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View Full Version : Red tribute & contest of sorts

08-10-2012, 09:52 PM
Good evening Nation!


So let's just cut to the chase, Alterra reciently saw the retirement of an incredible individual (RedRyder), which is only a loss to those of us who rarely venture into the blood soaked realms of ...
-(pst what's it called Jimmy? Carnavalia, carnival, cert de sole...) *mutters* "karnavlhrmna"! Right! Anyway, Alterra lost a legend and the nation wanted to pay respects to an original.*
How to honor, you ask? Let's get to the heart of the man, that takes art, man!

Lets hold a humble contest, but not what you'd expect. Let's have an art contest where the goal isn't to try to compete with accual artistic skill, but instead, herp a collective derp, and aim for producing something which contrasts the man/myth/legend. Essentially, a contest. Who can make the funniest crudely drawn picture wins! There are several free apps that let you scrawl, use any. Heck, post a cruddy hand drawn whatever. Nearly anything might win, be funny!


*audience member yells "what's the prize?"*
Deadline for entries, you ask? How long does a crude drawing take? Let me close my eyes and stab randomly at my callendar. let's say two weeks from today.*
*audience yells "prize?"*
Restrictions, you say? None just follow the tos..
(looks around) well,*
Ok, the Nation has a leader (me, DR. Proff. Coyboy, superhero, president, Cobear) but, who is the vice prez?!*
Could be you if you win! I of course will judge, but let me admit I will be swayed by who ever recieves the popular vote that is the thanks button. I am democracy after all.*
Here's my examples. I was thinking of those types of threads that will allways come back from the grave..


No, not crude enough..


Thas moar crewd, but...


There you go. *Maor bester! The winner may win an unprecedented position as vice president/minister of affairs/princess of the Cobear Nation! Have fun post teh funny and brohoof a legend!


*note- Red's word may alter any part of this thread at his will*

08-11-2012, 08:01 PM
Haha I didn't even notice this!

*logs onto pl to see how much gold I have left*

I'll donate 253,989 G to the prize :p

08-11-2012, 10:11 PM
Does it really have to be crude? O.o

08-11-2012, 10:18 PM
Does it really have to be crude? O.o

Isn't that what the forums are nowadays? o.O

08-12-2012, 03:45 PM
Like I said Red can change any part of this at will, I'd he'd like to make it rain, far be it from me to disagree. I however don't know if I can bring myself to take money from the man of the hour himself. If I did I could probably try to find some way to get it back somehow :)
Thanks Red, you sir are "the Alpha dog of the week"
@ PK no it doesn't have to be anything other than funny
@ Crim, I'd like to hire you as a staff writer ;)

08-13-2012, 09:08 PM
im sorry i dont have time to read this all my eyes hurt already

08-13-2012, 09:14 PM
Like I said Red can change any part of this at will, I'd he'd like to make it rain, far be it from me to disagree. I however don't know if I can bring myself to take money from the man of the hour himself. If I did I could probably try to find some way to get it back somehow :)
Thanks Red, you sir are "the Alpha dog of the week"
@ PK no it doesn't have to be anything other than funny
@ Crim, I'd like to hire you as a staff writer ;)

Not sure if I am the man for the job. I am not fluent in flaming, trolling, or whining. Those seem to be the prerequisites for the forums here lately. :)

Besides, as a bear, I need to be paid in large amounts of salmon and unsuspecting campers.

08-13-2012, 11:05 PM
Not sure if I am the man for the job. I am not fluent in flaming, trolling, or whining. Those seem to be the prerequisites for the forums here lately. :)

Besides, as a bear, I need to be paid in large amounts of salmon and unsuspecting campers.
You are fluent in humor though :O

@stephen ok then :p