View Full Version : Preview - Winter 2022! New Level 81 Arcanes! 3x LB Weeks w Trade-Friendly vans!

12-12-2022, 12:09 PM

When the cold winds blow, dragons stir. Syrillax is back for another year, but her brood continues to grow, and with it, the threat to Frozen Hope. The residents of Frozen Hope have opened their gates to all Arlorian heroes willing to take up arms against the dragons.

The Winter Event runs for 3 weeks from 12/15 to 1/5, with a 3 day cooldown.

This is an Energy Event. Energy Essence drops everywhere in the realm but the chances to loot are higher when fighting monsters at (or above) your level, and lower when fighting monsters below your level.

What's New?

- Leaderboard vanities are tradable this year.

- Similar to the Halloween Event, the Winter Event will take place over 3 weeks, with new rewards and a leaderboard reset each week! Read on to learn what to expect for each one.

Notable differences week-by-week include:
- A new/different Level 81 Arcane accessory contained in event crates. Open crates during all 3 weeks to collect all 3.
- Different vanity items available in locked crates.
- Different Leaderboard vanities to collect.
- Different Tier Rewards.

- Visit the Winter Gift Tree in the center of Frozen Hope to collect free gifts every day (more below)!

Bane Item: Orb of Ursume


The Orb of Ursume is a special item purchasable only for Platinum that will help you along your way through mobs of frozen enemies and increasingly challenging bosses. Having the Orb in your inventory will reduce the critical rate of bosses by 6% and deal up to 50% more damage to monsters and bosses in the Mount Spyr Pass zone!

If you purchased an Orb in past years--you're set! Same orb, same perks.

Bane Item Upgrade

The Orb of Ursume can be upgraded with a recipe that drops from Syrillax. The upgraded version of the orb works in the Brooding Grounds in addition to the original zone.

Elixir: Ice Dragon Tears

Once you reach the Silver event tier, visit King Frost for a special quest. This quest will lead you to unlock the new Ice Dragon Tears elixir at the vendor which will give you a 15% score boost in all event zones!


There is also a cracked (crafted) version, which has the same effect but is not tradable.


Elixir: Warming Waters


Visit King Frost in Frozen Hope for the Rescue the Brewmaster quest, where you'll have to save Esai the Brewmaster from the Frozen Village! Once you do this quest you'll gain access to the "Warming Waters" Elixir from Rodrick the token vendor. This elixir reduces the freezing effects from Mount Spyr monsters.

NEW: Winter Gift Tree


Don't forget to visit the Winter Gift Tree in Frozen Hope every day during the event to collect free gifts!

Each daily gift pack will grant you:
+ 50 Pet Experience Kit (bound - open it to give 50 XP to your Summoned pet; doesn't open if the summoned pet is already at your level).
+ 500 Spirit XP (also bound - open to apply 500 Spirit XP to your equipped Spirit weapons).
+ 30 Minute Crafting Timer Speed-up.

But you don't want to miss Christmas Day, where you'll get a special collection of great gifts!

Christmas Day (12/25):
+ 100 Winter Event Tokens
+ 1 Pet Level-up Ticket (can be used on any pet to set them to your character level).
+ 2hr Crafting Timer Speed-up.
+ 5000 Spirit XP.
+ 20 Story Tokens.

Mount Spyr

Kick off the Winter Event by entering the Mount Spyr Pass portal. Fight bosses and baddies, earn tokens, and loot items and chests.

Most importantly, snag the Weak Flamestones and open chests that drop in the zone to earn Icy Dragon Scales. These will be instrumental in defeating Syrillax's brood later on.

Event Zone: The Brooding Grounds


Throughout the Winter Event, Syrillax's brood egg begins to stir and all Arlorian heroes must gather to defeat it before it gets out of control!

The egg resides in the Brooding Grounds, which opens for 1 hour every 3 hours for a chance to crack the egg and make sure what's inside doesn't leave those grounds. While you wait, craft Dragon Flamestones as your ticket to the fight. When you enter the zone, one Dragon Flamestone will be removed from your inventory, the egg will hatch and the fight will commence!


Meet... Holleythrax!


Holleythrax will drop pet eggs and items (details below), so don't miss out!

For the more active farmers, you can purchase a special tradeable and stashable hunter's elixir from the event vendor for 10 Platinum. This elixir will increase the drop chance of Holleythrax's unique loot.

Boss Loot Summary

Standard Winter Event Boss Loot
- Holley Dragon's Holiday Chest
- Locked Zodias Crates
- Epic equipment

Gold Tier Winter Event Boss Loot
- All of the aforementioned items
- Recipe: Empowered Orb of Ursume
- Arcanite Yowie's Egg


Platinum Tier Winter Event Boss Loot
- All of the aforementioned items
- Arcanite Chester's Egg


- Holley's Winter Set Armor


Set Bonus: Wear with Holley Winter Helm and Weapon for +30% Primary Stat, +30% Speed (stacking), and +15% Haste.

During the Winter Event only: Gain an additional +25% Damage (stacking), and +50% Gold Loot in Brooding Grounds, Mount Spyr, and Frozen Village.

Holley Brood Dragon Boss Loot

- Lootable Winter Badge


- Heroic Regifter's Egg


- Heroic Krampus' Egg


- Arcanite Chester's Egg
- Arcanite Yowie's Egg
- Cozy Winter Vanity Set


- Holley's Winter Weapons


Tier Rewards

Remember, with the event taking place in 3 individual weeks, tiers will reset and have refreshed rewards each week!

