View Full Version : 2022-09-01 Content Update (295059)

09-01-2022, 11:53 AM
+ A passage to the Temple of the Dragkin has re-opened!
+ Join the Arlorian Dragoon's campaign to defeat the Dragkin Legion once and for all.
+ Face the resurrected Greatdragon Ala'Raxis and his thrall in this special gauntlet event zone.
+ Groups of three (3) Legends with no duplicate Classes and powerful individual Legends are required for victory!
+ Defeat waves of Dragkin before the timer expires!
+ Collect event points by defeating monsters (and for time left on the wave clock).
+ Ascend the Group and Solo Leaderboards to collect special prizes.
+ Loot powerful Arcane items from Greatdragon Ala'Raxis!
+ Kraken Battle Shell Helm/Armor proc icons should show up for the correct duration.
+ Elite Zodias Gauntlet wave completion should no longer be delayed by various spawned but unkillable things.
+ Boss loot elixirs now properly affect Zodias bosses.
+ All ground portions of auras should no longer rotate when the player rotates.
+ Fixed missing slotted pet name in stable when pet AA is active.
+ Fixed incorrect time shown when returning to the upgrade station after using a timer speed up.

09-01-2022, 11:57 AM
yay 1111111

09-01-2022, 12:04 PM
Posted a bit early I guess 🙂

09-01-2022, 12:09 PM
Finally started a new event

Sent from my vivo 1935 using Tapatalk

09-01-2022, 12:11 PM
Ready to play :wink:

09-01-2022, 12:12 PM
New event that needs gears. XD

Sent from my 2201116TI using Tapatalk

09-01-2022, 10:22 PM
Add in store arcane pearl's of the dead