View Full Version : Survey Feedback: Dragkin Temple 2022

09-06-2022, 11:54 AM
We are collecting feedback for the Dragkin Temple 2022 event in order to improve future events.

Feel free to post your likes, dislikes, comments, and criticism!


09-08-2022, 08:39 PM
I really enjoyed the event no cap.

09-08-2022, 08:48 PM
Token vendor was really bad

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09-08-2022, 10:14 PM
Class specific crates are so good for hardcore community. Hope to see them in future events.

09-08-2022, 11:12 PM
they use anniversary cakes to load their ultimate, the top is full of people who have millions to spare and knowledge (dirty tricks like cake) and they have the top in several accounts for what has already been said, the seller was fatal, the drop of arcane 76 was worse, the percentage does not have to be so low if that arcane 76 set is already history, they should have done the event when they would have balanced at least the ultimate of the 3 classes, the rogue is almost unnecessary in that area

09-08-2022, 11:19 PM
So far it's good waiting for next mini
event house party

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09-08-2022, 11:36 PM
Casual players do till w20 for the boss drops, the drop rates of arcanes could have been better.
They are arcane 76, not 81. The drops could be much better, especially the artifact.

There was no way to spend the tokens, vanity, pet was okay.
but the crate is not good. Doesnt give any motivation to run the event.
Increase the drop rates of myth, arcane, heroic items from these unlocked crates please.
Its drop rate should be worth the time spent farming the tokens.
Or people just do elite sunken fleet for gold.

Good vanities. They had detail, the armor and helm. But the weapons are bad.

Pet is great. The hb is good. Next time please add a pet with a good aa. Right now the number of pet aa's that are used are limited to a few.

Crate drops great!
Class specific crate, the best! And thier drop was good too!!
Please dont change the class specific crates. Expecting them with same or better drops on future events.
The myth 81 belts could have been added to the crates, both massive and class specific.

Badges good for aps.

And the solo class leaderboards, multiple alts of same account on same class is becoming more common.
Please do something about it.
Temple was usually the lb where u show off your skills/op gear and in the lb the top people with skills and proc luck are present and usually it is different names, but now its just the same few known names on different alts, taking many spots on the same class lb.
They have great skills. But not necessary to have more than one toon on the same class lb.

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09-09-2022, 01:47 AM
some players carrying their alts top 10, it's annoying @Cinco i hope you guys will take care of it [emoji846]

JSN-L21 cihazımdan Tapatalk kullanılarak gönderildi

09-09-2022, 03:31 AM
Also the wait time for random class to join is too long.
when friends/guildmates are busy, the waiting time for the randome players to join is way too long. Please find a way around for this.

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09-09-2022, 03:43 AM
This year worst competition , totally ruinned cool event.

Before was p2w +skill now is just brutal ultra p2w no need skill.
How it ends? Many op people decided not to run , weak but rich ppl in LB thats never happens before.

10min elixirs cost around 8m
Kraken armor 200m
Awakens matter

Dragkin has most balanced mobs where was easy to compete with others even with unawaken gears . Skill was matter.

Now no thanks, 0 fun . Been planning run more for a top but meh there is just waste. None try hard event and badges almost same like for top50 . And top10 solo and group get same badge its disgusting.

Temple changed to easter event.

Wysłane z mojego ASUS_I005DA przy użyciu Tapatalka

09-09-2022, 03:45 AM
I have entered once and when I saw that I have to ultimately die in order to get my tokens I decided to stop playing it. Also why would I ever cosider spending 10k tokens for the vanity set when I can get it for 500k-1m gold from auction. I'd suggest to keep one vanity set exclusive to the vendor and don't put it in the locked crate as it will face depreciation and make it worthless to achieve.

09-09-2022, 03:48 AM
some players carrying their alts top 10, it's annoying @Cinco i hope you guys will take care of it [emoji846]

JSN-L21 cihazımdan Tapatalk kullanılarak gönderildiAlready Cinco said its allowed . Better improve gears ,earn more gold.

Wysłane z mojego ASUS_I005DA przy użyciu Tapatalka

09-09-2022, 03:53 AM
good rewards are focus on lb. Not enough for those not running lb. Maybe the reason why event map is dead and waiting for another 2 different class players to join the map takes a very loooonnng time. Legendary items drop too much.

Its nice to convert energy into tokens but not enough to exchange with.

09-09-2022, 04:57 AM
Like i have said many time i think the dificulty of wave 100 should be lower to wave 50, would be way more fun to run, i know many people who don't even try cuz they never have free 1 hour and more upfront.

Also the vendor didnt have alot to sell, vanity head set was nice but armor was not so great imo, and lb vanity make me think of a nutcracker theme costume...

