View Full Version : User friendly elixer apply feature

09-29-2022, 12:47 PM
How about an extra button for each elixer from the mini elixer tab
That let's u use the same elixers that you have in your inventory from the elixer tab
. Will save people from opening up inv searching for elixers and pooping em on before boss kills and such . Basically improve game .

Yours truly ,
Happydino .

Skeleton Mike
09-29-2022, 08:22 PM
+1 This could be a very useful shortcut, the pet rescue event gave us so many elixirs and you also get plenty from the electrum elite runner chests if you farm sunken a lot.

09-30-2022, 09:19 AM
Is this just a shortcut for more hotbars and/or hotbar slots?


09-30-2022, 10:59 AM
Is this just a shortcut for more hotbars and/or hotbar slots?

-ALSUsing 8hotbars for gears , that shortcut would be nice

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09-30-2022, 11:13 AM
I'm not sure how I would know what to put in those elixir slots (and if I allowed you to assign, may as well add another hotbar which we said we weren't going to do).

Currently those elixirs are unique and specific to purchasing from the HUD so we can track HUD elixir usage.


09-30-2022, 11:39 AM
Basically if we have the kit equivalent of the HuD Elixirs it would overlay the option to Purchase with Gold since we have tons of these now(HuD Elixirs, or at least they take the spot of them).

When elixirs are low it can be hard to tell what they are which leads you to a guessing game of which to open. I would say it is a QoL update, some leaderboard players would appreciate it.

Unless you plan on not dropping these anymore(15%Armor , 25% Damage, 25%Luck HuD elixir kits.)

09-30-2022, 01:52 PM
Is this just a shortcut for more hotbars and/or hotbar slots?


ok so what i mean by this is ... when we tap the elixer meny right .. we can only purcase them or view how much time is left . which to be honest i personnaly always buy from auc cus hub prices are OMG ... that aside .. it would be cool if i already have the same elixers lets say 25%luck elixers that i either looted or baught in bulk from another player through auc . then i can just open the elixer menu and have a bouton that shows the no . of those 25%elixers that i have in my inventory . that way i wont have to open my inventory and scroll through to find the same elixers in mid run . i think this will improve the player experiance by a mile . and plus for the pro players out there they wont have to slot elixers so the rising demand for more hotbar slots as you mentioned asommers . that will be delt with aswell . so it will be like hitting 2 targets with one arrow

09-30-2022, 02:24 PM
it's basically a hotbar with fixed item in place, I don't think they will do it

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09-30-2022, 02:27 PM
it's basically a hotbar with fixed item in place, I don't think they will do it

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yes ty for simplifying it . but i think if they bring this the elixer shortcut it will make game smoother for farmers

09-30-2022, 04:10 PM
I'm not sure how I would know what to put in those elixir slots (and if I allowed you to assign, may as well add another hotbar which we said we weren't going to do).

Currently those elixirs are unique and specific to purchasing from the HUD so we can track HUD elixir usage.

-ALSBecause we have plenty of the same HUD elixirs in our inventory, as they can drop from crates and event bosses/chests.

The OP is suggesting that on the elixir HUD, there should be another button to use that type of elixir that we already have in our inventory instead of always purchasing it for gold.

Off topic, a 3rd hotbar would be helpful. I suggested in another thread that this 3rd row of hotbars be toggled on and off for the players who need more than 8 hotbars. I personally would not care for a 3rd hotbar cluttering my screen since i made the choice to toggle it on and to use it for more functionality and efficiency in runs.

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10-01-2022, 04:56 PM
how about this ... the elixer menu has two buttons .......OWNED and SHOP ...... in the owned section it show us all elixers we have :)

10-01-2022, 05:17 PM
Just use your hotbars for the elixirs when you're running whatever map you are then switch it back when youre doing something else. Or just add a 3rd row of hotbars like someone else suggested. We can change the size/visual of our hotbars so we can choose and decide ourselves if it'll be cluttered or not

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10-02-2022, 06:20 PM

here bro....

10-02-2022, 11:38 PM
A single button isn't going to cut it. We have many elixir variations by percentage, duration, source, and combinations. Only way I could see this working would be to create an elixir browser that would let you choose from elixirs in your inventory by category when you hit the elixir button. Combo elixirs would be listed in whatever categories they affect. Alternatively, we could create new elixirs that work from the hud only so a single button would suffice, but then I'd have complaints about not being able to use any elixir.

Unfortunately, this is more work than I'd want to dedicate to it.


10-03-2022, 11:05 AM
A single button isn't going to cut it. We have many elixir variations by percentage, duration, source, and combinations. Only way I could see this working would be to create an elixir browser that would let you choose from elixirs in your inventory by category when you hit the elixir button. Combo elixirs would be listed in whatever categories they affect. Alternatively, we could create new elixirs that work from the hud only so a single button would suffice, but then I'd have complaints about not being able to use any elixir.

Unfortunately, this is more work than I'd want to dedicate to it.


ty for thinking about it sir . btw do keep it in mind if some op idea comes to mind in future plz do it :) i know ur skilled at making things like these happen @ausommers .we have faith in your skill