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View Full Version : When the game receives an update/hotfix...

Xaphan Fox
07-30-2012, 05:20 PM
When the game gets an update/hotfix/whatever content added, no matter how small or technical, no matter how benign the bug...
...I would love if it always was posted on forums/in-game news.

Going offline for some type of fix and then never knowing what that fix was is kinda maddening.
I always wonder if it was something that I had spent 18 hours on and was just hotfixed on the sly.

Communication is next to godliness!

07-30-2012, 05:23 PM
If there are customer facing changes, we do our best to list those. If it is a server fix, like stability that I believe the latest one today was for, or stuff like making the bean counter count beans better, we generally don't post those.

07-30-2012, 05:33 PM
How about just saying "Back end fix"? That way the easilly worried can have peace of mind! :p