View Full Version : Color in Eyebrow/Mustache in Face

08-21-2022, 07:32 AM
Something is missing, and a Beard.

Maybe it can be implemented in the next update, where the color choice (the list of color choices is the same as the color in the hairstyle) is also integrated when choosing a facial style.

It's a bit strange when choosing Silver hair color, but the color of the eyebrows and mustache is brown.

Thank you.

08-21-2022, 10:45 AM
When we introduced skin color customization, we considered making all portions of the face customizable (eyes, eye color, mouth, facial hair, facial hair color, tattoos/scars/markings, etc.). Unfortunately, that increased the amount of art required by several orders of magnitude as well as needing to create unique data for all three classes, so we settled on what we have now.

We do have plans for adding more face types and alternate colors for hair could be part of that.


08-21-2022, 05:39 PM
Okay, got it!
Thank you.