Droppable badge are cool as long as they are keep very rare its fine i think

And i have been very disapoint with new heroic grom, passive and aa should be more op imo

09-09-2022, 06:23 AM
I agree with lowering it down to wave 50

09-09-2022, 06:37 AM
Like i have said many time i think the dificulty of wave 100 should be lower to wave 50, would be way more fun to run, i know many people who don't even try cuz they never have free 1 hour and more upfront.

Also the vendor didnt have alot to sell, vanity head set was nice but armor was not so great imo, and lb vanity make me think of a nutcracker theme costume...

Droppable badge are cool as long as they are keep very rare its fine i think

And i have been very disapoint with new heroic grom, passive and aa should be more op imoI can agree, wave 21+ has nothing interesting to drop, so just better make wave 50 and up hard as wave 100+ is now. Interesting for next event.
I would also suggest the removal of fish elixirs, if only they were easy to get like the rare elixirs one it was ok, but its not.

09-09-2022, 06:38 AM
This year worst competition , totally ruinned cool event.

Before was p2w +skill now is just brutal ultra p2w no need skill.
How it ends? Many op people decided not to run , weak but rich ppl in LB thats never happens before.

10min elixirs cost around 8m
Kraken armor 200m
Awakens matter

Dragkin has most balanced mobs where was easy to compete with others even with unawaken gears . Skill was matter.

Now no thanks, 0 fun . Been planning run more for a top but meh there is just waste. None try hard event and badges almost same like for top50 . And top10 solo and group get same badge its disgusting.

Temple changed to easter event.

Wysłane z mojego ASUS_I005DA przy użyciu Tapatalkatrueee

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09-09-2022, 07:59 AM
1 hour and a half in a map using 10m+ in elixirs and then your pisces decides not to proc at all and you die..control+alt+delete

Corviss the Lich
09-09-2022, 12:48 PM
Drops rates of arcanes are bad
Should've added more bosses on each 5th wave limit it to 50 beyond that no more bosses, so at least casual players have more reason to run instead of remapping for 5 tokens for each energy used.
Token vendor, again it's not rewarding big L, offers are not rewarding we had like 3 or 4 weeks just waiting for an interesting event and you give us this much disappointment, totally underwhelming.

As mentioned above LB sucks with p2w strategy. can you even call it a strategy? No elixir runs next time?

LB rewards greatly lacks effort at all. Literally looks the same, especially the badge almost no difference top 50 comparing the 10s.

Pretty funny coming from one of you, you call re-colors an insult while y'all blatantly do it for over 3 years since.

But one question, is there gonna be a Occupy Windmoore?

09-09-2022, 01:10 PM
Drop rate in locks not good trying to get mage armor

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09-09-2022, 01:16 PM
Definitely lacking in variety to spend vendor tokens and farming event just doin the 20 waves with low drop rates and 100 tokens is very time consuming especially when running random teams you spend more time waiting for match to start...

The free to open crates for 500 tokens was a nice addition but again the amount of time to farm or craft those tokens really didn't motivate me I ended getting bored of this event very quickly.

I'm just waiting for Halloween now....

09-09-2022, 01:54 PM
So this is coming from a lb player
Im 1st in Solo lb Rogue

Next year u could make it a little harder because one run takes over an hour which is too long in my opinion
You probably tested teh event and didnt get as far as the competetive players
but at the same time dont make the start harder because i see a lot of avarage people in fill struggle a lot at the first waves already - so at best make it exponentially harder not linear to prevent runs to take hours
also u could add another harder boss, killing the boss at wave 20 is not hard at all
also the drop rate from bosses for arc gear and badge is really bad, need to improve that ( people do hundreds of runs + farm energy and get nothing bc the drop rate is so bad and there is no gold drop either ( maybe add gold drops to bosses atleast?)

500 tokens a little too much for unlocked lock. 250 would be way more appropriate
add another high cost item besides vanity that people wanna grind for maybe a title? that has never been done before and now with the new title aps people would grind for it even if its a bad title

Also I like that this event is actually not as pay to win as people always say
there is so many rogues with 3k dex and all fish elixirs but i beat them all with 2.1k dex and only tame fish elix

its also cool that there is a solo and a group lb , gives variety and can play whatever u like more

09-09-2022, 02:00 PM
The premise of this event is all about the leaderboard. It was really the only event that many anticipated to finally be using their brain cells on, where it was all about honing your skills - but unfortunately, the limiting factor is.... you guessed it, money. The event was ruined by the following.

Choice of Badge;
- 2yrs had elapsed since the last Dragkin, but the "art team's" best approach was to essentially recycle the same badge among the solo and group, and to the Top10s and 50s? Very insulting to the top players.

Kraken Armor;
It was released just 1 week prior - making it very scarce, which only the wealthy players can afford. If you strategically planned this for consumers to naturally open more crates than usual, then was the extra plat revenue worth the expense of ruining the event for everyone?