Bronze Tier - 320 Points

+ Cloth Reindeer Banner (Wk 1) / Holiday Bells Banner (Wk 2) / Winter Tree Cloth Banner (Wk 3)


Silver Tier - 1,425 Points

+ Holley Hunter's Elixir Pack
+ 2x Holley Dragon's Holiday Chest

Gold Tier - 7,380 Points

+ 10 Crate Tokens
+ Holley Hunter's Elixir Pack
+ 2x Unlocked Holley Crate I / II / III

Platinum Tier - 20,150 Points

+ [Frozen Legend] Title (Wk 1) / Merrymaker Title (Wk 2) / The Grinch Title (Wk 3)


+ 2x 25 Crate Tokens (50 Total)
+ 4x Holley Hunter's Elixir Pack
+ 3x Unlocked Holley Crate I / II / III
+ Jewel Chest

Leaderboard Rewards

If you're the competitive type, run for your spot on the Winter Event leaderboards! The players with the most points at the end of each week will receive prestigious vanities and loot!

All Leaderboard vanities this year are tradable!

Top 5

+ Holleythrax Badge


+ Nittaewo Vanity Set (Wk 1)


+ R.I. Winter Prototype Set (Wk 2)


+ Holly Dragonborn Set (Wk 3)


+ 250 Platinum
+ Flawless Jewel Kit (Class-Specific)

Top 25
+ 100 Platinum
+ Precise Jewel Kit (Class-Specific)
+ Holley Dragonborn Banner


Top 50
+ 50 Platinum
+ Exquisite Jewel Kit (Class-Specific)
+ Merry X-mas Banner


Token Rewards and Craftables


When you beat bosses and complete quests in the Winter Event zones, you'll earn Frozen Hope Tokens. These can be exchanged in the quest hub for valuable items!

As always, you'll be able to use Platinum to purchase extra Energy Kits, Tokens, and the Holley Hunter's Elixir, but let's get to the good stuff.


The new event elixirs, Ice Dragon's Frozen Tears and Warming Waters are available once you complete the requisite quests. See the Elixir sections at the top of this guide to learn about those!

+ Massive Locked Holley Crate (I / II / III)
+ Locked Holley Crate (I / II / III)
+ Bear Hat (Adds a festive hat to your Teddy Bear furnishings)


+ Deluxe Wreath Aura


+ Deluxe Toy Train Aura


+ Deluxe Ice Vortex Aura


Locked Crates and Chests

The Winter 2022 Crates/Chests have a chance to drop new vanities, pets, and other items, including 3 brand new Lv 81 Arcane accessories, available across all 3 weekly chests:

Locked Crates:


- Heroic Glacial Grom's Egg


- Frostbitten's Egg (Arcane)



- Kraken Battle Sign (Wk 1)


Proc: Chance on damage for "Fathom Frenzy" buff that gives +25 Primary Stat, +25% Damage Resistance, +25% Speed (stacking) and +25% Damage (stacking) for ten (10) seconds (30 sec. cooldown).

- Kraken Battle Band (Wk 2) - Gives additional benefits if worn with the Kraken Battle Helmet


Proc: Has a chance on damaging an enemy to grant +15 to STR, DEX, and INT for 5 seconds (15 sec. cooldown).

Kraken Battle Helmet Buff:
+ Improves the Ultimate Overdrive buff by 10% in PVE (35% up from 25%)
+ Improves the Haste buff in PvP to by 5% (20% up from 15%)

- Kraken Battle Belt (Wk 3) - Gives additional benefits to Kraken Battle Weapons


Proc: On damage has a chance to grant the wearer +25% Bonus Damage in Elite Zones, +25% Re-Roll chance, and +25% Gold Loot for eight (8) seconds (30 sec. cooldown).

Kraken Battle Weapon Improvements: Wearing the Kraken Battle Belt buffs Kraken Battle Weapon procs during their first four (4) seconds. See weapon item details in-game for more info!

- Venal Set (Grants 250% Gold Loot)
- Avarice Set (Grants 200% Gold Loot)
- Greed Set (Grants 100% Gold Loot)
- Desire Set (Grants 50% Gold Loot)
- Ravening Set (Grants 25% Gold Loot and 10% Speed (stacking))

+ Holly Dragonborn Vanity Weapons


+ Holiday Presents Sack Backpack (Wk 1)


+ R.I. Winter Prototype Pack (Wk 2)


+ Holley Dragonborn Wings (Wk 3)


+ Mythic Lv 81 Gear and Weapons

Holley Dragon's Holiday Chest Chests:

+ Holleythrax Set Helms


Set bonus: Wear 3 pieces to gain +30% Primary Stat, +30% Speed (stacking), +15% Haste

Winter Event bonus: During the Winter Event only, wearing 3 pieces of the Holleythrax set will give you +25% Damage (stacking) and +50% Gold Loot in the Brooding Grounds, Mount Spyr, and the Frozen Village!

+ Frost Fighter Vanity Set


+Snowman Banner


+Polychromatic Peppermint Weapons


+ Legendary and Epic Gear


Some new festive furnishings are available in the Housing Store for platinum:
- Large Silver and White Winter Trees
- Teddy Bear Furnishings (Use the recipes from the vendor to add a festive hat!)
- Winter Antique Sleigh


There is also a return of some holiday favorites. All are purchased for plat:

- Winter Tree + Silver, Green, and Gold Arcanite Trees
- Deluxe Gold, Emerald, and Platinum Trees
- Snowy Barrel
- Green Winter Bell
- Red Winter Bell
- Winter Garland
- Winter Holly
- Big Gift
- Fancy Gift
- Winter Snowman
- Winter Stocking
- Green Tinsel
- Red Tinsel
- Silver Tinsel

Plus the Winter Environment: Winter Wonderland: +10 to All Stats (STR, DEX, and INT)


Winter furnishings for guild halls are now also available in the furnishing store.

