View Full Version : What is your favorite Sport Brand?

08-05-2012, 01:23 PM
What is your favorite Sport Brand(s)? We all have that one or two sport brand that we like above all others!

I would definitely have to go with Nike. They have always made shoes, shirts and shorts and all other stuff that catches my eye quicker than others! And everytime they come out with another type of one thing, like a shoe, it's always improved in some way! Like I had some really light shoes made by Nike, and they were lighter than all my other shoes had been, but I must recently got some new Nike shoes that are a lot lighter( 4 ounces each shoes!) and also the color and design looks amazing to me!

What's your favorite?

And the shoe I got is the: Nike Free 4.0 V2


08-05-2012, 02:42 PM
Just Do It- Nike all the way!

08-05-2012, 03:03 PM
Nike! Adidas!

08-05-2012, 03:20 PM
I love NIKE. It's expensive though...

08-05-2012, 03:24 PM
Adidas, Nike doesn't do well in soccer :P lol

08-05-2012, 03:26 PM
Nike or UnderArmour

08-05-2012, 04:05 PM
Adidas, Nike doesn't do well in soccer :P lol
They actually do VERY well in soccer, I play myself and have the mainly white with grey and neon green mercurials! LOVE THEM!

Seems like Nike is more famous with my IG friends than I thought!;)

08-05-2012, 07:02 PM
Nike all the way! Adidas for sport shoes. They are really improving their basketball and football shoes. Kudos to them. They currently have the lightest shoes in basketball, soccer, and football. For running definitely Nike!

08-05-2012, 07:10 PM
Adidas all day! Im also a soccer player and I love my F50s

08-05-2012, 07:13 PM
I'll play...

I primarily wear NIKE clothing and shoes. I have a ton of LIVESTRONG material as I try to pump as much money as I can into this fight against cancer. All of my cycling gear is also NIKE.

When it comes to running, Brooks or NewBalance are my shoes of choice. I wear different brands depending on my running surface.

08-05-2012, 07:56 PM
Nike, osiris, DC, fila, emerica amd vans those are my brands :)) Most are skate brands lol and oh addidas tol xD

Sent using spray paint from a "can"

08-06-2012, 10:07 AM
Looks like most of us are users of NIKE and Adidas! Looks like they are doing things right!:)

08-06-2012, 10:12 AM
Nike ftw. Taylormade (adidas) for golf.

08-06-2012, 10:17 AM
I really like Nike and Under Armor. Top two rands for me.:)

08-06-2012, 10:34 AM
I'll make sure to check them out! I'm not very fond of UA shoes because they look really.. Bulky, is what I would say!

08-06-2012, 10:37 AM

annnnnd the nerdy one


Had to crank up the brightness after the fact because I turned the flash off for the picture...my Bauer gear is all outside/in my car/in the basement and I refuse to go look for it.


08-06-2012, 10:38 AM
Wow, what MLG game do you play?

08-06-2012, 10:42 AM
Tantum fac id! XD just do it in latin haha Id have to say Nike Adidas and Underarmor are my top 3.

08-06-2012, 10:42 AM
Wow, what MLG game do you play?

Used to play COD4 on the circuit...didn't have time anymore.
Did tournaments for MW2...never did the circuit/didn't get sponsored or signed.
MW3 sucks.

I'm pretty freakin good at Battlefield 3 but I don't even know if there's a professional ladder for that.

08-06-2012, 10:59 AM
MW2 has to be my favorite, but I think MW3 is the most fun because I don't own it and I'm pretty bad at it! Well kinda good, but Kill Comfirmed is fun!!!!

08-06-2012, 11:09 AM
MW2 has to be my favorite, but I think MW3 is the most fun because I don't own it and I'm pretty bad at it! Well kinda good, but Kill Comfirmed is fun!!!!

MW3 is by far the worst of the 3...it's made for little kids and dumbed down so they don't cry because they can't get kills. Ruined the entire COD series for me.