View Full Version : Good builds for birds 18,19, and 21! By: Lost

08-17-2012, 01:46 AM
Hey guys!
I'm making this quick guide before imp does, because, well, he said he'd beat me to it. Haven't seen it yet, so I'll do it!

So, first things first.

You'll want Armsman Forged / Crafted plate mail. Not Blacksmith. Blacksmith gives hit% while Armsman gives dodge.
Also, get FIVE Armsman!! NOT 15!
The reason??
5 and 15 Armsman have the SAME dodge, and since birds need dodge to survive, you shouldn't waste money on 15 when you can have 5 for same dodge.
I use Snipers helmet and shield, the 35 platinum 4 pack dex helmet and shield.
Some others like to go with Conquerers helmet and shield, because of more dodge percentage.

Lastly, use a 15 toyman, preferably purple. Also, since the new patch there is a bow called Forgotten Bows. Very overpowered, but they are very fun to use when rushing. Get a pink 18 Forgotten Bow, usually about 60k in Cs. (Thanks MightyMicah for correcting me on this)

Attributes/Skill Points

For starters, attribute points are very important. Some birds will go full dex which can be bad and good in some reasons, for expert/artisan (if looking to become a bird with less dodge % more crit/hit%)
bad reasons, if going against other birds, they will have the better chance at winning since you went with expert, while they will MOST LIKELY have Armsman.

What most use:
22 STR (For Armsman, it is required 22 STR and level 5 for equipping.)
5 INT (15 Toyman Wands require 5 INT to equipt.)
All other points in DEX.

What some use, such as call:
32 STR (This is 32 because Conquerers Plat pack set is required for level 10 and 32 STR.)
Rest in DEX.

Now for skill points.

Skill points for almost ALL 18 birds, is
6 Evade (Most dodge for all birds)
2 focus
5 break (For breaking 17 bears Ib down!)
1 Shatter (Used for combo w/ blast.)
1 blast (Combo w/ shatter.)
1 root (To prevent kiting/Secret Buff where it lowers Dodge. >What I'm told<)
1 Repulse (To knock bears back when about to stomp.)

19 Birds:
EXACT SAME THING! You'll put the 5 points in dex, and what most all 19 birds do, put it in focus, to make 3 focus.

21 DAMAGE birds:
Attributes I use all dex.

Skill points:
6 focus
6 break (For breaking armor in all bears, since you'll be playing with a lot of 17 bears.)
6 blast (Most damage for combos.)
1 shatter (Used for combo in blast.)
1 root (Prevent kiting / Decrease buff %)

You might be Asking,
Well what armor do they use??

I use snipers helmet AND armor, and 20 SBL.


18 Birds and 19 Birds

What I use for bears:
(Focus, Evade, repulse, *to push them away when stomping at beginning*, break, shatter, blast, root.)

What I use for birds:
(Focus, Evade, root *To debuff them right off the bat*, break, shatter, blast, repulse.)
Bird vs Bird Level 18 mostly is LUCK. Whoever hits break, wins.

What I use for mages:
(Focus, Evade, Root, *To prevent kiting at the beginning, also, they waste a heal on this root to get out. So then after they waste that heal, you will break, shatter, blast, and repulse.)

21 Birds

Before I start this, I suggest you DO NOT JOIN 23 or 26 games, mages will absolutely think of you as food, and will rush you. I have one of these, and I only get on when I'm having trouble with a pesky Mage or someone that is in a 17+ game to show em' who's boss. Lol. This is a damage/rush bird, and can be fun and VERY deadly. I hit 200-275 very often with this build and combo and gear.


Bears AND Birds:
(Focus, Break, Shatter, Blast, Root.)
This is not a kiting build, you will get stomped, and this might be tough to learn at first, if you've had 18 birds / 15 or 17 mages for a while.
(Focus, Root, Break, Shatter, Blast.)
These matches end fairly quickly since you are the one rooting and YOU use the mages heal AGAINST him/her.

Well guys, that about rounds it all up! I hope to see you all out there! Want me to change some stuff? Tell me! I'll be checking the thread very often, and am open to ideas and stuff. Need help still? Talk with me!
PM "Lost" During the night time, that's when I'm on most often. I'll be GLAD to help.

Also, before I end this, I wanted to say thanks to Call. He taught me most of this type of stuff, and helped me become what some believe a "very skilled" bird. Thank you call. :)

Well guys, I'll talk to you in PL! Please feel free to PM me any time I'm on!


08-17-2012, 03:45 AM
your the noob that rushed me said blow me and that you'd win in a 1v1

beat you and you rage quit

be good then make a guide

twinks these days think their pro because they can rush with guildy backup and pvping against noobs

you play bird which requires skill yet you have none

rethink your twink

just noticed he uses root last but says its for the debuff...wut

08-17-2012, 03:57 AM
your the noob that rushed me said blow me and that you'd win in a 1v1

beat you and you rage quit

be good then make a guide

Wuld be better to keep comments like that to ur self or in PM...

