View Full Version : How to farm gold in Elite Sunken?

09-19-2022, 11:02 AM
Hello (I'm sorcerer),
I want to buy gold loot set soon and start farming gold in elite sunken, but I completely don't know how to farm gold here.
What gear do I need here, what awaks do I need, what pets do I need, when should I switch my gear/pets etc. I just need a whole tutorial how to start farming gold in Elite Sunken.
Please help c:

09-19-2022, 11:24 AM
For a perfect farming set you need quite a lot.

Aqua is most important, then smugg gun to clean mobs and minis. Mythic set for more damage. Speed set and full ms awakes to make.it faster. Plus your gold loot set.

Pets: Pets with different gl passives, arc redd HB, any haste or dmg boost AA

Mages clean mobs and minis. Run into the room and place clock in front or in the room (as tank prefers). Hit fireball and then switch to smugg and spam basic attack. Switch to gl a sec before it dies - make it close. Open chests by clicking on it. Then next room.

Clear mobs before way on boss or at the bossroom itself (as war prefers) then hit boss few times, press AA and switch to gl - dont make it close. Good wars should kill it in a few secs.

You can also search gold loot farming videos of nexpl or spectral om youtube if that helps.