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View Full Version : Boss images don't move

10-14-2022, 12:44 AM
Some boss images used to make specific moves e.g. Ursoth scratched his butt, Misshapen swinged swords, etc.

I don't know when that happened but now they don't do those moves anymore which is a bummer.

Can we have Boogie image boss making his dance moves please? It is plat exclusive boss image after all so it gotta be cool.

Also not directly related to this but can we have Boogie's dancefloor available in furnishings please? It would be awesome to have both the dancefloor and Boogie.

Thank you!

10-14-2022, 09:53 AM
Added Dance Club Floor to the list of furnishings for the next server (content) update.

I'll get the animations readded to the monster displays, but this was in preparation for making them interactive (where you can turn them on/off). This may or may not make the next server (content) update, watch the patch notes.


10-14-2022, 12:04 PM
Awesome! Thank you very much!