View Full Version : Masquerade

07-31-2012, 02:32 PM
I'm here with another question for the forum goers of Dark Legends! :single_eye:

Now first, allow me to explain something please. How items look on my iPod and on my phone (HTC with Android) are quite different. I.e. items like Biomorph have less detail on my iPod than on my phone.

With this being said, I spoke with someone in game while on my iPod about their Masquerade mask and whether it was a drop or one bought with gold. They told me it was a drop they got in game. I then logged on my phone to see if it looked any different with that screen. To me, it looks very, very similar to the one bought with gold... (I went to the "give player" screen and showed my Masquerade mask on them. It did not change in looks at all.)

I didn't egg it on since some people are so touchy with others messaging them about an item they wear. :chargrined:

I could have just been setting myself up for being trolled since I've no clue if Masquerade is dropped in game or not. I don't see anywhere it being listed that a Masquerade mask is a vanity that drops in game. Is it? If so, do you have a picture of someone wearing it vs the one bought with gold?

07-31-2012, 02:37 PM
I think that person was lying to you. Or misunderstood maybe?

07-31-2012, 02:43 PM
I didn't think they were a droppable vanity. Figured someone on the forums had to know for sure.