View Full Version : Elite Weapons and Set Bonus?

08-03-2012, 02:31 PM
A couple weeks ago I remember the developers saying that perhaps the elite weapons with crafted armor & helm would produce a set bonus. Is that still in the cards?

I'm trying to decide whether to get the crafted 2h scimitar or the elite marlin sword, and if there is no bonus with the marlin sword, then the 2h scimitar is actually better, but obviously there is no need for both weapons as they are both 2h damage weapons.

08-03-2012, 02:37 PM
Remember, if you cross your fingers on the Marlin sword, everyone who plans on looting/buying one would need to be 71 for it to work.

08-03-2012, 05:08 PM
Yes, I'm not lvl71 yet, but as I already have the 1h mace/drum set, I plan to buy a 2H weapon to go along with that for certain situations where higher damage and lower armor is suitable, such as low level farming. So I'm trying to make my decision now so I can be on the lookout for the right price on the item I want. And my decision is between the crafted 2h scimitar and the marlin sword. I'll be lvl71 soon enough, probably in a few weeks.

08-09-2012, 05:59 AM
im also VERY interested in their "official" decision.

08-14-2012, 01:41 AM
Wish a dev would weigh in on this topic. I got a marlin sword and after playing around with it, I can say that the infrequent shark proc isn't even close to making up for the lack of set bonus as compared to the 2H scimitar. So although it get major cool points for the effect (I mean who wouldn't want to throw a SHARK at someone?!), it's actually not a reasonable choice as a weapon except as a novelty. I hope STS either awards set bonus just like for the scimitar or else tunes up the stats on the marlin sword to compensate for lack of bonus. If it were faster, or the proc happened more often, or it just plain hit a bunch harder than the scimitar, it might be worth using.

08-14-2012, 12:35 PM
The set bonus was indeed added with yesterday's update. The elite weapon when paired with the crafted armor & helm for the same type (i.e. Marlin Sword with Sand Walker Helm & Armor) gives the same set bonus as the regular crafted 2h weapon. You also get the gold stars as well.

08-14-2012, 10:43 PM
I'm adding this here because I can't seem to add my own post.

I love my new blaster...so cool looking!! However, every time I use it I kill everyone around me. Heck I've killed myself a few times. What's the purpose of this? An elite weapon should be incredible at killing the enemy, not the four mages defending the team. Sts please reconsider this function.

Also it would be cool if the Skelton bow had glowing eyes...don't you think? Thanks.