07-26-2022, 07:30 AM
When the endgame isnt 'arcane' in arcane legends but proc's.. does that make that maken the game proc legends ��

07-29-2022, 09:45 PM
It's true. It takes luck to activate Pisces.

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07-29-2022, 10:53 PM
When the endgame isnt 'arcane' in arcane legends but proc's.. does that make that maken the game proc legends ��

Last we were proc stack legends, then proc legends, but also mostly aura legends

07-30-2022, 04:33 PM
It's time to add crit damage stat to arcane items and Nerf crit rate

07-31-2022, 12:54 AM
It's time to add crit damage stat to arcane items and Nerf crit rate

o.0 this might just make things interesting

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08-02-2022, 08:22 AM
Procs were fun at 71 when they death items and base damage was still enough to get the job done. Now its proc over everything

08-02-2022, 01:59 PM
For the gameplay to stop being so proc dependant a nerf on mobs/bosses hp and dmg buffing and heavy dmg dealing procs would be mandatory.

Procs have grown to overpowered causing several complains like:
"gameplay being too easy".
"increase of the P2W factor" since there's no actual way of obtaining decent gear other than opening locks.
"increase of toxic behavior on random runs".

This proc dependency could be solved with the release of cap 86.
Release content with already tweaked stats on enemies (mobs/bosses) and nerf previous op dmg buffing/dmg dealing procs. This way players would be able to run without depending on procs and once procs activate they'd make the running "smoother" instead of no proc = 0 dmg / proc activate = obliterate.

The nerfing along the release of new balanced procs would solve the current situation.

08-02-2022, 10:57 PM
typical mythics... : P

08-03-2022, 06:55 AM
For the gameplay to stop being so proc dependant a nerf on mobs/bosses hp and dmg buffing and heavy dmg dealing procs would be mandatory.

Procs have grown to overpowered causing several complains like:
"gameplay being too easy".
"increase of the P2W factor" since there's no actual way of obtaining decent gear other than opening locks.
"increase of toxic behavior on random runs".

This proc dependency could be solved with the release of cap 86.
Release content with already tweaked stats on enemies (mobs/bosses) and nerf previous op dmg buffing/dmg dealing procs. This way players would be able to run without depending on procs and once procs activate they'd make the running "smoother" instead of no proc = 0 dmg / proc activate = obliterate.

The nerfing along the release of new balanced procs would solve the current situation.

I totally agree with you.
They can even rework it right now with the release of zodias gauntlet.
Now in zodias we feel like if we don’t’ proc we can’t event finish the run because the mobs and boss hp pool and armor is too high for our based damage.

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08-08-2022, 09:22 AM
The only way i see this ending is if they make current and upcoming lv 81 procs impossible to proc in the next expansion, and they nerf hp/armor/dmg of mobs heavily. Basically, what they did with orb ( unable to heal after a certain level ) theyd need to do with current mythics/arcane armors, unable to proc in pve in higher level maps than zodias.

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08-08-2022, 09:37 AM
I do fine damage to mobs with skills.

Its also humorous watching people suggest nerfing everything when that would be the shortest way to the games grave.

08-08-2022, 02:30 PM
I ran elite sunk today as a medium geared mage, aquarius, ebob armor and the other give stuff. A mage with an immortal staff did more damage over time than me with 1 weapon proc, how is a weapon level 56 doing better than 145m+ damage? Lol

08-08-2022, 03:20 PM
I ran elite sunk today as a medium geared mage, aquarius, ebob armor and the other give stuff. A mage with an immortal staff did more damage over time than me with 1 weapon proc, how is a weapon level 56 doing better than 145m+ damage? Lol

How do you know that he did more dmg other time than you?

