View Full Version : we need to gain a death in pvp when we leave a game then re-enter

07-30-2012, 12:38 PM
Dear Carapace,

I hope this thread finds you and your loved ones well. I'd like to compliment you on your overall devving of dark legends. It's a big undertaking and I know you appreciate players input. This is evident based on the numerous (and sweeping) changes you've made based upon player feedback. In light of this I have a humble suggestion I'd like to put forth regarding pvp.

I'm not saying anyone would sink to this level but.... :rolleyes:

As it is now if a player has low health and is in a pvp game with his/her friends, that player "could" leave the game and immediately rejoin (with full health) via their friends list. This avoid them possibly gaining a death when going for heart.

We already gain a death if we leave while we are in combat. I'm assuming this was put in place to keep ratios somewhat honest. If that's the case I feel like the only alternative is for us to gain deaths if we leave a pvp game and re-enter within (insert appropriate time period here) mins/secs. And yes, before I even hear the whinning, I know sometimes lag is so bad we have to leave and rejoin. I just feel like that doesn't happen often enough to warrant not implementing my idea.

Thanks for your time and consideration in this matter,


Aside: This is one classy suggestion letter. +1 to me.
Another aside: the "whinning" I'm anticipating isn't coming from you, dearest carapace, but from members of the forum community who have contrary personalities (aka trolls).

07-30-2012, 02:44 PM
thank Rob, I'm in contact with some of the other team members to see if this is an issue we can address

Xaphan Fox
07-30-2012, 05:15 PM

07-31-2012, 11:57 AM
Yep I agree. I've done this before and many others have also. I normally do it when I see people on the other team doing it. Fair matches & all that jazz. However, it is pretty much taking the easy way out so putting a stop to this would be nice.

Just make sure that if someone is disconnect and is able to rejoin the match or is automaticly reconnected to the match, that they don't recieve a death for it unless they were defeated in the process.

08-01-2012, 11:51 AM
This is a complex problem and something that needs to be dealt with carefully, and likely will take some time. The reality is that plugging one or two holes does leave other problems. For example, if you're playing a legitimate match, but your got disconnected from the server it's not fair to punish you for a disconnect in the same way a person left of their own accord so that's not a solution. At the moment that is exactly what would happen.

Bottom line is I'm aware of the issue, but currently it's not something easily addressed.

08-07-2012, 04:49 AM
Srry, but the whole issue of getting a death for "You Have Left During Combat" is completely bogus. I think PVP is one of the best feature in DL by far, but the match system is a complete mess. First of all, w/o menu to actually see if there are games in progress its just wasting time keep hopping in and out of games trying to get match. I can only DL for brief periods, and to mostly wait in PVP pen for players w/o even getting game is extremely frustrating and total waste of time. One of the best remedy is actually exit-enter in order to get game started, it's the only redeeming feature actually, but to be penalized for trying to _start_ a game is ridiculous. Also, I don't know what the hell is wrong with people... I see this constantly... teams are 3-2 or 2-1 and new players come in and pile into team with majority players already making teams complete bs and kill the game... teams become 4-2 or 4-1 even. This actually happens a _LOT_. If I came in early and people pile onto my team I will exit-enter to rebalance teams, then I get penalized with death. Come on guys!!!!!!!! Even ppl claiming they just joining their friends... come oooooooooooon. Majority of these games are PUG. My friends and I always switch to balance teams, it's about the fun of the PVP, it's not some tournament.

I think a proper rethink of current PVP could make DL even better. I want to post some more observations on PVP in SUGGESTIONS forum because I really start to enjoy the playing aspects of PVP, but still some serious flaws that are killing it imho. But "You Have Left During Combat" feature needs to go. Seriously. Come on guys... it's game. Only the government doesn't understand the difference between incentives and disincentives. Disincentives don't work. Don't punish people. REWARD them. If you want to structure a successful PVP format it has to be based on incentives, not punishment. Thx for listening. Not jumping on you guyz case, just want to help to create perfect PVP experience. Besides... we're working for free here ;)

08-07-2012, 05:22 AM
OK, in response to Rob's original post. I've read this a lot in other PVP systems about punishing players who quit blah blah blah. Again, I think a lot of gamers are fuzzy on incentives systems. Punishments aren't functionable in gaming systems. Rewards are. Let's take example of alleged abuse of players leaving during PVP. So what? This is mobile game. My girlfriend constantly on my case for playing DL, every time she walks in I have to DC asap to avoid argument, I get it from her and DL ;)

As I pointed out above, in legitimate case of players leaving to rebalance team numbers, they are the ones doing the right thing and they get punished? Absurd. As far as K/D ratio.... I've studied this already, it's quite simple. Even w/o leaving game, the more I die in game the less "efficiency" I have for killing. Dying and respawning takes time. When I have a lot of deaths, I have fewer kills too, just because of time consumed respawn and have to rejoin the fight. So how is jumping in and out of games "helping" people? That's nonsense concept. If you constantly leaving game due to low health just to keep from dying all I can say is "whatevuuuhr." The simplest solution is to maintain a players health at exit an reenter, so if they decide to leave a game with low health and they reenter the same game their health is unchanged. Voila. Problem solved. No drama. But don't give me death because if I don't leave game it's girlfriend who will give me RL death lol.

You also not being an efficient member of your team and you not killing anyone. Instead, I would implement a system where the person who attacked you last before you leave gains a kill from you leaving. As for leaving game. Leaving game is just leaving game. Let's list reasons for leaving game:
(1) You're a lamer
(2) Bad Connection
(3) Girl Friend Walks in and you're in deep doodoo (aka "real life")
(4) You try to rebalance teams because late joiners are lamers

What am I missing. Let's look at 4 reasons for leaving game. Only 1 is valid motive to "punish" for leaving, because you think you so clever to keep low Death stats. But other 3 motives, which are imo all legit get punished. Sorry, total bs. Maybe these clever guys constantly jumping out of games will have lower death stats, but that only goes so far. Majority of cases in combat are just too-close-to call. Yes, sure, people will abuse this, but there's lots of different ways to abuse PVP. So, you in close battle, you decide to be lamer and exit asap. Whatevuhr. But last player you fought racks up automatic kill. Good for him. You get no death. You can back start over. But you also can't kill people constantly teleporting in and out of game. So you wanna be a time jumper, I say be my guest, but don't punish people who leave games for legit reasons just because of few lamers. Reward players who stay and fight. So if I leave, last player who attacked me gets kill instead of me getting death.

I have more suggestions for PVP, I'll check before starting new thread, but I hope this is seriously reconsidered because a well-constructed PVP has opportunity to take DL to whole new level. The game play is awesome imo, just need to work out some kinks and I think DL PVP would gain huge word-of-mouth.

Thx for thinking.