Store Sales
Looking for a deal? Here are the scheduled store sales for the holidays:

+ 12/15
- Locked Holley Crate I
- Aurelian Diamond Vanity Set


+ 12/16
- Locked Holley Crate I

+ 12/17-18
- Locked Holley Crate I
- Heroic Drauger's Egg


- Holiday Wreath Aura


- Winter Tree Weapons


- 12/19 - Locked Holley Crate I

- 12/20 - Locked Holley Crate I, Holiday Jewel Chest

- 12/21 - Locked Holley Crate I, Crate Keys

- 12/22 - Locked Holley Crate I, Aurelian Diamond Vanity Set

- 12/23 - Locked Holley Crate II

- 12/24 -25
- Locked Holley Crate II
- Heroic Drauger's Egg
- Arcanite Glacian's Egg

- Toy Train Aura


- Winter Tree Weapons

- 12/26 - Locked Holley Crate II

- 12/27 - Locked Holley Crate II, Holiday Jewel Chest

- 12/28 - Locked Holley Crate II, Crate Keys

- 12/29 - Locked Holley Crate III, Aurelian Diamond Vanity Set

- 12/30 - Locked Holley Crate III

- 12/31-1/1
- Locked Holley Crate III
- Arcanite Glacian's Egg
- Ice Vortex Aura


- Winter Tree Weapons

- 1/2 - Locked Holley Crate III

- 1/3 - Locked Holley Crate III, Holiday Jewel Chest

- 1/4 - Locked Holley Crate III, Crate Keys

- 1/5 - Locked Holley Crate III, Aurelian Diamond Vanity Set

Wishing you and yours a wonderful Holiday season from all of us at Spacetime Studios!

12-14-2022, 03:20 PM
Lets go winterrr

Bomkinng al
12-14-2022, 03:20 PM
Finally @.@

12-14-2022, 03:20 PM
whoop whoop

12-14-2022, 03:21 PM

Bomkinng al
12-14-2022, 03:23 PM
Btw where is a xmas banners

12-14-2022, 03:24 PM
Go Marocco!!!

12-14-2022, 03:25 PM
lessgoo now I can rest [emoji2938][emoji2938][emoji2938]

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12-14-2022, 03:25 PM
no badges at top 25? LB

12-14-2022, 03:25 PM

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12-14-2022, 03:27 PM
Thanks cinco for this event g

Pickname - Dougim
12-14-2022, 03:29 PM
Oooop event lol ty

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12-14-2022, 03:30 PM

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12-14-2022, 03:31 PM
Omfg i love this dragon pet need this!!!

12-14-2022, 03:31 PM
Underwhelming LB rewards

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12-14-2022, 03:32 PM
Can you please add a badge for top25?

12-14-2022, 03:32 PM
With all the honesty, this time winter looks amazing.
Amazing work and thank you so much

12-14-2022, 03:32 PM
Can you please reconsider the points needes for gold and platinum tier?
It's too much considering we need to get them every week, and not all of us want to spend all of our Holidays playing video games. Heck, I couldnt even get 20k across 3/4 weeks during previous itterations of this event, let alone in a week.

12-14-2022, 03:33 PM
possibly a snowflake for top 25 badge?

12-14-2022, 03:34 PM
Hey cinco are the holley weps lootable from brooding grounds? Thanks!

12-14-2022, 03:35 PM
Quality stuff thank you devs tho gold tier reward is kinda lacking if possible can you buff it

12-14-2022, 03:36 PM
OMG so cool

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12-14-2022, 03:36 PM
Also I thought asommers said there was a tier badge in winter? What happened to that?

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12-14-2022, 03:39 PM
Could you consider adding damage to all Artifacts?
Since only the mage one gives damage and its 20.00 which is INSANE amount.

12-14-2022, 03:40 PM
Why is the frost fighter vanity set better than the LB top 10 vanity rewards?

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12-14-2022, 03:41 PM
Tier rewards are really bad. Lots of new stuff, that's cool.

12-14-2022, 03:41 PM
Pls add badge for top 25 pls make it worth playing for just like Halloween event.

12-14-2022, 03:41 PM
Heroic Drauger, must have category. Thanks STS!!!

12-14-2022, 03:47 PM
Checking arcane items asking myself, why mage's AA gives 20.00 dmg, while warrior's gives useless 400 hp and rogue one gives critical. @.@ Tell me those pictures are old, and all classes receive damage.

12-14-2022, 03:52 PM
Vendor lacking? I'm guessing those aura deluxe stuff are recipe and not actually aura what can we buy in vendor its 3 weeks event : 3

12-14-2022, 03:54 PM
Tier rewards are not worth grinding. Especially plat tier...not even sure you can reach 20k points in a week but even if you grind night and day you get crate keys to open 2 locks and get epic gear?

12-14-2022, 03:57 PM
does holley weapon have proc?

12-14-2022, 04:01 PM
Tier rewards are not worth grinding. Especially plat tier...not even sure you can reach 20k points in a week but even if you grind night and day you get crate keys to open 2 locks and get epic gear?
XD better spend ur holiday with ur fam

12-14-2022, 04:04 PM
20k points too much , i better spend more time watching netflix with my fam

12-14-2022, 04:06 PM
Vendor lacking? I'm guessing those aura deluxe stuff are recipe and not actually aura what can we buy in vendor its 3 weeks event : 3

Well, the vendor may be lacking in vanities, the Holley's Dragon Holiday Chest is full of them!

12-14-2022, 04:07 PM
this event, really closed the year with some surprise

12-14-2022, 04:08 PM
Vanities have a lazy design.

I’m not quite happy how things are going.

I see a lot of recolors which are not looking quite good.

12-14-2022, 04:11 PM
please reconsider the 20.00 dmg for int AA..

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12-14-2022, 04:12 PM
please reconsider the 20.00 dmg for int AA..

Sent from my POCOPHONE F1 using Tapatalk

Are you saying it should be +30?

12-14-2022, 04:14 PM
Well, the vendor may be lacking in vanities, the Holley's Dragon Holiday Chest is full of them!

Is the chest free to open or we have to use plats :3

12-14-2022, 04:14 PM
Are you saying it should be +30?

