View Full Version : Is the drop rate really the issue here?

08-05-2012, 01:54 AM
There have been numerous threads concerning the new vanities and their drop rate. Many people feel cheated because they spend countless hours farming the same maps over and over and come up empty handed after a lot of button mashing.

I think the REAL issue here is not the drop rates. I think the drop rates are fine and give everybody an EQUAL, RANDOM chance at looting vanities, the chance of finding something rare that will sell great and boost their bank account by a great margin. If everybody was running in town with whole Gamer Sets and Albino Bats flying above their heads, there would be no challenge left in this game, and no excitement aside from PvPing. I personally believe the real issues here are the repetitive factor of the maps, and the absence of any other rewards associated with countless hours of farming. Let me explain.

Primo, we all know it, maps are small, repetitive and boring. You almost feel like a zombie after farming the same map for only 5 runs because you always take the same turns, kill the same enemies, smash the same crates, etc. This greatly cheapens the whole farming experience because there is no fun running these maps over and over. Maps need a good revamp, they need challenge, fun, traps and puzzles. They also need to re-think the multiplayer experience because right now, having friends on a map just means more killing power and nothing else. I like farming, and I don't farm as much as most players, but for some reason, it gets really depressive after a little while, and when you're standing on the exit pentagram teleport right after clearing the whole little map once again without getting anything, you feel like turning the game off.

Secundo, there is NO OTHER REASON to farm these maps other than the hope of getting lucky and looting a rare vanity. Sure you will receive 500 golds per run or so, but really, everybody is farming for the vanities. Now imagine if there was something else that you could receive while farming for vanities. Say ''essences'', or some kind of crafting materials that you could pile up and use to craft items or trade them in for rare rewards. That would make the whole process way less painful for hardcore farmers because it would give them their while's worth, even if they can't loot the rare vanities. And I'm not talking about Fire Shards here, because after you're done with the fire bracelet, the only thing left to do is sell them on the market for 1000 gold or so. Add something that players can collect that is really worth something to the community, that will directly match the ammount of time and effort you put in farming, and this would, in my opinion, tone down the frustration of the ''hardcore'' players.

For Example :

Make it an event of some sort.

Add something like ''Fangs'' that would drop into world missions, on average of 1-2 per map. Make them tradeable.

Add a Fang Fairy in the Vampire District that would exchange a set number of those fangs for upgrades and vanities. For example, 500 Fangs could reward you a token to upgrade a weapon of your choice to your current level. Then also add special vanities with different colors, that sell for more Fangs, etc.

Easy to implement and make people happy.

My two cents.

Xaphan Fox
08-05-2012, 04:43 AM
This game is about fashion first.. and pvp second.. everything thing else that makes me wanna invest time into something,, doesn't exist.

Omg me and takezaki agree on something. Satan is freezing

sun light
08-05-2012, 11:46 AM
This game is about fashion first.. and pvp second.. everything thing else that makes me wanna invest time into something,, doesn't exist.

Omg me and takezaki agree on something. Satan is freezing
happends to me with floating lol
and it agree!
fashion first and then PVP

08-05-2012, 12:24 PM
The Fangs and Fang Fairy idea sounds nice. Don't know if I'm for it but it sounds nice.

08-05-2012, 12:48 PM

08-05-2012, 12:57 PM
That's a great idea Takezaki. In addition to things that you've mentioned, I think that most of us would like to see some modified maps added to the existing maps. Meaning, the maps that currently exist would keep the same layout, but they would have different map layouts added to them, so when we play them, we don't always play the same exact layout every single time. There would be some variety. Where we would usually turn left, we'd turn right on on one of the modified maps and so on. The change up whould enhance all of our experiences. I also think that it would excite existing players and bring new ones. We spend a lot of time and money playing, so funding and support shouldn't be an issue.

08-05-2012, 05:50 PM
Very well balance suggestion that balance "lottery winning" luck & "hard working" grind! For sure if I do not get the bats after weeks of farming, I can look for the Fangs Fairy to upgrade some items in reward for the time spent!

Well thought out Takezaki.

sun light
08-06-2012, 09:18 AM
just saying..
Cara said that the chances is equal for all players.

