View Full Version : Re-thinking itmes

08-18-2012, 02:37 AM
Hello folks!

Here I want to address one of the issues (IMHO) of the game: Items.

Many remembers how good it was the sewer cap, since you could use a combination of lower rarity items to obtain a good setup, without even bother wearing a pink item.
Plus everyone could have a good look, since the items of all rarities share the same look.

Since in the eyes of STS these items from now on are just for liquidation purpose, I find them more a nuisance rather than an addition.
I have to waste a lot of time liquidating items rather than enjoying the game (even if you have the inventory cap, you will have to find a time where you will have to liquidate a horde of items); if you want us to gain gold, I would rather see these items disappear and have the baddies drop more gold.

Since I don't like to just obliterate the items altogheter, here is what I suggest:

For the look:

Here there are two possible solutions:

- Have all itmes look like the pinks items (similarly to how it works with sewers) with the exception of some unique items.
- Have items of the same rarity look the same through all the campaigns (Grey and White items will look the same from forest haven to Humania and the same applies up to the rare items), or even have Tiers (the Grey and White items will look the same up to a certain campaign, then change their appearance for another amount of campaigns until you reach the cap and the same applies up to the rare items).
Pinks and Purples should look the same.
Elite Items should have a distinctive look.

I prefer the second to give some diversity to items, but the first one give the devs more room to add new exciting looks to our Pink/Purple items.

For the stats:

Random stats!

Yes you have read it well. In my eyes all the random properties added to the items should have a range in order to not have them overpowered at lower levels; let's say that every campaign should have a range (a minimum and a maximum stat range e.g. Forest Haven Dmg 1-50)

White and Greys: Preset stats (Dropped in campaign or selled by merchants)
Uncommon: 1 Preset stat + 1 random property (Dropped in campaign or selled by merchants)
Rare: 1 Preset stat + 2 random properties (Dropped in campaign or selled by merchants)
Epic: 2 Preset stat + 3 random properties
Pinks: 3 Preset stats + 2 random properties
Elite: 4 Preset stats + 1 random property

As it happens now, every rarity will have a prefix or suffix that will tell us which is the random property/properties added (Like Croc's prefix tell us that item will have a m/s boost).

As a final suggestion I say, let's give set items a different color, so we can recognize them better.

Suggestion delivered.

08-18-2012, 04:50 AM
get rid of these above lv20

to annoying liquidating hundreds of trash items a day

08-19-2012, 12:02 AM
a bigger complaint I have is that the purple and pink items liquidate for less gold than the orange and green. Why is that? I know the answer may be that you're not supposed to liquidate those, but many of the purples are not worth listing in the CS, and yet they liquidate for 50 gold where as the same lvl orange and greens liquidate for more than 200 gold. And many of the alien oasis pinks do not sell for enough to list in cs. Shouldn't purples and pinks liquidate for more gold than the orange and greens?