Cinco mages has alot of damage already, if you give them 20.00 can you add maby 10.00 to other classes?
20.00 is alot....
and the 400hp and 3.5% crit impact is very minor

12-14-2022, 04:15 PM
Please add a badge for top 25 Leaderboard award. Just like in Halloween event.

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12-14-2022, 04:18 PM
@Cinco , update roadmap with the winter update tomorrow?

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12-14-2022, 04:18 PM
Holy figs, Santa gives and gives !!

12-14-2022, 04:20 PM
Is the chest free to open or we have to use plats :3

It's free to open!

12-14-2022, 04:20 PM
Badges for top 25 and 50 please. Also, just like every other major event this year, platinum rewards should be more appealing.

It's much faster to farm gold that worth 50 keys than to reach plat tier. Not everyone is looking to collect titles.

Heroic Drauger looks amazing.


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12-14-2022, 04:20 PM
it's free to open!

letsss goooooo

12-14-2022, 04:21 PM
Please add vanity set or aura to the ventor please :(

Pickname - Dougim
12-14-2022, 04:22 PM
Atualize Roadmap


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12-14-2022, 04:23 PM
+111111111 for tradeable lb vanities even tho their design isn't the best (maybe could you add some effects or even aura for wearing full set?)

12-14-2022, 04:26 PM
It's free to open!

Does the holley weapon have procs or just standard weapon for 3/3 set effect only

12-14-2022, 04:27 PM
Is there any proc for holley weapons?

12-14-2022, 04:31 PM
So many lootable @@
Ty sts

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12-14-2022, 04:31 PM
Can add a heroic pet at gold tier or plat? 20k pts for plat tier is alot for these rewards every week... can add a different heroic pet every week old ones or the new ones pet not egg

12-14-2022, 04:33 PM
2x platinum please so that i can buy the limited auras in the store

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12-14-2022, 04:35 PM
I don't see a benefit to using the new artifacts in pvp?

12-14-2022, 04:38 PM
Can you please reconsider the points needes for gold and platinum tier?
It's too much considering we need to get them every week, and not all of us want to spend all of our Holidays playing video games. Heck, I couldnt even get 20k across 3/4 weeks during previous itterations of this event, let alone in a week.
If I recall correctly the points are pretty high when defeating the brood boss.

12-14-2022, 04:41 PM
If I recall correctly the points are pretty high when defeating the brood boss.Actually it used to be the oposite, that's why lb runners always skip brood.

Στάλθηκε από το LDN-L21 μου χρησιμοποιώντας Tapatalk

12-14-2022, 04:41 PM
Can replace Banners? Top 50 Banner to be the snowman banner and in snowman banner place to be the xmas banner?

SS Falcon
12-14-2022, 04:43 PM
All the money we spend to support and these vanities are garbage… who is designing these over at your studio? Seriously???

12-14-2022, 04:46 PM
Reviewing this it looks like a Merry XMas for one side while the other gets mediocre scraps. Crate tokens rewards, old weak pets as our drops, irrelevant recipes and elixirs ect.

12-14-2022, 04:47 PM
It would be cool when a few vanitys would move from the lockeds to the token vendor. I mean we also need smth to farm for not to only spend our plats.

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12-14-2022, 04:47 PM
Can add White arlor set? like the Red Arlor but in white. in store without mini jewels belt or jewels at cap

12-14-2022, 04:47 PM
The new elixirs, flask of ice dragon tears and warming waters will be obtainable with tokens?

Στάλθηκε από το LDN-L21 μου χρησιμοποιώντας Tapatalk

12-14-2022, 04:56 PM
The gold tier Yowie egg. We get the egg right? Not the pet in stable but egg in our inventory? Cinco

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12-14-2022, 04:56 PM
Fix ss for the cristmas banner for top50..

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12-14-2022, 04:59 PM
Does the buff of heroic drauger lasts same as debuff time, 10seconds?

Στάλθηκε από το LDN-L21 μου χρησιμοποιώντας Tapatalk

12-14-2022, 05:00 PM
Again do the Holly weps drop from brooding grounds??? Thanks

12-14-2022, 05:03 PM
Well, the vendor may be lacking in vanities, the Holley's Dragon Holiday Chest is full of them!
That’s great, don’t need to run maps then :)

Sakura Bushido
12-14-2022, 05:05 PM
Looks amazing.. i mean the drauger egg. Rest looks decent but weird. Badge for t25 and rewards for t50 missing in announcement? Or am i reading over it.

No vendor, no tokens? Getting to that plat tier should be rewarding in some sort? Unlocked, furniture (like halloween?)

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12-14-2022, 05:05 PM
Doesn't the title 'Frostbitten' already exist from a nordr aps?

Outside of that, event looks great, thanks devs! Super excited for the grinch title

12-14-2022, 05:10 PM
would it be possible to put med. ice wall, small ice wall,
large ice wall at the tokens vendor? or other period furniture

12-14-2022, 05:12 PM
Doesn't the title 'Frostbitten' already exist from a nordr aps?

Outside of that, event looks great, thanks devs! Super excited for the grinch title

really exists

12-14-2022, 05:13 PM
Does the buff of heroic drauger lasts same as debuff time, 10seconds?

Στάλθηκε από το LDN-L21 μου χρησιμοποιώντας TapatalkAlso if possible do dmg reduction 50% of arcane ability. Will actually give this pet deserving value similar to its looks!
Or else mephisto aa worth less than 5m still better.

Στάλθηκε από το LDN-L21 μου χρησιμοποιώντας Tapatalk

12-14-2022, 05:20 PM
Add red arlor sets for drop in winter

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12-14-2022, 05:23 PM
I like it thanks sts

12-14-2022, 05:26 PM
Doesn't the title 'Frostbitten' already exist from a nordr aps?

Title updated.


