View Full Version : Some Event Feedback

10-29-2022, 12:03 PM
As we get closer to the end of the Halloween event, I wanted to give my evaluation, thoughts, and feedback on the event. After playing through all 3 weeks, I can confidently say that this is one of the halloween events of all time. It was alright, but not much really stood out to me, except for the weekly reset and crafting white ghost vanities. I think the weekly reset is interesting and it can make events feel more dynamic if expanded upon. It was pretty mild this event, but I can see it working in winter event, with a different brood each week. It was kinda cool farming for all of the colors of the ghost vanity to combine them into 1 super vanity. Tier rewards definitely could’ve been better, especially plat tier since the previous tiers were more rewarding. It would’ve been better if it was 1 massive lock instead of 3 normal ones. You wouldn’t be able to open all 3 with the amount of crate keys given. You could sell them, but they’re extremely cheap in auction. Something that I would like to see for the next tiered event is for every plat tier you reach each week, you get an ingredient. When you get the ingredient for all weeks you can craft a special vanity. This is to reward those that have managed to reach plat tier on all weeks of the event.

While we are on the topic of locks, the rng is a reoccuuring and frustrating issue that has lingered with locks for years and is what discourages players from opening them. If you spend 1700-3400 platinum and you don’t get an arcane item that is a problem. I understand that money needs to be made, but that is a really big investment for 1 item and that must be respected. Mythics are really cheap now. I don’t remember if they are lootable in elite zodias, but if they are not, put them in the loot pool, or rework how the guaranteed loot system works. Something like every 100 pulls you get an ingredient. 1 of this ingredient allows you to craft a mythic chest, and 3 for an arcane chest or a heroic chest.

Some smaller issues was that candy bars felt like they weren’t dropping enough and greater chests had no interesting loot outside of gold and energy. Boogie and Olgiarch didn’t have much to set them apart, except for the gold and one was faster to finish. It would be pretty fitting if Boogie dropped a random currency, given his sporadic nature.

-Weekly reset is interesting and has potential
-Crafting white ghost vanity was cool
-Plat tier rewards could be designed better
-Guaranteed loot system from locks needs to change
-Crafting for multiple guaranteed lock loot and plat tiers
-Need more differentiation between Boogie and Oligarch loot
-Good gold amount from Oligarch
-Not enough candy bars
-Nothing good from greater chests