Fish Oil Elixirs:
Many threads suggesting to disable tames. Consumables shouldn't be influencing gameplay to this extent, and shouldn't be the key to be getting an lb spot, of a non-recurring event - especially when they can only be used by 1% of the community that is willing to spend up to 9 figures on..... elixirs.

These factors made it discouraging, lessened the challenge. Personally, the banners that the players fought for to be changed last minute before the event went live, was the only thing aesthetically pleasing to look at along the Black badge.

09-09-2022, 03:18 PM
#1 thing is bosses/rewards past wave 20. Any casual group of players with full mythic can get to 60-80 (but still have no hope of lb without elixirs and op stats), but there is no incentive to go past 20 right now

09-09-2022, 11:26 PM
ill be honest i dont really wanna play it; currently playing ESO, but i do have 1500 temple tokens so far..

opportunity to get the best loot from the vendor without the need to spend is epic great. .. BUT

it would be better if we could buy specific items using tokens.

for example:
zaarus armor and helm for 20k tokens each kraken helm for 35k and kraken armor for 50k

other than that i think the event is great for what it is.

09-09-2022, 11:29 PM
i like loot boxes as much as the next guy but sometimes i sit back and wish i could choose to gamble the tokens away and hope to get a cheap score.. or spend more tokens for a certified piece of gear.,

09-10-2022, 12:07 AM
make an exit button.
Because most of ppl only do 20waves so make an exit button instead of leaving the map and not get tokens.
others just die to get tokens e.e

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09-10-2022, 03:44 AM
Increase the difficulty of waves earlier than 100+ (maybe scale it that wave 50 is hard enough already), like someone said running up to 90-100 wave for hour and half just to not have your weapon proc once is just demotivating.

09-10-2022, 08:50 AM
this temple event is shet compared to the first one

09-10-2022, 10:35 AM
Temple LB (no elixirs)

09-10-2022, 01:01 PM
Yup the crate in vendor is waste of token

Add more boss wave 30-40-50

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09-10-2022, 01:58 PM
Pause button needed.
Next time do same event and give ppl a choice of maybe 20 diffferent items ( buyable for 1 Gold) which u can use for event only.
So everyone have same options.
Or maybe 3rd leaderboard. Single, Multiplayer and Single, Multiplayer with event bound items.
Exactly the same what u did with honor pvp.

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09-10-2022, 05:14 PM
After seeing this event play out. I thought it could be turned into a tier event along with lb event.

1m points Plat tier
800k gold
700k silver

Seeing 1m points for Mage and Warrior was easier the it was for Rogue. They will need to be adjusted to the avg points of the top 10.

09-10-2022, 06:35 PM
Casual players do till w20 for the boss drops, the drop rates of arcanes could have been better.
They are arcane 76, not 81. The drops could be much better, especially the artifact.

There was no way to spend the tokens, vanity, pet was okay.
but the crate is not good. Doesnt give any motivation to run the event.
Increase the drop rates of myth, arcane, heroic items from these unlocked crates please.
Its drop rate should be worth the time spent farming the tokens.
Or people just do elite sunken fleet for gold.

Good vanities. They had detail, the armor and helm. But the weapons are bad.

Pet is great. The hb is good. Next time please add a pet with a good aa. Right now the number of pet aa's that are used are limited to a few.

Crate drops great!
Class specific crate, the best! And thier drop was good too!!
Please dont change the class specific crates. Expecting them with same or better drops on future events.
The myth 81 belts could have been added to the crates, both massive and class specific.

Badges good for aps.

And the solo class leaderboards, multiple alts of same account on same class is becoming more common.
Please do something about it.
Temple was usually the lb where u show off your skills/op gear and in the lb the top people with skills and proc luck are present and usually it is different names, but now its just the same few known names on different alts, taking many spots on the same class lb.
They have great skills. But not necessary to have more than one toon on the same class lb.

Sent from my RMX3081 using TapatalkWell said.

I would love to see more bound cool vanities that are bought with tokens from the vendor.

I would also love to see better drop rates of old gear. That just makes sense. Of course keep the new gear rare and badges extremely rare. I love that. But I mean. If elite dug bows are half a mil. Then I don't want to see those in my class specific loot. I want to see them dropping in the event. Foe the people who need it! It just makes sense.

I liked the event. But the token vendor could've had the magma gear. It also could've had the magma back piece. That was not a good lb reward IMO

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09-11-2022, 03:47 PM
If you guys see the lb, you can easily find out which class is better. rip rouge(rng lb for them, no skill involved).
As far as event is concerned, I'm satisfied with tokens drop. But looting arcane and badges( might as well don't add it if drop rates are so low) from bosses is very hard.

