View Full Version : feedback about savant from a star legends fan...

Iron Hand
08-15-2012, 12:02 AM
Let me start by saying i mean this in the most sincere way i am a big fan of sts games especially star legends. Having said this the last update i have found it to be underwhelming compared to previous updates and has left me disappointed as perhaps maybe i was expecting too much.

I felt this was a great chance to see a continuation of the great works the development team put into voleria missions. I was looking forward to the littlle cut screen of a shuttle appoarching the savant, an apparent dead ship since it is not responding to our communications and on apporch all scans show systems off line and not functioning. As we get closer there appears to be damage to the hull on the port side with debris floating near by. Also was expecting to see a storyline that led us to the savant asking how and why the scorn here and then by the end of the last map would leave us in suspense and craving the next great chapter scorn act ii.

Much to my surprise when savant maps became available no cut screens no real story line that led us to ask why did scorn want savant and what did this have to do with scorn act ii. The last boss nameless and no cutscreens for it as well no storyline when it dies just a return to base button appears. Not even a victorious cutscreen. Okay honestly i was still grateful at least for a couple of new maps to run around on.

The next thing i started paying attention to is the enviorment of the ship savant. The coloring is great and different but all we see is walls some doors, a terminal and teleport here and there. Hmm i thought... Where is the science lab, the crews quarters, bridge, generator rooms? I was disappointed not to see any creative details like chairs, lockers, desks, command screens, emergency lights on walls. Again i was expecting things like done on red sun pirates or cycorp areas i mean we are supposed to be on a ship. In fairness i could not tell if we were in a warehouse or empty office building. The enviroment is simply to steril does not tell a story like in sloucho where as soon as you walk into that map you know by looking around that the film studio diffinently needs your help.

Finally i found some good in the savant maps some of the new eneimes are cool as heck and has a good mix with the scornn enemies from voleria. The last boss also sweet just wished you named it and added a story line to it like you all did with thyra in voleria. Also would have liked to seen the addition of more challenges like traps to disarm like the electricution areas in cycorp or the red mines in voleria perhaps have us actually have to grab explosives or batteries as in voleria and other maps.

I do feel that maybe i was expecting too much but lets be honest the devs team set the bar high for our expectations with the voleria update. Even the infested deck and hive updates were cool despite a few bugs. I just feel this update was rushed and i understand that some issues came up that the devs team was not expecting causing them skip straight to star legends 2.0 prehaps before they were ready to not allowing the inclusion of some the details we were expecting as normal for updates.

I only hope you take this as great feedback as i only wish to help improve a great game and look forward to your comments and encouragement that scorn act ii is more indicative of what we expect from an awsome sts game.

Would like to see what other players think of the latest update as well good and not so good so we may all help the dev team on what would like to see for star legends.

08-15-2012, 12:26 AM
Honesty is the greatest feedback of them all.

Another suggestion someone mentioned to me (killaings) was why didnt you make one more lvl to add to the infested deck, infested planet and the two ccs lvls and release it all together as a campaign with a new lvl cap?
Surely that would of made alot of sence :-)

Certainly would of pleased a lot more players :-)

08-15-2012, 12:33 AM
The final boss is named Scorn Priestess. She's pretty, pretty deadly. You would know her name if you did the quests.

No idea on the first boss. Don't think there is a name mentioned for him/it.

Agree on everything else mentioned.

Iron Hand
08-15-2012, 12:35 AM
Honesty is the greatest feedback of them all.

Another suggestion someone mentioned to me (killaings) was why didnt you make one more lvl to add to the infested deck, infested planet and the two ccs lvls and release it all together as a campaign with a new lvl cap?
Surely that would of made alot of sence :-)

Certainly would of pleased a lot more players :-)

The infested deck and hive was a themed event not included to scorn act ii but rather was supposed to be seperate. Would like to see an expansion on that as well though an infested planet would be cool to add to the hive. :)

Iron Hand
08-15-2012, 12:41 AM
The boss is named Scorn Priestess. She's pretty, pretty deadly. You would know her name if you did the quests.

Agree on everything else mentioned.

Did the quests when first came out and simply put the screens went by so fast i missed that. Oops hehe.. it still would have been nice to have had a little cut screen when we enter the room showing the deadly priestess with her bad purple bubble and minion droids or at least one after we defeated her like they do with the main bosses of other areas. Btw i wonder if that was thyra's good looking sister?? :p

08-15-2012, 06:12 AM
I loved seeing something to do other than stand in blackstar. All in all i give savant maps a 5/10. The worst part i hate is the new weapons from there, Hive pinks>Savant pinks jus sayin.

08-15-2012, 10:20 AM
Thanks for the feedback! We will work on addressing any issues we can and make sure the next release delivers on the areas that were lacking. Keep the feedback coming! :)

08-15-2012, 10:31 AM
I think its all pretty good... maybe an extra level or two would

08-15-2012, 05:12 PM
thank you gibber for listening that means alot to us, we after all have been supporting you for a long time and would like some return effort. keep up the good work and please nail it on scorn act II i for one am very much so looking forward to it