12-14-2022, 05:29 PM
Thank you for making the lb vanities tradeable

12-14-2022, 05:54 PM
Thank you for making the lb vanities tradeable

Who said lb vanities trade-able ? I believe the title "3x LB Weeks w Trade-Friendly Vans" is refer to those vanity on store sale, the one from locks, and the one is loot-able in event map :)

12-14-2022, 05:57 PM
Read the post again

12-14-2022, 06:03 PM
Will arcane weapons/armor/helm still drop in crates? Didn't see them being mentioned

12-14-2022, 06:08 PM
Who said lb vanities trade-able ? I believe the title "3x LB Weeks w Trade-Friendly Vans" is refer to those vanity on store sale, the one from locks, and the one is loot-able in event map :)

I said LB vanities were trade-able. ^.^

12-14-2022, 06:10 PM
Will arcane weapons/armor/helm still drop in crates? Didn't see them being mentioned

Yes, they are still lootable from the crates.

12-14-2022, 06:11 PM
Are lb banners tradeable.
If not, please make them tradeable too.

12-14-2022, 06:12 PM
Are lb banners tradeable.
If not, please make them tradeable too.

They are, and the badge is as well.

12-14-2022, 06:17 PM
And all I wanted for Xmas was an arc 81 amulet :(

12-14-2022, 06:29 PM
will there be a chest on the vendor? or will it not be as useful as starting the harvester?

12-14-2022, 06:40 PM
Design team should take every LB vanity and compare it to ghost/Frank/Medusa/Ice spirit/ice golem/yeti sets. When they look bad, go back to the design table these are trash lb vanities

12-14-2022, 06:49 PM
Design team should take every LB vanity and compare it to ghost/Frank/Medusa/Ice spirit/ice golem/yeti sets. When they look bad, go back to the design table these are trash lb vanities

No animation no glowing effects for lb vanity’s nowadays it’s disappointing

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12-14-2022, 07:01 PM
No animation no glowing effects for lb vanity’s nowadays it’s disappointing

Sent from my iPhone using TapatalkThe designer of this vanity is very old!!! He should explore his/her mind more. Even a kid can design that lol. Idk where is the designer of ice spirit, ice golem, yeti, tree set, medusa, ghost, frank, orig jester, spectral medusa, golem and mummy.

Sent from my V2036 using Tapatalk

12-14-2022, 07:21 PM
ss / preview for the —> Winter Tree Weapons

12-14-2022, 07:34 PM
top 25 - 50 lb prizes not even worth it to run

Sent from my SM-A125F using Tapatalk

12-14-2022, 08:00 PM
The designer of this vanity is very old!!! He should explore his/her mind more. Even a kid can design that lol. Idk where is the designer of ice spirit, ice golem, yeti, tree set, medusa, ghost, frank, orig jester, spectral medusa, golem and mummy.

Sent from my V2036 using Tapatalk


Everytime theres new vanities, i never puts my hope high. I know it will dissapoint me. STS needs to hire new designer lol. Always garbage design introduces to us, Arlorians. Im never hype for event vanities since 2018-2019 ehen swamp and volcanium introduced.2020-2022, all design are sucks. Sorry, but this is fact.

12-14-2022, 08:09 PM
They are, and the badge is as well.

Holley weapon procs?

12-14-2022, 09:20 PM
this is the best event so far!! so many stuff

Skeleton Mike
12-14-2022, 09:55 PM
That dragon pet is crazy :0

Lim Weibin
12-14-2022, 10:04 PM
Loving the wreath aura!:greedy_dollars:

12-14-2022, 10:24 PM
My only complaint is the new arcane ring looks weak, why would anyone use this over profit ring? Maybe for the ultimate charge but unless it's a lot higher it won't make a difference on any of the maps that need it like zodias portal maps which can be done in 20-30 seconds.

12-14-2022, 10:27 PM
top 25 - 50 lb prizes not even worth it to run

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12-14-2022, 10:59 PM
Add Badge rewards for top 25 - 50 so everyone got something nice to run lb

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12-14-2022, 11:04 PM
top 25 - 50 lb prizes not even worth it to run

lol as if the top5 rewards are worth running for. the vanities are... underwhelming...

12-14-2022, 11:07 PM
I wish there were more stuff available in vendors for tokens....
for example a pet version of that hero drag or the other ones... for tokens
this event seems rather like a plat store event than sth you would run for.

12-14-2022, 11:12 PM
suggestion to add heroic draugar egg as top5 lb reward and badge for top 25 please

and possible to add wk3 lb vanity for rog and mage?

12-14-2022, 11:15 PM
I just want a 40% plat sale and im gucci

12-14-2022, 11:17 PM
Nice event. Gl gl

12-14-2022, 11:17 PM
Sad that no snowflake badge for winter event. Plat tier reward is 50keys which worth 2-3 hours farming in ESUNK.

Not everyone cares for titles. They are meaningless to most players.

Sent from my GM1913 using Tapatalk

12-14-2022, 11:18 PM
+1 add badge for plat tiers [emoji3063]

Sent from my RMX2020 using Tapatalk

12-14-2022, 11:30 PM
Sad that no snowflake badge for winter event. Plat tier reward is 50keys which worth 2-3 hours farming in ESUNK.

Not everyone cares for titles. They are meaningless to most players.

Sent from my GM1913 using Tapatalk

20k points for only 50 keys sadge

12-14-2022, 11:42 PM
The designer of this vanity is very old!!! He should explore his/her mind more. Even a kid can design that lol. Idk where is the designer of ice spirit, ice golem, yeti, tree set, medusa, ghost, frank, orig jester, spectral medusa, golem and mummy.

Sent from my V2036 using TapatalkIndeed.... If they cannot make a better looking vanity then at least make a vanity set for LB which gives aura.

Sent from my RMX3381 using Tapatalk

12-15-2022, 12:19 AM
As far as i remember a dev said that there will be 3 badge for winter event , idk why they changed their plan.

