View Full Version : Different Color for Your Own Procs

09-26-2022, 08:29 PM

This may have been mentioned couple times before but I am not sure.

It would be cool to see a different color on procs if you were the one to proc them.

For example:

Hyperos has a Blue Snowflake when you proc it. But if multiple Mages are using Hyperos, you won't exactly know whose proc it was that activated.

It would be nice if other player's proc were different in color (red or purple maybe)

Your allies' Hyperos' snowflake would appear red to you while your own would appear blue.

Your allies' neptaris' eels would be red in color while your own would be green.

Another Suggestion: Make Hyperos and Neptaris prioritize marked targets on hits.

Your allies pisces' proc would appear red to you while your own would appear green.


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09-26-2022, 09:15 PM
I tried this (blue circles? anyone?) and players didn't like it. Hud icon is probably the best thing to do at this point. Maybe future weapons will have your proc identified somehow.


09-26-2022, 11:32 PM
I tried this (blue circles? anyone?) and players didn't like it. Hud icon is probably the best thing to do at this point. Maybe future weapons will have your proc identified somehow.

-ALSI am not sure what you mean about the blue circles. I can currently see circles under the enemy if I am mark them with Hyperos for example. But it's very hard to notice with all the clutter of mobs and particles on the screen.

My suggestion was to change the actual color of the proc for everyone else but yourself. Think the Big Snowflake Explosion that happens when you mark someone with Hyperos. It is currently Blue for yourself and everyone else.

Would be nice if it was BLUE for ONLY YOU. And a DIFFERENT COLOR for everyone else (Red/Purple for example)

This way, both your allies and you yourself will be able to tell if it was you who did the proc or someone else.

EDIT: HUD Icons won't work for weapons like Hyperos and Neptaris.

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Skeleton Mike
09-27-2022, 06:36 AM
+1 I support any way to better distinguish the user's proc from others. But I see a problem with this, invasive auras would still make it hard to see things and there are plenty of those in modern AL.

09-27-2022, 07:49 AM
I think icon is better, it's already colourful enough with all those pets aa and aura. Well maybe the icon should be moved to a place more visible to our eyes.
I suggest when the weapon procs, the attack button(the button we use to do basic and charged attack) glows so people will know it easily.

09-27-2022, 11:45 AM
I think icon is better, it's already colourful enough with all those pets aa and aura. Well maybe the icon should be moved to a place more visible to our eyes.
I suggest when the weapon procs, the attack button(the button we use to do basic and charged attack) glows so people will know it easily.Icon doesn't work for Procs like Hyperos, Marianos, and Neptaris.

You can currently already see the procs, but the problem is distinguishing between your own Proc or Allies.

The HUD icon won't change much when it comes to these weapons. The HUD icons are useful for self-buff procs (Aquaris, Pisces, Doz Axe, etc)

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09-27-2022, 04:04 PM
ok I understand the scenario now. Suppose there is 2 mobs and 2 warrior with neptaris. Each warrior proc on a different mob. But they can't distinguish which mob their proc hit.

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