08-17-2012, 04:11 AM
This guide is terrible, he doesn't even know the difference between crafted and forged, plus the combo orders are silly. If anyone needs help with low lvl birds pm me or supergotenks. My bird is "call" but I mostly play on vvikked if you wanna pm me in game. Sorry lost but you need to fix this ASAP... I'll tell you all my little tips now that I basically quit low lvl pvp.

08-17-2012, 06:33 AM
Heyy Lost!! Im Trust :D

08-17-2012, 07:38 AM
Lastly, use a 15 toyman, preferably purple. If you are committed to pvping with birds, and have the money, then get pink if available.

Level 18 forgotten bow. Sir, I do believe your argument is now invalid.

08-17-2012, 07:46 AM
Yup this guide is outdated as of today haha

08-17-2012, 08:22 AM
Hey lost it's xxxtapjoyxxx
Well I have to say that the only thing different in forged and crafted armsman is that crafted gives +1 dmg compared to forged that gives +1 armor but they both give 6% dodge.

08-17-2012, 02:06 PM
Lol, well forgotten bows will be patched, also my bad, I'll change some stuff. Also, thanks for the bad comment. Tenks, I didn't rage, and if u read the guide, it said it's luck with bird Pvp, so don't flatter yourself ;) and call, that's what YOU taught me. So if it's silly, its basically your words, not mine. :)

08-17-2012, 02:09 PM
Oh yeah, I basically don't have a guild, I'm in sit. (2 man guild) So no help there cus GM is barely on. Also, I rush, so I honestly don't care if you think i suck, because I dont. Lol and when I DID rush you, I was in A E O... Nubmigo and me were the only twinks that were ACTIVE. So, no help there. Stop complaining. It's Pvp.

08-17-2012, 02:10 PM
HEy trust, lol add me. ^^

08-17-2012, 02:11 PM
Agreed fallen.

08-17-2012, 02:33 PM
Here you cant double post.

You quadruple posted...

08-17-2012, 07:33 PM
Here you cant double post.

You quadruple posted...

we need a ban hammer weapon

08-17-2012, 07:58 PM
Hey LOST!!! Im Found!!! :) lol

08-18-2012, 01:37 AM
Edited to blacksmith and not to get that, but Armsman. My bad guys. :)

08-18-2012, 03:21 AM
Unorganzied, facts are wrong, pure rubbish. Horrible guide.

And no one has respect for you as a pvper

you 3v1 me in a game and flame me afterwards for what?am I supposed to win in a 1v3 situation? if you can't 1v1 then get out of pvp go practice in pve

and lastly please don't go around saying things things such "im the best 18 bird "i am gotenks master, i taught him how to bird"

08-18-2012, 10:42 AM
Ok gunda let's get something straight here.
You 3v1 me. So don't even tell me this crap about me doing it to you. So don't act like i did that to you but you NEVER did it to me, because you did. So stop going around and saying bs like yeah lost teams me, because you did the SAME THING.

08-18-2012, 01:01 PM
Gunda is just jelly because he boosts

08-19-2012, 02:16 AM
So much agreed :)

08-20-2012, 08:15 AM
Wow this guide really pulled out some flak cannons.

08-20-2012, 11:24 PM
Wow this guide really pulled out some flak cannons.


08-21-2012, 12:15 AM
Lost boosts

he is so bad

08-21-2012, 03:50 AM
Lol and I was told 35 pvp had the most drama:) Thats true but low lvl pvp could be up to that standard too! Idc what you do in pvp, just kill. Dont like team? Leave
But with spawn I really dunno lol^^ I thinnk sts wouldve made like the invinciblity shadow made up if people actually needed it.

08-24-2012, 04:53 AM
... Gun does not boost -.- and lost.. You always say ur the best.. But ur not -.-, I beat u 10-3 buddy and you said I'm the second best after you -.- and grenade... Where the heck did u come from, gun is in the top 3 17 pvpers and I've versed his 17 mage and is woops a**... I seriously am tired of dealing with little pesky kids who think they're the best..

08-24-2012, 05:18 AM
... Gun does not boost -.- and lost.. You always say ur the best.. But ur not -.-, I beat u 10-3 buddy and you said I'm the second best after you -.- and grenade... Where the heck did u come from, gun is in the top 3 17 pvpers and I've versed his 17 mage and is woops a**... I seriously am tired of dealing with little pesky kids who think they're the best..

I'm the best...

Atm you can't call out who is the best because of these new crappy bows and birds.

08-24-2012, 06:14 PM
I had a game where lost rushed a guy, so we 3v1'd him and he called us noob rushers :(

08-24-2012, 06:18 PM
I don't boost :)

08-24-2012, 11:29 PM
you're scared of dying

boo hoo lets your kdr take a beating b/c that's what happens when you decide to rush pros you low grade pvper

08-25-2012, 12:17 AM
I'm the best...

Atm you can't call out who is the best because of these new crappy bows and birds.

Derp.... Madeforpk ---< gundamsone

08-25-2012, 12:18 AM
I'm the best...

Atm you can't call out who is the best because of these new crappy bows and birds.

