View Full Version : Feedback: Should guild officers be allowed to adjust the guild hall layout?

09-23-2022, 11:02 AM
Any changes to permissions would be another rank and I don't want to add any more ranks. The change would be any guild officer can modify the furnishings in a guild hall.

If you're a guild master and you don't want the guild hall modified, you would tell your officers not to modify the guild hall.



09-23-2022, 11:48 AM

It would give more hands to the GM in decorating/designing without having to pass the GM position which, in rare ocassions be risky.

Another approach would be the GM can select which officers can decorate by giving them the authority (perhaps by toggling a box somewhere)

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09-23-2022, 12:08 PM
not all is good officer specially in new guild that they can easily crashed the design of guild hall then leave guild,
better if have new rank for building gh, so only few can re design gh.
because imagine if you have 30+ officer that can make them all allowed to re design the gh.

09-23-2022, 12:16 PM
I think this is ok as long as the guild hall layouts are saved client side so incase 1 guy does betray their guild all the master has to do is place said layout even if something is missing it will let you know but it will still place the layout without the missing items.

09-23-2022, 12:27 PM
I think this is ok as long as the guild hall layouts are saved client side so incase 1 guy does betray their guild all the master has to do is place said layout even if something is missing it will let you know but it will still place the layout without the missing items.If an officer decides to betray the guild, the guild will no longer exist xD

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09-23-2022, 12:28 PM
not all is good officer specially in new guild that they can easily crashed the design of guild hall then leave guild,
better if have new rank for building gh, so only few can re design gh.
because imagine if you have 30+ officer that can make them all allowed to re design the gh.Then the GM shouldn't have promoted them to officers

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09-23-2022, 12:45 PM
Have the GM decide which officers can edit gh.

09-23-2022, 12:59 PM
If an officer decides to betray the guild, the guild will no longer exist xD

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Had some betray in the past, its rare for a guild nuke to happen but when it does the guild can easily be recovered by contacting support and I think the nuker gets banned.

09-23-2022, 02:33 PM
+1 and make an option for guildmaster to disable or enable the function

09-23-2022, 04:39 PM
It's either all officers can edit the guild hall or nothing. I already explained why in the original post.


09-23-2022, 04:41 PM
Yes allow!!

09-23-2022, 05:28 PM
+1 Yeah I like that.

..and to expand upon what encryptions said; it’ll be nice if guild loadouts have a master loadout that’s inaccessible by officers.

I may be wrong but it’s just as simple as removing the sell button for favourited items?

To those who don’t know: House/guild editing can be VERY time consuming when trying to place furniture pixel perfect, so adding this master loadout thing would be I’m sure appreciated a lot by every leader.

09-23-2022, 05:46 PM
Would there be a log like the guild invite log but for who edited the GH? It doesn't have to be a complicated list just the person and number of items or time

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09-23-2022, 06:53 PM
yes, if a guild master couldn't control their officers then what's the point, this will force guild masters to be even more careful with who they pick as officers and it'll make some guilds way more efficient.

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09-23-2022, 09:26 PM
As mentioned by Boingon already it would be preferred to be able to select which officers would be able to do it or not.

If you have a guild long enough you will have officers around for years which yeah you could just as easily pass them the GM title at times too without having any concerns.

Great as having that level of trust is of course it is something that helps get formed with the addition of time.

I'm sure there are quite a few that can agree that even within Officer ranks you have hierarchies and there isn't anything wrong with that especially if someone has recently been promoted up. Some people naturally make good officers and some grow into that position so makes sense to not hand every bit of power over until fill fully comfortable with particular tasks.

But anyways would rather vote for letting the GM decide but if it's a choice that can only be made between all or none then I would throw my vote to let them all have the ability.

However, can we check that at least only the Guild Master would have access to the load outs at least ? or not be able to save over a loadout unless the player is the one that saved the original.

If sake of argument as a GM I've woken up the next day and an officer redesigned everything and a lot of people dislike the design, I could still load a saved load out knowing that at least it wasn't saved over with the design no one liked?

Side note... How about including how long a character has also been in the guild since the time they joined viewabe for everyone via guild list?

Food for thought XD

1 <3

09-24-2022, 02:22 AM
However, can we check that at least only the Guild Master would have access to the load outs at least ? or not be able to save over a loadout unless the player is the one that saved the original.

1 <3

there it is boys there it is

09-24-2022, 03:21 AM
id say better then passing gm

if anything is better then doing that

09-24-2022, 04:40 AM
Officially, officers practically have no function. They can only kick people out of the guild. So they are supposed to be trustworthy people.
Giving them some extra chores doesn't seem like a bad thing to me.

09-24-2022, 05:27 AM
Yeah definitely better this addition than none at all
Thank you

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09-24-2022, 09:46 AM
Why did you add an option to vote that says “ignore my vote”?!
Ofc ppl are choosing that x.X

Anyway +1

09-24-2022, 12:42 PM
Another approach would be the GM can select which officers can decorate by giving them the authority (perhaps by toggling a box somewhere)

Agreed, 100%.

09-24-2022, 06:51 PM
Yes periodt.

09-24-2022, 07:00 PM
Since, guild master is the one who creator of the guild, gm should be the one who decide all the design of it but the officers still can suggest their opinions to gm. if it allow for officers to design the guild hall, it will cause disagreement between them which might lead to chaos in guild. no need to taking a risk of it

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09-24-2022, 07:05 PM
+1 and make an option for guildmaster to disable or enable the function+1 this better

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10-26-2022, 10:22 AM
Make it to where officers cannot save or affect loadouts that way they can adjust the build and leave suggestions, ect

10-26-2022, 11:11 AM
allow officers to edit option , turn on officer can edit current build , turn off officer can not edit