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View Full Version : Bug in auction terminal

08-12-2012, 12:16 PM
Okay if you guys has observed i am unable to rotate my character 360° in auction when i wanna preview.

Secondly i use to see +xp on top whenever i kill a monster. But nowdays its gone. Its not abt me hunting in a low level or i have disable xp gain but its something different....

Please check....

Sent from my Galaxy Note.

08-12-2012, 01:28 PM
1. Yes i think it's a bug too. Happened to me many times before.

2. What level are you? 40? If so, you really won't be able to track every xp for a kill.
You ask why? ill tell you, Because you need a lot of xp to cap, so 1 xp per kill over 28k xp does not show that much of a difference in your xp bar.
Does that make sense to ya?

08-12-2012, 02:52 PM
You ask why? ill tell you, Because you need a lot of xp to cap, so 1 xp per kill over 28k xp does not show that much of a difference in your xp bar.
Does that make sense to ya?

It might make sense if that was what he was talking about.

1. There is a very small area right below your feet in the preview that you can rotate with. It's difficult to hit and doesn't work the best, but it's there.

2. Update removed the xp popup over your head, just like the damage popups. Just another instance of the slow conversion to crappy DL ui. I personally hate it, too.

NOTE TO READER: The above post should most likely be read in a sarcastic tone.

08-12-2012, 03:44 PM
I agree with Death. It is a bad change.

08-12-2012, 08:08 PM
It might make sense if that was what he was talking about.

1. There is a very small area right below your feet in the preview that you can rotate with. It's difficult to hit and doesn't work the best, but it's there.

2. Update removed the xp popup over your head, just like the damage popups. Just another instance of the slow conversion to crappy DL ui. I personally hate it, too.

NOTE TO READER: The above post should most likely be read in a sarcastic tone.

Well really???...

I will check abt the small area to rotate.. Btw earlier we can rotate the character bt touching on it and scrolling...

Also if update removed damage and xp gain popup then i gues none of you will see it rite? So any1 confirm that its been disabled? It is there in pl now. And @pain i had clearified earlier that its not the problem of levels i cnt see it in voleria,hive or savant too...

Sent from my Galaxy Note.

08-13-2012, 01:19 AM
I just confirmed it. No one has the popups.

Sent from my Nexus 7

08-20-2012, 05:23 PM
I use chef hat to rotate it xD its really old bug but doesnt matter because im used to it

08-20-2012, 07:48 PM
I use chef hat to rotate it xD its really old bug but doesnt matter because im used to it
My area of rotation is around the neck. But at the same time I rotate...the buttons behind me get pressed throwing me off while searching for items...