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09-15-2022, 04:44 AM
Arcane? Badge? Pet? Only looted tons of legendaries.

09-15-2022, 05:08 AM
The premise of this event is all about the leaderboard. It was really the only event that many anticipated to finally be using their brain cells on, where it was all about honing your skills - but unfortunately, the limiting factor is.... you guessed it, money. The event was ruined by the following.

Choice of Badge;
- 2yrs had elapsed since the last Dragkin, but the "art team's" best approach was to essentially recycle the same badge among the solo and group, and to the Top10s and 50s? Very insulting to the top players.

Kraken Armor;
It was released just 1 week prior - making it very scarce, which only the wealthy players can afford. If you strategically planned this for consumers to naturally open more crates than usual, then was the extra plat revenue worth the expense of ruining the event for everyone?

Fish Oil Elixirs:
Many threads suggesting to disable tames. Consumables shouldn't be influencing gameplay to this extent, and shouldn't be the key to be getting an lb spot, of a non-recurring event - especially when they can only be used by 1% of the community that is willing to spend up to 9 figures on..... elixirs.

These factors made it discouraging, lessened the challenge. Personally, the banners that the players fought for to be changed last minute before the event went live, was the only thing aesthetically pleasing to look at along the Black badge.


The pay2win was painfully obvious when y’all released the 81 arcanes and helmets 1 WEEK before this event. I always liked how players could farm for a year to prepare for this event. People would spend gold on the newly released gears and awakening events and it felt like temple was the final challenge to test your skills in the current meta. But when y’all release 81 arcanes out of the blue, it’s like spitting on the f2p players that prepared for this event.

I was somewhat fine with the fish elixirs being there. Although it isn’t ideal, players at least had a few months to collect their elixirs. But the release of 81 arcanes was such a curveball, it truly ruined the event. Almost all (if not all) of the top 10 players probably used or had to borrow 81 arcane armor. This event changed from f2p player friendly to extremely p2w. Great job disappointing the f2p players :)

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09-15-2022, 07:38 AM
Thank u sts fir fun event again

09-19-2022, 01:59 AM
Lb Rewards:
Dont recycle rewards. If you want to add badges for top 50 so be it, at the very least make them have different designs from top 10 badge.
Dont make top group and solo have the sale badges awarded, players who went for both lbs ended up with identical non stashable badges, which means a useless unusable item that we can either leave it there occupying space or delete it.

Increase the difficulty progression:
Many players have busy lives and cant play 1hour+ straight.
It is frustrating to invest so much time to have It all go to waste only because a heavily rng based proc doesnt activate (pisces, kraken armor).

Disable fish elixirs:
There are already enough p2w factors (the recent release of kraken set was a big slap in the face for everyone) involved in this event, Temple should be based on who has the best skill/strategy, not who has the biggest wallet. It was clear last time that somberholt bombs had a huge impact in lb runs, now these got replaced by overpowered elixirs, so same scenario different actors.

Add more boss waves:
As waves get higher the boss waves would prove a bigger challenge to make things interesting as well as more chances for loots.

Make a non-lb option for group runs:
Takes too long for random runs when it comes to players aiming for lootfarm instead of actual lb runs.
Players like to farm with friends, many times they cant do this since not everyone has a maxed character of each class to farm the event.

Add a honor lb/non-elixir lb:
Make Temple down to who has the best strategy/skill having everyone use the same gear with honor lb.
There used to be a non-elixir lb, this shouldn't have gotten removed, only made the p2w factor higher.

Token Vendor:
Having vanities available for all clases regardless the class the players uses was fantastic, Hope you keep up this trend for upcoming events.
Reduce the free to open chest token cost.
Add wider variety of items to the token vendor. Having a bound version of the dragoon weapons, recipe to craft heroic grom, currency chests, etc.

09-21-2022, 03:43 AM
May change lb reward these 3x unlocked against 50 bound elite awakes and idk why we get 2 banners for top 50, but the rest was pretty nice beside the fact it took me 1h every run...

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Adek Nakal
09-22-2022, 09:24 AM
simply put worse temple of all time,labyrinth got better badge distinction between top 10 and 50 why didnt make it the same but with different colour just like you did on temple badge.

09-22-2022, 03:06 PM
Make it get hard twice as fast. I hated getting to wave 100 after almost an hour of drooling on my phone screen spamming skills because it was too slow and too easy, then one person lags for 2 sec and you wasted one hour of your life.

09-24-2022, 02:42 PM
I disliked the event, it was a gear based event that only needed you to use your op awak arcane and mythic gears and elixirs in order to kill the same mobs again and again. It. Was a really boring one for me so I didn’t play that much.

Compaired to labyrinth one I would call it trash cause labyrinth is the first event that made me feel like exploring a real dungeon and not just rushing a map like a nobrain with my Polaris and skull axe.

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