View Full Version : What theheck?

08-17-2012, 03:26 AM
Im talking about the new forgotten items, what is this!? A bow/staff/sword, even a purple which you get every run can demolish sets that cost around 400k!? Is there something wrong?oo IF it is correct there will be a huge decline in prices for other items. Im really disappointed, it ruins pvp, i hope they nerf it or something, not to be the best, but to be kind of a decoration.

08-17-2012, 03:42 AM
oh my god

please go away

if its so damn good buy it

08-17-2012, 03:46 AM
Who cares? Im happy with the pink bow.

08-17-2012, 03:54 AM
All the more better for players.

08-17-2012, 08:12 AM
I think they should be more set up like WF items. Considerably good until a certain level (generally 25), then they lose their edge when compared to gear from other campaigns. I've spent just as much, if not more time farming than most so far, and I still must say it screws things up. There's gonna be such a surplus number of the items in a weeks time, that most sets will be rendered useless. I'm not saying nerf, I'm saying balance them so the 56 bow (for example) doesn't blow a custom set out of the water. OP items are fun to screw around with at first, but after a while they really start to ruin the fun.

Btw, weren't people complaining not-that-long-ago about everyone looking the same with elite vanities? Now everyone from 10-71 is gonna be wearing identical weapons...

08-17-2012, 08:17 AM
In my view it really evens out the playing field in pvp. There is no guy running around with a lvl 15 pink sbl owning all in site. ( my bird killed him that's why)

08-17-2012, 08:27 AM
In my view it really evens out the playing field in pvp. There is no guy running around with a lvl 15 pink sbl owning all in site. ( my bird killed him that's why)

Most opinions on this will matter will be biased. There's the people that can't afford the high-end expensive gear and love that easily-farmable items are superior when compared to the million gold items. Then there's the people who have spent millions upon millions on items/sets, and now has wasted all their gold since there's new, superior items that cost far less.

Every MMO has gear that's both superior, and inferior. Nothing is stopping you (you as in people in general) from earning the item, or earning the gold to purchase the item. I don't really see how it can be considered fair, but as I said, there's 2 main opinions, which will mostly be biased.

08-17-2012, 08:28 AM

get rich.


08-17-2012, 08:50 AM
I say keep it as is. When I don't have to spend forever in this game to get 4m for a set or how ever much it really evens things up, but as mystical said, I maybe biased. I don't have the time nor money to spend on plat, and I missed the opportunities for the vanities minus the MFA which is worthless now. Finally gives me a chance to actually have a CHANCE.
I've been playing quite a bit of ctf endgame lately and ive had fun cause I'm not completely worthless.

08-17-2012, 09:10 AM
I don't think items were really intended to cost 10m+. 9,999,999 is the max amount of gold per inventory, stash, auction house, and the trade window. I think it's an awesome gold sink (as Apollo stated in a thread).

08-17-2012, 09:14 AM
I don't think items were really intended to cost 10m+. 9,999,999 is the max amount of gold per inventory, stash, auction house, and the trade window. I think it's an awesome gold sink (as Apollo stated in a thread).

It's not much of a gold sink though. It's just making people with cash richer when compared to those invested in items.

Example: If someone had a total of 550K, and someone else had only a custom set, they'd be worth about the same. Then the forgotten items come along and lower custom prices to 400k. Now the first person is technically 150K more wealthy than the second.

Wouldn't a gold sink lower the value of a gold, rather than prices on sets? This would make the rich, richer...

08-17-2012, 09:15 AM
i agree that it levels the playing field.

Why buy items listed at 2M, 3M+, when these new purple bows (better than the pinks) do a better job at delivering damage? Awesome. Some of the prices were getting out of hand.

08-17-2012, 09:22 AM
Maybe it will get like the sl economy, at first it seems money is hard to get in sl but when you look at it items are not overly priced

08-17-2012, 12:50 PM
Most opinions on this will matter will be biased. There's the people that can't afford the high-end expensive gear and love that easily-farmable items are superior when compared to the million gold items. Then there's the people who have spent millions upon millions on items/sets, and now has wasted all their gold since there's new, superior items that cost far less.

Every MMO has gear that's both superior, and inferior. Nothing is stopping you (you as in people in general) from earning the item, or earning the gold to purchase the item. I don't really see how it can be considered fair, but as I said, there's 2 main opinions, which will mostly be biased.

