View Full Version : Quick follow up.

08-07-2012, 12:49 PM
In making this thread i would like many to know, I'm not the best, nor will i ever be the best at pvp. I am simply someone who "cleans the mess up" after the war is over and the last man standing strongly believe he is the best, and he so happens to have beat kids 5-10 levels lower. Take this thread as you will, I'm only doing it cause i feel <insert name here> should try to be more friendly and less arrogant.

As many know <insert name here> made a thread about pvping people who were in the range of ooooh 56-61 and calling it a "feat" so to speak.
I ran into <insert name here> in a ctf game, again, spawning the lower levels. I then turned to rushing. Now it would have been nice to have had screen shots, sadly im on android and my phone doesn't quite have the software for the new screen shotting ive heard of. So for the sake of having to listen to "ooooh those scores were a lie", i will just not post any, or even say i won because i dont want to listen to it.

Why did i make this thread?

Well let's start with the topic humility.
What is humility?
Humility- the quality or condition of being humble; modest opinion or estimate of one's own importance, rank, etc.
With <insert name here>'s thread, he made an attempt to humiliate the people he was "farming" by posting that he had 100+ kills by sitting in the spawn. So, i decided i was going to make an attempt all my own. By beating the so called "best", does that make me better than the "best"? Thus putting the "best" at bay. While i cannot quote that he was calling himself the "best" i can only assume from his attitude and personality that he was trying to portray himself as the"best".

I have a quote here. Let's read this quote
"Ancient societies had anthropomorphic gods: a huge pantheon expanding into centuries of dynastic drama; fathers and sons, martyred heroes, star-crossed lovers, the deaths of kings - stories that taught us of the danger of hubris and the primacy of humility."
-Tom Hiddleston
What do i take from this quote? I take that no matter what hierarchy you are in life, humility is going to get you somehow. No matter who you are and no matter what you do. And correct me if im wrong.

If you read nothing else from this thread i want you to keep in mind the idea of humility. Trying to humiliate someone is like trying to take the manhood out of a guy. It's just not right. I do not recommend trying to humiliate some, for it can be very hurtful. And to those who have the tough skin congrats to you. Be glad you have it, there are lots of people who will try to put you in a spot below them to try and have superiority and make you think your the lesser of the two.

08-07-2012, 12:58 PM
Seeing as how you posted this thread, I'm gonna take a guess that someone got spanked and rage quit. And I'm betting it wasn't you. :)

08-07-2012, 01:01 PM
My aim isn't to rage, simply to show that being to cocky is a bad thing. Meanwhile he probably knew he couldn't handle his level, I wanted to help prove that he couldnt so put the icing on the cake.
Now that I think about it, EVERYONE knows <insert name here> couldn't handle it.

08-07-2012, 02:09 PM
My aim isn't to rage, simply to show that being to cocky is a bad thing. Meanwhile he probably knew he couldn't handle his level, I wanted to help prove that he couldnt so put the icing on the cake.
Now that I think about it, EVERYONE knows <insert name here> couldn't handle it.

I took from Live's thread that he couldn't handle his own level. Like a few other people on here, they should just be ignored. I read the thread, thought to myself "what a moron", hit back, and never returned.

08-07-2012, 02:42 PM
When playing a game dominated by adolescents and teenagers, bragging and arguing will always exist. Even some of the adults act this way. Too many take pvp as it is their paid profession and not a game. Sad.

08-07-2012, 02:45 PM
When playing a game dominated by adolescents and teenagers, bragging and arguing will always exist. Even some of the adults act this way. Too many take pvp as it is their paid profession and not a game. Sad.


08-07-2012, 03:28 PM
Sorry... double post.

08-08-2012, 07:24 AM
Wait for school to start lol. I notice the older pvpers are a lot less rushy and a lot more mature during pvp, now I'm not saying all. @zhe I did the same thing lol. Tbh idc about my kdr I still have fun pvpin, but when it comes to 4-3-or 2vs1 I say uncalled for. Unless of course it's a rusher I notice they get teamed almost ASAP if you have a good team