View Full Version : OP "Forgotten Treasure" Dungeon? A Detailed Analysis

08-16-2012, 09:37 PM
Hello developers and PLers,

(I can't believe im writing this post a second time. Apparently, my first thread is glitched and won't show.)

For those of you that don't know me, I have been playing Pocket Legends from the beginning. I have played for over two years and have experience in both twink PvP and end-game PvP.
Recently, the addition of the 1-week temporary dungeon, the "Forgotten Treasure" dungeon has sparked the community's interest because of its new weapons. I'll be clarifying the arguments on both sides and at the same time giving my honest opinion. It might appear a little biased (it is btw) but keep in mind that you can always change my mind through constructive criticism in the comments.

Description: These weapons have incredible amounts of damage and do nearly 1.5 to 2 times the amount of damage that previous top-tier weapons did. Keep in mind that I am focusing more on the twink levels because they have been hit the hardest by this update.

Some problems:

1. This short campaign is not permanent (lasts only a week), and will therefore leave several players without the chance to farm for them.

Argument against #1: This campaign is not plat-paid, so there will be massive farming, and these items will be available for minimal gold later on in the consignment shoppe.

Counter-Argument: The weapons are hard to farm for lower levels (the troll guy hits hard and hardly dies) and due to this, pinks will only be present in limited numbers. Only a few players will have the pinks, while other players will have mediocre weapons just like it was after Winter Festival.

2. Player who have worked hard for their top weapons will find that their efforts have been wasted. Scaled 21 sand cave pinkw, 25 cave sets, frozen nightmare weps, green-ice weapons, voodoo sets, scaled 56 sets, 60 demonic sets ==== ALL GONE.

Argument against #2: These new items will "reset" the economy, and place more value in gold while lowering the value of extremely expensive weapons in cs.

Counter-Argument: Keep in mind that only weapons were added so that means armor will still be super expensive with only the prices of weapons dropping. This also means that all the previous efforts to obtain previous top-tier weapons were useless.

3. PvP will become very unbalanced. Currently, the bow gives the most damage and dps and also has a blind proc, all while requiring only a few points in dex. Although this may sound outlandish, most twinks will be forced to use the bow. The bow gives almost as much damage as the longsword and because it is ranged, melee will not even be an option for serious PvPers anymore. The same goes for mages. Take my 35 voodoo mage for example. All i have to do is add 55 dex points to equip the 35 forgotten pink bow and i barely sacrifice skill damage while gaining a serious boos t in dps and damage.

Argument against #3: I honestly do not have one. If you have a reasonable one in the comments, Ill make sure to edit this argument with it.

1. Rollback (I wouldn't suggest this)
2. Nerfing the weapons to be on par with or slightly under the damage of the previous top-tier weapons. (This would be beautiful)

Last comments for developers:
1. What you guys did with Nuri's mini-dungeon was BEAUTIFUL. The gear didn't change other prices and was not overpowered. Its most charming aspect was the aesthetic appeal, not the stats.)
2. Please don't let this become another winter festival. (I rarely pvp in lvls 10 - 20 because very few winter festival pinks are available)

Last comments for PLers: Please give me constructive criticism and you might be able to change my mind on this subject. :)

08-17-2012, 03:57 AM
Leave it as it is. High lvl players arnet in danger, low lvl pinks are rare, most players dont care about pvp so their items are just im stash, prices will rise again so low lvls have a chance to make money, if ur a pvp hardcore player with low lvl then ur most likely have a high lvl char, even more, so who cares if ur lvl 25 onyx set is faling a few thousand in price for 3 weeks? Rare items like green ice won't be effected. Nuris wont be effected, hardly no one really plays pvp between lvl 40-60. Ppl freak out over so little things, this gives new gear to new players, who ar never able to afford any of the overpices low lvl gear. So good move Devs.

08-17-2012, 04:07 AM
Tons of people pvp in 40-60.

08-17-2012, 04:18 AM
demonic x bow better than lv60 bow

you high son?


if it is so damn good, buy it

08-17-2012, 06:24 AM
Actually, the low level pinks are the easiest to farm as high level players can join low level forgotten dungeon instances and blow through the map for you.

08-17-2012, 06:38 AM
Actually, the low level pinks are the easiest to farm as high level players can join low level forgotten dungeon instances and blow through the map for you.

try doing this

games fill up in a split second

08-17-2012, 07:15 AM
Actually, the low level pinks are the easiest to farm as high level players can join low level forgotten dungeon instances and blow through the map for you.

try doing this

games fill up in a split second

I have done this. So many times. Its easy. Thats why i posted.

08-17-2012, 08:46 AM
I thought it was lvl specific to join, because I've tried join a couple lower lvl friends, but couldn't and it wasn't full nor did I have a full inv.

08-17-2012, 08:54 AM
Sometimes they do join (on accident) but I haven't managed to invite higher players yet.

08-17-2012, 09:19 AM
The main problem I have is bad players joining. What I mean by that is birds that don't break frags Armor or they break it once and think that's all they need to do, also a bird leaving while fighting frag because he died. Birds are the key to this dungeon right now. The other is bad mages not spamming heal. With my level 46 bird I can take on frag with Armor elix, but can't kill and end up using over 100 pots a run because a mage can't stay alive. I think this dungeon is like the 71 elite and supposed to have players play their role.

08-17-2012, 07:07 PM
Leave it as it is. High lvl players arnet in danger, low lvl pinks are rare, most players dont care about pvp so their items are just im stash, prices will rise again so low lvls have a chance to make money, if ur a pvp hardcore player with low lvl then ur most likely have a high lvl char, even more, so who cares if ur lvl 25 onyx set is faling a few thousand in price for 3 weeks? Rare items like green ice won't be effected. Nuris wont be effected, hardly no one really plays pvp between lvl 40-60. Ppl freak out over so little things, this gives new gear to new players, who ar never able to afford any of the overpices low lvl gear. So good move Devs.

Won't be affected? This is obviously coming from a guy that doesn't care about pvp.

Do you realize how much this disrupted pvp in lower levels? Many hardcore players do low level pvp, not all hardcore players do endgame. While I must agree that helping new players obtain good weapons is vital to having a larger and better PL community, they should atleast nerf the stats.