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08-08-2022, 05:00 PM
I ran elite sunk today as a medium geared mage, aquarius, ebob armor and the other give stuff. A mage with an immortal staff did more damage over time than me with 1 weapon proc, how is a weapon level 56 doing better than 145m+ damage? LolAre you sure it wasnt immo staff vanity? :/

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08-08-2022, 06:28 PM
The current situation is that the new myth weapon makes us spam basic or charged attack to proc based on chance. This in turn causes delay to use skills.
eg) I wasted like 10s to proc my marianos.But when it finally procs, the enemy is dead or I hit the wrong target 🥲.

Instead of doing that I could've spent it on skills to deal more damage. In my opinion the gameplay is not smooth when we transition between skills and proc.

I want proc based on skill/basic attk to be back for a smoother gameplay. Atleast I hope new arcane weapons work like that.

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08-08-2022, 08:29 PM
Imagine that STS release the 81 arcane weps and they're all charged procs !

Pitchforks and torches come to mind.

08-13-2022, 09:58 AM
Procing the hypo gun takes 2 charged attacks that need to hit the same target to activate. When there are mobs around its hard to hit the boss 2 times. It's nice when it procs but it is so difficult its frustrating. You may have noticed that this mythic weapon is the cheapest in auction, it's cause no one wants it.

08-15-2022, 04:07 PM
Procing the hypo gun takes 2 charged attacks that need to hit the same target to activate. When there are mobs around its hard to hit the boss 2 times. It's nice when it procs but it is so difficult its frustrating. You may have noticed that this mythic weapon is the cheapest in auction, it's cause no one wants it.

That is true that alone it is an unwanted weappon but when you combo it with other stuff you can get some little use of it. But it is situational in situations of 1v1 and it necessarily uses hard combos to execute so it can’t be done consistently.

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08-16-2022, 01:43 AM
I miss the good old times when we actually had class roles, tank being the damage reciever, gathering all the mobs and healing the party, mage controlling the mobs with fire,ice and clock stun-locking the crap out of them, rogue taking the large groups controlled by mages/tanks and killing them 1 by 1, and going absolutely beast mode against boss. Those were the times this game was genuinely fun to play, the time when strategy and skill meant something.
I'm kind of sad this game is not more mainstream and widely known, maybe if they had a larger player base they would actually consider our suggestions and do something about this situation, I believe hardly anyone finds this play style fun and enjoyable.
I'm not trying to criticise although it may seem like I am, all I want is a longevity for this game.

08-16-2022, 06:14 AM
I miss the good old times when we actually had class roles, tank being the damage reciever, gathering all the mobs and healing the party, mage controlling the mobs with fire,ice and clock stun-locking the crap out of them, rogue taking the large groups controlled by mages/tanks and killing them 1 by 1, and going absolutely beast mode against boss. Those were the times this game was genuinely fun to play, the time when strategy and skill meant something.
I'm kind of sad this game is not more mainstream and widely known, maybe if they had a larger player base they would actually consider our suggestions and do something about this situation, I believe hardly anyone finds this play style fun and enjoyable.
I'm not trying to criticise although it may seem like I am, all I want is a longevity for this game.

I think that for a hack and slash giving everyone good dmg is essential because the game is not made to be played in parties of 3 but gives freedom to chose your best comps and why not solo maps if you are op.
This said having warrior good on tanking receiving dmg and pulling only will result in having no fun playing the class so none will play « tank » they’d rather play mage to feel some dmg or rogue because it will be the only really fun class.
I feel that now every class is pretty needed at least 2 in order to do good runs but having the 3 results in playing a MMORPG with a tank, a AOE dmg dealer and a 1VS all mobs and mini nucker.

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08-16-2022, 06:21 AM
I for one like the proc gameplay. It means you can farm solo against tough mobs. Some people suggested nerfing enemy health and stuff but if that was done you'd just have people still using procs and switching to different gear. You could nerf the procs too but then you're gonna have a lot of angry folks as absolutely everyone uses them and you'd be forcing them to shell out for the new gear.
I don't see a solution that doesn't involve making the mythic gear obsolete.

08-17-2022, 03:20 PM
i agree. i like stats>proc
but it is fun to see a proc go off and know whatever you are attacking is gonna die