Honestly though people who have spent millions buy things without a care because they have enough to buy the say 4m set about 12 times. I think its good because the 'broke' players now have a chance in pvp and a good shot at some nice equips overall. However, i do feel you on the same looking equipment from 10-71.

Epic Unicorns!
08-17-2012, 12:59 PM
The problem is that a 20 can enter a 26 and wipe out a team no problem...

08-17-2012, 04:19 PM
"prices out of hand"?? Lol, the prices only rise from the players guys, let's not forget that. As these weapons become more and more rare, fewer have them. Whatta ya know, the ones that do circulate go up in price! Interesting, no? Eventually you have fewer and fewer people that have a small advantage over the others. Hmph. Does this remind anyone of anything? No? Lemme spell it out.

F-O-U-N-D-E-R-'-S H-E-L-M.

Ya, I said it. The founder's all got this neat helmet for helping out STS when they needed it. I respect that, I really do. Now let me ask you a question, you think it over. Did they ever make a vanity helmet to replace these OP founder's helms? No? I didn't think so either.

Now we have WF items to discuss. On a cold winter night, some many months ago, someone spent money to buy platinum to spend on Winter Fest. These items were tradable. They have stayed in the game since Winter Fest. At this point, only veterans have these wonderful items, or at least the good ones. Yet for some reason, STS just replaced these supposedly "OP" items with even more OP items. How great is that?

PvP was fine the way it was for a long time, not a week has gone by that there was no expert or artisan in the CS. I also have seen WF items in the CS as well. That means they are easier to obtain than a founder's helm, which means that anyone can have "max gear" (minus the founder helm) so long as they play long enough. That makes a balanced in game economy. Unfortunately, we have players that don't want to work that hard. What better way to satisfy them than to give them weapons that completely annihilate the old WF items. YAY! Not only that, they mock anyone who don't want these weapons ruining the PvP side of this game we call "Pocket Legends".

08-17-2012, 04:22 PM
What the heck....is with complainers?

08-17-2012, 04:49 PM
What the heck....is with complainers?

Their castle crumbles...

08-17-2012, 06:05 PM
Honestly though people who have spent millions buy things without a care because they have enough to buy the say 4m set about 12 times. I think its good because the 'broke' players now have a chance in pvp and a good shot at some nice equips overall. However, i do feel you on the same looking equipment from 10-71.

I understand that, but the items shouldn't blow the others away. Just look at sewers, someone that isn't wealthy can buy an orange or green set and still do considerably well. Or farm and EARN the gear just like the other person did to get the gold to afford it. Same at any other level range. There are cheaper gear alternatives that aren't quite as good, but still can do well. That's the purpose of different gear, and it's in pretty much every MMO. They might as well be handing us OP sets for everyone to use, because it's ruining the game. Everyone will wear the same gear in PvP, no skill or originality involved, and no one will be farming, because, why farm inferior gear? OP weapons should at LEAST be rare, just like in games like WoW and OnC.

PvP is about skill. Use it to overcome gear. Gear only gives a slight edge, I don't know why if people want free gear so bad to do well in PvP, they don't just ask for free rings, faces, and vanity sets while they're at it. I don't see how it's "fair" to make all the sets people have worked for useless, just so people that are too lazy to farm gear can PvP, I'm sorry.

@Rauekat. Let's face it, a large majority of people on forums are complainers in some way, it just depends on what they disagree with to trigger their complaining. I'm sure there's things the devs could add that would upset you, and not very many others.

08-17-2012, 08:56 PM
Three words: DEAL. WITH. IT.

This is Bramer - signing out

08-17-2012, 09:12 PM
Mystical dream... The thing you said about the guy who had 500k and another with a custom set.. If a person with forgotten came along it would only make the guy who had 500k 150k richer if he was going to buy a custom set, if he wasn't then he is 'technically' still 500k in wealth

08-17-2012, 09:36 PM
Mystical dream... The thing you said about the guy who had 500k and another with a custom set.. If a person with forgotten came along it would only make the guy who had 500k 150k richer if he was going to buy a custom set, if he wasn't then he is 'technically' still 500k in wealth

I never denied him still being worth the 550k, however the person with a custom set would be worth 150k less if the set were to lower to 400k, making the other guy 150k wealthier than the one with custom. Which is exactly what I said in my prior post.

08-18-2012, 01:03 PM
Pvp...if u cant beat them..join them :P

08-18-2012, 01:12 PM
PvP sucks anyways.

08-18-2012, 01:15 PM
PvP sucks anyways.
Yaaaaaay! DL PvP > PL Pvp