12-15-2022, 12:23 AM
I just want a 40% plat sale and im gucci50% will be nice o_O

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12-15-2022, 12:24 AM
I just want a 40% plat sale and im gucci

Someone tell me when is the plate sale geez, that’s all in looking forward to

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12-15-2022, 12:25 AM
Nice event.

12-15-2022, 12:37 AM
Sad, a snowflake badge would of fit a lot of players in AL.

12-15-2022, 12:41 AM
Please add bear hats for bear back vanities too!

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12-15-2022, 12:49 AM
wow...great n cool new aura,new pet especially the dark drauger,cool locked snowman banner/bacpack,cutie bear furnit n new arc belt,ring n arti..very nice...thing that can be improve is tier reward,the 3 event banner kinda look too clinche...pls hired new designer or bring back old designer for next yr winter..miss those cool n pretty winter banner from previous2 winter event and also,hopefully next year can bring back arc arti that can be loot from syrilax/brood..really miss previous2 winter event

12-15-2022, 01:13 AM
are y’all fr? [emoji1787]

Sakura Bushido
12-15-2022, 01:17 AM
are y’all fr? [emoji1787]This is stupid right? Sts back at it again filling their pockets.

Verstuurd vanaf mijn SM-G996B met Tapatalk

12-15-2022, 01:31 AM
Another level events lets go

Sent from my RMX2061 using Tapatalk

12-15-2022, 01:35 AM
With this new score boost elixir is not worth running for LB.
Obviously a money grab and pay to win item. STS you should be ashamed for that

12-15-2022, 01:40 AM
With this new score boost elixir is not worth running for LB.
Obviously a money grab and pay to win item. STS you should be ashamed for thatdon't run for lb then....ofc they want money lol ...what company doesn't want to make money?? tell me :)

Sent from my RMX2001 using Tapatalk

Sakura Bushido
12-15-2022, 01:44 AM
don't run for lb then....ofc they want money lol ...what company doesn't want to make money?? tell me :)

Sent from my RMX2001 using TapatalkCmon dude, hiding lb rewards now Behind plat buyers is new a take. Unfair in all ways, if it was fair this shouldn't be added.....

Verstuurd vanaf mijn SM-G996B met Tapatalk

12-15-2022, 01:57 AM
Nice Job. Amazing

12-15-2022, 01:58 AM

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12-15-2022, 02:25 AM
op event lots of lootable stuff

thankyou sts <3

Sent from my RMX2020 using Tapatalk

12-15-2022, 02:37 AM
Can you please reconsider the points needes for gold and platinum tier?
It's too much considering we need to get them every week, and not all of us want to spend all of our Holidays playing video games. Heck, I couldnt even get 20k across 3/4 weeks during previous itterations of this event, let alone in a week.

+1 on this, 20k a week seems a bit over the top.

12-15-2022, 02:42 AM
Bronze tier - 300~
Silver tier - 900~
Gold tier - 2000~
Plat tier - 5000~
That would be much better since it is a weekly reset.... right now points required to get plat tier are 6 times bigger than the points required for the HW plat tier.

12-15-2022, 02:43 AM
The cracked flask of ice dragon tears elixir, says its can be crafted and untradable. must be the free elixir
Im hoping the ingredients to be available in event zone or purchased with tokens or available while farming energy essence

I guess wk1 lb runners are the testers....

12-15-2022, 02:49 AM
+1 on this, 20k a week seems a bit over the top.Ye 20k is a bit too high

12-15-2022, 03:00 AM
Can you please reconsider the points needes for gold and platinum tier?
It's too much considering we need to get them every week, and not all of us want to spend all of our Holidays playing video games. Heck, I couldnt even get 20k across 3/4 weeks during previous itterations of this event, let alone in a week.

yeah, I really think this needs to be reconsidered. That's an excessive amount of stitches to do in a week. remember this is a game, and the point is fun... please reduce these tier points. Before it was proportional to three weeks, now do it in proportion to 1 week. please and thank you

12-15-2022, 03:13 AM
Please Add Option to disable Gear set visuals (Like zaraus) while Vanity Set visuals are available like (Hoarfrost or Carinval sets) Rip my English

Bored of seeing that Spinner Circle while Using my Hoarfrost set.. ty

Sent from my SM-A217F using Tapatalk

12-15-2022, 03:40 AM
plat tier reward is 50 crate tokens and holley set give 15% hate stat

12-15-2022, 04:21 AM
Sad, a snowflake badge would of fit a lot of players in AL.

+1. I agree...

12-15-2022, 04:24 AM
Can we also convert our stuffed bear/light bear/dark bear/ into a back vanity with a Christmas hat?

12-15-2022, 04:29 AM
plat tier reward is 50 crate tokens and holley set give 15% hate statPlat tier doesn't give any set lol, just 50keys and title.

Sent from my GM1913 using Tapatalk

12-15-2022, 04:36 AM
Someone tell me when is the plate sale geez, that’s all in looking forward to

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Plat sale might begin once the winter event is starting. that's what they did last year, so they might do the same thing again.

I'm not 100% sure ok? I'm just saying a possibility of when it will be released. A wanna be smart snowflake might appear again just in case he tries to bump on me. Let's just see tomorrow. that's the best way.

12-15-2022, 04:39 AM
Please remove flask we don't need those

12-15-2022, 04:57 AM
Can you change either the banner or badge to be bound to the lb runner? Or add another reward that is bound to the runner? I see no point in running when literally every reward can be circulated. No distinguishable item from the lb runner to the other players that would buy them.

12-15-2022, 05:06 AM
Can you change either the banner or badge to be bound to the lb runner? Or add another reward that is bound to the runner? I see no point in running when literally every reward can be circulated. No distinguishable item from the lb runner to the other players that would buy them.