Derp.... Madeforpk ---< gundamsone

08-25-2012, 12:21 AM

Gundamsone >---- madeforpk

08-25-2012, 07:01 AM
Come on guys. Why can't we just have peace? I've got nothing against Ffa and I believe that its one of the old ways of PvP. 1v3? For me I'll just leave the game and say nothing. Calling other people noobs? Be considerate. You might hurt another's feelings. They might not be as good as you are, but there is always space for improvement. No one is the best, everyone makes mistakes. Why don't we just learn from each other? And talking about rushing. If you're rushed, please respect the way of playing the rusher adapted. Just rush him back. There's nothing wrong with it. You play, you lose, you learn, you improve, you win. Boosting, well, this just taught us another lesson. Have no fear if you ever faced a guy with a really good kdr as they are merely a number. If boosting makes the boosters feel better, why stop them? Let them be. I'm not siding with anyone here, but this is just my opinion. Feel free to correct me.
*Please note that this post is NOT meant to offend anyone.*

08-26-2012, 02:59 AM
Wow rot.......thats deep :distant:

08-26-2012, 05:15 AM
Derp.... Madeforpk ---< Muslim

08-26-2012, 07:18 AM
Come on guys. Why can't we just have peace? I've got nothing against Ffa and I believe that its one of the old ways of PvP. 1v3? For me I'll just leave the game and say nothing. Calling other people noobs? Be considerate. You might hurt another's feelings. They might not be as good as you are, but there is always space for improvement. No one is the best, everyone makes mistakes. Why don't we just learn from each other? And talking about rushing. If you're rushed, please respect the way of playing the rusher adapted. Just rush him back. There's nothing wrong with it. You play, you lose, you learn, you improve, you win. Boosting, well, this just taught us another lesson. Have no fear if you ever faced a guy with a really good kdr as they are merely a number. If boosting makes the boosters feel better, why stop them? Let them be. I'm not siding with anyone here, but this is just my opinion. Feel free to correct me.
*Please note that this post is NOT meant to offend anyone.*

On the spot. Some kids just take PvP way too seriously. ;)

08-26-2012, 11:25 AM
When these bows get nerfed ill be practicing up for "best 17 bear". Gund we should 1v1 in locked, no noob bow.

08-28-2012, 08:42 AM
your the noob that rushed me said blow me and that you'd win in a 1v1

beat you and you rage quit

be good then make a guide

twinks these days think their pro because they can rush with guildy backup and pvping against noobs

you play bird which requires skill yet you have none

rethink your twink

just noticed he uses root last but says its for the debuff...wut everytime I see a post by u I know instantly ur gonna complain... Stfu

08-28-2012, 08:44 AM
Here you cant double post.

You quadruple posted...

we need a ban hammer weapon a mallet? Lol

10-16-2012, 06:06 AM
dude thx so much. i just copied skills and it works like a charm.... XD so excited, KD is rising, imma boss

10-16-2012, 06:54 AM
omg i hate xiPVPix he said i rushed him but he rished me and he told guild Master of ( DOWN ) that im in. that i have been boosting and rushing peeps so master kicked me!!!!!. AHHHH I HATE HIM

10-16-2012, 03:43 PM
More like trash builds

10-16-2012, 05:36 PM
More like trash builds

If you'd like to check out my new 18 bird guide, feel free to check it out. It's a lot more organized and such. :-) and you obviously can't reply because your banned, but hey, you can still look.

01-05-2013, 03:06 AM
l18 one isnt so good but i like l19 one

01-05-2013, 12:10 PM
Why even bump this?

01-05-2013, 12:46 PM

02-16-2013, 07:19 AM
gundam go home your an outdated boosting noob who everybody that knows you love to hate

02-18-2013, 02:32 AM
gundam go home your an outdated boosting noob who everybody that knows you love to hate

Nice KDR you got there... Would be SHAAAME if Gundam came and.. makes it negative.

02-18-2013, 04:17 AM
gundam go home your an outdated boosting noob who everybody that knows you love to hate

Lol, gundam still wipes the floor with anyone that comes across his path.

02-18-2013, 05:04 PM
I'm so embarrassed of this thread and how bad it was... Stop bumping it! D:

02-23-2013, 10:59 AM

I don't get why people think 18 is so good. Is it because of repulse? I'll never understand it...
People have completely bypassed the level 16 bird. I'll post the link to my guide, once it's made that is. :P

Find my level 16 bird guide here (http://www.spacetimestudios.com/showthread.php?87603-The-Guide-to-the-Level-16-Bird!&p=980279#post980279)
From, Depury

02-23-2013, 02:49 PM
Don't advertise on my thread. 16 birds suck.

02-23-2013, 03:03 PM
Any level lower than 51 pvp everyone rages beyond the level possible of raging

02-23-2013, 07:12 PM
Any level lower than 51 pvp everyone rages beyond the level possible of raging

Same could be said of people at level 51 and above it you silly goose.

03-01-2013, 01:09 PM
My bird skunk poops on u