View Full Version : High-End Gear Availability

11-06-2022, 02:00 PM
It's been kinda frustrating with how high-end gear availability is. It's always really fun and exciting to try new pieces of gear, but it really sucks that we have to wait months just for those new pieces of gear to drop down to a fairly reasonable price. Of course I'm not saying that arcane/mythic gear should be given out like candy, but I just don't think it is fun going through this cycle of constantly waiting on top of waiting. There is a place for crazy rare items, but I'd prefer if that stays on cosmetics and emphasized a bit less on gear.

Corviss the Lich
11-06-2022, 05:21 PM
I really dislike the idea of putting new gears behind the paywall. Although it may seem beneficial for devs but not for many of us, I think they should add more Unlocked Crates for a cost of Event Tokens in more future events.