Its always up to the dedicated runner if he wants to sell it or not they own it the choice is theirs like it or not get used to it if u don't want to run lb no one is forcing you

12-15-2022, 05:37 AM
Can you change either the banner or badge to be bound to the lb runner? Or add another reward that is bound to the runner? I see no point in running when literally every reward can be circulated. No distinguishable item from the lb runner to the other players that would buy them.

badge bound to lb runner
Some form of special reward that shows the lb runner apart from the ones who bought the items later. The runner did put in the effort for the lb.
not just something which he can sell later (even if u call the gold/item received by selling the lb items as a reward)

12-15-2022, 06:05 AM
its pretty good tho, ig

12-15-2022, 06:34 AM
Havent they only increased it to 30 points per defeat last year, despite having to have dragonflame thing to access the brooding grounds?
I could only play so much before I became exhausted, and having to craft both energy and the dragonflane things made me get bored more quickly, because it is really tedious to do when you do not have all crafting slots unlocked (I then had and still have only 10 of them unlocked).

Correct me if Im wrong (which I probably am considering I havent played the Halloween event in 2021 and 2020, but I do not think they increased the points for halloween bosses this year despite 1 week duration for each reset.

12-15-2022, 06:38 AM
The most Iconic Winter Event of all Time. Finally. If the drop rate is higher it will be MERRY CHRISTMAS FOR ALL!! Thank you Cinco.

Sent from my vivo 1716 using Tapatalk

12-15-2022, 06:46 AM
Any chance holley weapons base damage can get a little buffed? Such numbers feel a bit outdated. Also is there a proc for them?

12-15-2022, 06:55 AM
Any chance holley weapons base damage can get a little buffed? Such numbers feel a bit outdated. Also is there a proc for them?



12-15-2022, 07:06 AM
Its always up to the dedicated runner if he wants to sell it or not they own it the choice is theirs like it or not get used to it if u don't want to run lb no one is forcing you

Thats besides the point, even prior 2017 when lb vanities used to be tradable, there was always something exclusive to the player who ran it. It serves as a souvenir lb runners collect over time.

Lb becomes pointless when literally everything can be traded. I hope this gets looked at again, as this type of reward system is actually a downgrade for lb players and the integrity of what a leaderboard should possess.

12-15-2022, 07:07 AM
are y’all fr? [emoji1787][emoji58][emoji58][emoji58][emoji58] @cinco remove this plzzz bruuhhhh

Run fair no[emoji724] need like this

Give the poor a chance for the upcoming christmas event fight fair no need 15% boost score like this...

Sent from my RMX2061 using Tapatalk

12-15-2022, 07:21 AM
All I read 90% of comments are all criticizing, blaming dev not doing enough and asking for more.
Be grateful and thank devs for all the hard work.

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12-15-2022, 07:27 AM
Tier Rewards
Gold and Platinum Tier are a complete joke, crate tokens? Instead of adding a decent pet/egg or decently designed Vanity item/set on plat tier we get the always super useful crate tokens, seriously now, Who thought this was a good idea? Crate tokens have no use, wait nvm, we can use them to buy Ebon weapons/drag weapons/bunch of eggs and arc shard, I guess everyone (everyone who has already opened locks to gather these tokens ofc) will go for arc shard since all the other stuff is useless.
If you are adding a Jewel Chest I highly encourage you to improve this chest since we all know the vast majority will get a standard jwl that will never be used, let the gamble for Locked Chests, we need decent rewards from tiers.
The titles are good, merrymaker is a nice change to the usual single colored titles.

Lb Rewards
1 different set for each week, why? The single set recolored for each week was good alrdy imo, guess the rewards being tradeable kinda makes up for it.
The overall Reward distributions seem fair tho top 5 should get a banner as well.
Make Badge or banner bound to lb Runners, something should stay bound otherwise whats the point? Anyone could buy the whole Rewards and pretend they actually won the lb.

Token Vendor
Hopefully im wrong on this one but from what I've read, Vendor only has recipes to craft locks, auras (that require the actual aura only obtainable through locks), Teddy bears with hats (that require buying the bear with platinum) and the new point booster lix.
Is this some kind of prank?
Where are the pets, Vanity items, furniture and the event Lesser and Greater Chests?
There're plenty of items being added to events, stop hiding them all inside Locked crates!

Boss Loot
So far so good, i would add a recipe to both platinum tier bosses and brood, these recipes would let us craft a holleythrax themed Vanity set (wing recipe-Syrillax, weapon recipe-Elite Guards, helm and armor recipe-Holleythrax).
Other Vanity items or winter themed furniture would be appreciated as well.
Maybe replace arc chester with Hero Lucky? Who doesnt have arc chester already?

New pets
Overall appreciated for having 5 new pets, the downside? 4 of them are restricted to platinum users either through locks or store sale, i get the point of running a business is making money but considering the release of the new 3 arcanes, 3 new auras, aurelian set and winter tree weapons i think it's more than enough.
Make any of the other 4 pets (Hero glacial grom/frostbitten/Hero drauger/arc glacian) lootable from Brood.
Arc Yowie:
Passive: whats the %rate for each different attack to happen?
HB: replace the gl for 20/25% haste/15% HP Regen, make the dmg reduction stackable.
AA: decrease CD to 18-20 seconds.
Hero Glacial Grom:
Passive: how long lasts the freeze?
HB: add +20/30 Str,Dex,Int.
AA: does the freeze ability granted to the passive work for any pet that has this as a slotted aa?
Passive: add a 5%chance to freeze to the 5seconds fire DOT.
HB: make dmg stacking.
AA: decrease CD to 23-25seconds.
Hero Drauger:
Passive: is the extra dmg stacking? Does the dot also trigger the 15% dmg Buff?
AA: whats the %rate for the stun to happen?

