View Full Version : A dimmer!

09-15-2022, 11:01 AM
I don't know if it would be possible but imagine a tab in options call "Effect Opacity"

We would see all active effect we have at that moment and a "Dimmer Slider" that can control the
Opacity/Transparency from 100% to let say 5%? we would be able to control all visual effect including:
Aura, Speed set, set effect elixir etc!

I know many would love to be able to control all those visual effect!!! :D

09-15-2022, 12:48 PM
Sorry, this won't happen.


09-15-2022, 02:44 PM
Sorry, this won't happen.


Thank you for this fast answer Sir!

But one of the main reason i ask this is the terrible visual effect of the speed set! can we have a way to turn it off maybe? or have some
alternate more sober and less glittery visual? (been years that it is always the same effect on speed set, maybe time to change it?)

thank you!

09-15-2022, 04:32 PM
Yes, hiding set auras is on the list of things to do.