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View Full Version : Character developement

04-20-2010, 02:55 AM
I honestly believe the characters has HUGE potential to go much farther then what they currently are

The somewhat simplicity I will admit is nice however the building blocks are there to make a Huge spectrum of different play types.

For Warrior the choice of taking damage or dealing it

Archer goes melee, long range and semi both with talon
(yes I complained on the evasion nerf)
Because they could specialize in long range doing massive damage
Or specialize in melee and EVADING, because we all know we cant take damage and im not saying we should.
or the middle ground talon.

And enchanter with Healing, Damage, Buff, or Debuff

As a player of many RPGs And MMORPGs, just having the player choose what they want with a better skill point/attribute allocation would create 9+ different playable classes out of the 3 that exist.

Scenario being give more skill points, however up the cost everytime you rank it up.
rank 1-1pt, 2-2pt, 3-3pt ect.
Makes a player choose what is thier style and what is really important focus on that, instead of just having every skill, or every player almost equal to the other despite different play styles.

[Not so much a suggestion, the building blocks are painfully obvious to me]

I say this because this is what I notice playing.
More Enchantress then not no matter how many enter the zone are nuke happy, and have no clue how to heal. To the very few that do I am shocked and grateful.
Resulting in Warriors refusing to tank (aside from the ones that are more damage build and dont anyway)
Making a crappy damage dealer (the update I dont know how that changed this yet) or getting ticked off and leaving.
Which in turn has the Archers Spamming w/e they can (including potions)(and few will use dagger in a non tank/heal scenerio after the evasion nerf, unless solo) or cutting damage down to not risk a death or abandoning the party to fend for themselves.

And as much as Potions have saved many lives there should be a cooldown on it, people arnt "playing" in these scenerios. Just spamming skills and potions. Players should be more responsible and tactful, with more concern for the fellow player.
EX. Warrior is tanking, enchanter is healing making the party safe, or nuking to kill faster while the archer is picking off the enemies threatening the mage who is keeping the warrior alive who is taking damage for the rest of the players.

And seriously need a way to organize inventory becuase I cant find ANYTHING

04-20-2010, 06:05 AM
I agree with the potions.
My idea is to add a at least 30swc cd on potions, make a rest button, which makes you regenerate hp and mana rapidly (this would only be usable after 5-6 sec after casting any skill, like a out of combat type of thing)
and then buff/add abilities to recover mana in combat, this combined with wise potion usage and reeuced mqna costs on skills would get rid of the dependency on potions and the whole problem.