View Full Version : I had this sick ideea and decided to write it down. "Funny"

10-04-2022, 08:03 AM
In most modern mmos the role you play is not bound to your gender or race and based on this fact I was thinking if would be there a way to make AL race and gender unlocked without making it impossible.

What if from now on, the classes will just represent the skill trees, and we could see female witch , warrior smurf, male assasin or any combination between the 3 classic characters and any of the available role. The game has already shifted from the holy trinity with all those new items that have similar overpowered procs in terms of dps.
I think it will require a bit of work but it is something def. possible. It will require some work on the characters animation to add the following possible combinations:

6 tipe of weapon postures for each class (sword&shield, one handed maul/greataxe/sword, staff, gun, bow, daggers)
Re-purposing and renaming the weapons/cosmetics based on the class, not race/gender. Ex: Maul could be warn by a smurf warrior, female warrior, male warriror.
Adjusting the UI/UX/HUD to accomodate the changes.
Tunning the skill effects/animations to fit all the races/gender.
The icons of some items should be updated with a general look.

Let's talk!

Corviss the Lich
10-04-2022, 09:15 AM
Bro, that's a whole different game if you're making those changes, especially the vanities.

but still great idea :)

Skeleton Mike
10-04-2022, 10:53 AM
Have to admit the idea of a smurf spinning with a massive hammer sounds hilarious