08-06-2012, 10:15 AM
Guild Activities. In Game Pvp Competitions. Scavenger Hunts. Theres Lots To Promote Activity.

08-06-2012, 10:27 AM
Ya posted this after u got gamers, right?

08-06-2012, 10:37 AM
Very interesting read, and a good idea. It may be possible to do something like this in the future, and I will mention it to some other people. In the meantime there is some cool new content that is in development that should spruce up the world a bit. I'm going to see what I can do in terms of getting support for such an idea. Can't make any promises, but i like the way it sounds!

08-06-2012, 10:43 AM
Only potential problem with the fangs idea is that they would have to have 0 "weight". Else, people will be forced to buy inv slots (sorry STS). Maybe a quest that you could take. After completing the quest (say 500 fangs or whatever) you get one chip or whatever it would be. Then THOSE are used.

08-06-2012, 11:05 AM
Only potential problem with the fangs idea is that they would have to have 0 "weight". Else, people will be forced to buy inv slots (sorry STS). Maybe a quest that you could take. After completing the quest (say 500 fangs or whatever) you get one chip or whatever it would be. Then THOSE are used.

not fangs (werwolf fangs or claws) but human/werwolf hearts XD love the idea for farmers :P like egg bustin in SL event. turn on or off the event/mission so text isn't always hogging up the screen.

08-06-2012, 11:24 AM
the fangs basically constitutes a secondary currency and would be in line with the idea I was sharing previously about a means to purchase certain loot from a new vendor or some such. This of course is not an original idea, but an idea that would benefit the game.

08-06-2012, 11:30 AM
the fangs basically constitutes a secondary currency

ahhh, sorry, no coffee and little sleep = rambling

hummm....like a gold transfer system could help this too. like 10k gold = 10 fangs
so leaving the gold/xp as is and how its obtained could be nice.

08-06-2012, 11:48 AM
ahhh, sorry, no coffee and little sleep = rambling

hummm....like a gold transfer system could help this too. like 10k gold = 10 fangs
so leaving the gold/xp as is and how its obtained could be nice.

Have to be careful with this because in DL you can buy gold for real money. That means players can effectively pay real money to get the loot that others are farming, which creates a 100% pay to win scenario! There are talks off adding some means to have a secondary currency, but when and if that comes to fruition it will not be purchasable with gold I'm afraid.

08-06-2012, 11:53 AM
Know what i want to happen something to the monsters im tired o seeing them so ugly y cant we fight something bigger stronger and real cool looking even the bosses all look the same to me >.<!

08-06-2012, 12:05 PM
Have to be careful with this because in DL you can buy gold for real money. That means players can effectively pay real money to get the loot that others are farming, which creates a 100% pay to win scenario! There are talks off adding some means to have a secondary currency, but when and if that comes to fruition it will not be purchasable with gold I'm afraid.

well, im glad thats outta the way lol...now this looks like a true farming method.

so to not have a pay to win scenario, will elixers work since you can also buy them with plat/gold?

08-12-2012, 02:31 PM

08-13-2012, 12:18 AM
Lol u bumped this thread.

Make them dropable and buyable via plat. Those that dont have time can buy em, amd those that dont have money can farm em ... win-win for sts!

08-13-2012, 04:12 AM
Why is it funny that I bumped this thread? I want to discuss the matter with other players.

08-13-2012, 07:34 AM
Lol u bumped this thread.

Make them dropable and buyable via plat. Those that dont have time can buy em, amd those that dont have money can farm em ... win-win for sts!

Not a win for farmers and merchants.

08-13-2012, 07:44 AM
No such thing as a win farming is useless. 50k kills no gamer top they can drop to a noob 1 run? There needs to be some mechanics.

08-13-2012, 07:54 AM
No such thing as a win farming is useless. 50k kills no gamer top they can drop to a noob 1 run? There needs to be some mechanics.

Not arguing with that. But offering plat items that are the same is not a solution.

I think that if they made the vanity drops level tiered it would help subside some of the anger.

For example:

Elite vanity only drop to >= cap. (for example lv 25 right now)
Normal vanity only drop to >= previous cap.
Common vanity drops to everyone.

They should still be able to equip on any level.