View Full Version : New Tutorial feedback...

08-03-2012, 05:28 PM
Hey folks, we're playing around with the ramp in to the game for new people. We are going to try it out with Forest Haven being single-player. We've also added a PvE instance between FH and DF.

If you are so inclined, give it a go as a new player. We'd love your feedback on these changes.

Thanks so much, and have a GREAT weekend!

- g

08-03-2012, 05:47 PM
Gary, perhaps its my opinion on this but isnt a players first impress better if its playing with others to socialize?
Ofc thats what youll find out with the feedbacks.....

08-03-2012, 05:48 PM
It's a tough balance... some folks are hesitant when they get dropped in to a multiplayer instance. Some thrive. We'll see how it all goes, but I would love to hear folks' impressions either way...


08-03-2012, 06:04 PM
tried it out. got to level 5. i like the new exprience better. concentrate more on how the game plays.

like the auto leveling. (when i was a new player on my 1st PL toon, i didnt put any points on skills cuz i dont know which is best to pump). now its hassle free

like how the "turn-in" points of quest are ahead or near the end of the map, doesnt need to run back to turn in. very straight forward

Love how the elixer vendor is located right about the point where the free one expires. genius idea to get new players start using elixier in beginning stages

what it can improve on is items drop from 1st few bosses can perhaps be speced to the toon. e.g archer gets an dex cap or bear gets str helm. that way players can learn to equip/upgrade their items

the free elix expired and a few meters ahead there is the elixer vendor! LOL

08-03-2012, 06:06 PM
It's a tough balance... some folks are hesitant when they get dropped in to a multiplayer instance. Some thrive. We'll see how it all goes, but I would love to hear folks' impressions either way...


Tried it out and I really liked it way more when it was multi... I mean in multi u can even add a person and do maps after together. 2 years ago i met a friend of mine by multiplayer and i still talk to him in PL

08-03-2012, 06:08 PM
I haven't tried out the tutorial, but I think making these Pve paths between towns is a great idea. It makes people actually want to walk between towns and makes the world bigger. That I say good job.
I have not been that impressed on the New Forest Haven for a while. (No offense) I think it would be best to bring back the Old Forest Haven and make that one a solo until they get near the end with the numbered levels or until Dark Forest.
I compared what it's like from my past experiences with the old one to now when I made some new characters and I really believe that the old one let me practice my skills and strategies more efficiently.
This is my thoughts, and I'm glad you are looking for other's thoughts on this.

08-03-2012, 07:18 PM
Hey Gary!

The update was nice. As you know, the idea of bringing back the original Forest Haven (the one you designed) as an alternative campaign for low levels is still a high interest of mine. I know the quest line needs a bit of cleaning, but other than that, I'd love if you had the community give you their thoughts on the idea.

The tutorial is nice. I think it would be nice if there was an item vendor in the tutorial. Even if you copy and paste Bennu the Trader to the tutorial. The idea of a tutorial is to show the player around and get them ready for the real world of Alterra. Star Legends tutorial is insanely helpful and great for new players. Can we see something like that?

I see your point with single-player. Why not simply just block high levels from accessing the Forest Haven's campaign? And/Or only allow three players per game?

Hope this feedback helps!


08-03-2012, 07:25 PM
Great points there, Weagle. The one thing that also made the original Forest Haven stick out was the quests. Instead of the new one, the old quests allowed the player to accept and complete quests without leaving the party! Now it's like "Cya everyone! Gtg turn in a quest"
I'd love to see it being reintroduced :)

08-06-2012, 05:55 PM
Just a suggestion but when your doing the 'fire ring' quest and you need to defeat 2 both bosses, it could be a little intimidating. So wouldn't it be cool and nice if the NPC could assist you and actually walk through out the missions with you. That would also lead into a whole chapter of challenges. For example there could be a challenge where you have protect a NPC while defeating multiple waves of enemies. That could also be a category in the leaderboards. Again just a suggestion.