Kraken items
Artifact: make all have the 20dmg we all know warriors have no use for miserable extra 400hp, same goes for rogues and that extra 3.5% crit.
Give a passive effect that reduces kraken weapons CD by 3-4seconds OR increases their proc rate by 15%.
Ring: change proc into "chance on attack" instead of "chance on killing".
Make the proc stack up to 4 times.
Belt: change proc into "chance on attack" no point on making it a proc that gives extra luck/gl if we have killed the enemy already before the proc activates.
Replace gl buff for a 5%hp Regen/Leech/Poison dot.
Do these items have a cd? If so, whats the CD for each item?
Are there any buffs to be expected for kraken weapons? Sword needs a Buff, idk others.

Holley set
Good addition, hopefully weapons have some kind of winter/ice themed proc WITHOUT a cd.

Again Brood requires flamestones to enter, ppl is already busy enough farming energies dying of boredom on hauntlet since its the most efficient place to farm them. Make an item like there used to be that allow us to enter Brood as long as this item is in our inventory, make it even cost 1k-5k tokens if you want. I have full Crafting slots, cant think of the despair of someone with only 5 slots.
The addition of a point boosting elixir is completely unnecessary, hopefully this isnt implemented on further events.

Expected more from winter event, anyway, Merry Christmas.

12-15-2022, 07:47 AM
I wanna say few things about new artifacts.

1. The mage one gives 20.00 damage which is crazy amount.

2. Rogue one, is giving 3.5% Crit which is useless.
look at my stats wearing MYTHIC set which doesnt give much crit, and look at the crit stats-


so that 3.5% crit will have no benefit for rogue players unless they have very low dex.

3. Warrior also gets a very minor buff from that artifact (400hp)

1) Make Mage one 10.00 damage
2) Remove crit stat, since we all have 100% crit, and replace it with 5% critical damage
3) Remove warrior HP buff from the Artifact and replace it with 5% haste.

12-15-2022, 08:01 AM
10 Damage is too low since Sorcerers already get +10 Damage from the moldy old Level 76 Artifact. That said, we'll consider tuning it down a bit.

Good point about crit. Happy to consider changing this to crit damage for Rogues.

Less excited about the lil haste boost to Warriors but we'll discuss it.

Best wishes!

12-15-2022, 08:04 AM
Tier Rewards
Gold and Platinum Tier are a complete joke, crate tokens? Instead of adding a decent pet/egg or decently designed Vanity item/set on plat tier we get the always super useful crate tokens, seriously now, Who thought this was a good idea? Crate tokens have no use, wait nvm, we can use them to buy Ebon weapons/drag weapons/bunch of eggs and arc shard, I guess everyone (everyone who has already opened locks to gather these tokens ofc) will go for arc shard since all the other stuff is useless.
If you are adding a Jewel Chest I highly encourage you to improve this chest since we all know the vast majority will get a standard jwl that will never be used, let the gamble for Locked Chests, we need decent rewards from tiers.
The titles are good, merrymaker is a nice change to the usual single colored titles.

Lb Rewards
1 different set for each week, why? The single set recolored for each week was good alrdy imo, guess the rewards being tradeable kinda makes up for it.
The overall Reward distributions seem fair tho top 5 should get a banner as well.
Make Badge or banner bound to lb Runners, something should stay bound otherwise whats the point? Anyone could buy the whole Rewards and pretend they actually won the lb.

Token Vendor
Hopefully im wrong on this one but from what I've read, Vendor only has recipes to craft locks, auras (that require the actual aura only obtainable through locks), Teddy bears with hats (that require buying the bear with platinum) and the new point booster lix.
Is this some kind of prank?
Where are the pets, Vanity items, furniture and the event Lesser and Greater Chests?
There're plenty of items being added to events, stop hiding them all inside Locked crates!

Boss Loot
So far so good, i would add a recipe to both platinum tier bosses and brood, these recipes would let us craft a holleythrax themed Vanity set (wing recipe-Syrillax, weapon recipe-Elite Guards, helm and armor recipe-Holleythrax).
Other Vanity items or winter themed furniture would be appreciated as well.
Maybe replace arc chester with Hero Lucky? Who doesnt have arc chester already?

New pets
Overall appreciated for having 5 new pets, the downside? 4 of them are restricted to platinum users either through locks or store sale, i get the point of running a business is making money but considering the release of the new 3 arcanes, 3 new auras, aurelian set and winter tree weapons i think it's more than enough.
Make any of the other 4 pets (Hero glacial grom/frostbitten/Hero drauger/arc glacian) lootable from Brood.
Arc Yowie:
Passive: whats the %rate for each different attack to happen?
HB: replace the gl for 20/25% haste/15% HP Regen, make the dmg reduction stackable.
AA: decrease CD to 18-20 seconds.
Hero Glacial Grom:
Passive: how long lasts the freeze?
HB: add +20/30 Str,Dex,Int.
AA: does the freeze ability granted to the passive work for any pet that has this as a slotted aa?
Passive: add a 5%chance to freeze to the 5seconds fire DOT.
HB: make dmg stacking.
AA: decrease CD to 23-25seconds.
Hero Drauger:
Passive: is the extra dmg stacking? Does the dot also trigger the 15% dmg Buff?
AA: whats the %rate for the stun to happen?

Kraken items
Artifact: make all have the 20dmg we all know warriors have no use for miserable extra 400hp, same goes for rogues and that extra 3.5% crit.
Give a passive effect that reduces kraken weapons CD by 3-4seconds OR increases their proc rate by 15%.
Ring: change proc into "chance on attack" instead of "chance on killing".
Make the proc stack up to 4 times.
Belt: change proc into "chance on attack" no point on making it a proc that gives extra luck/gl if we have killed the enemy already before the proc activates.
Replace gl buff for a 5%hp Regen/Leech/Poison dot.
Do these items have a cd? If so, whats the CD for each item?
Are there any buffs to be expected for kraken weapons? Sword needs a Buff, idk others.

Holley set
Good addition, hopefully weapons have some kind of winter/ice themed proc WITHOUT a cd.

Again Brood requires flamestones to enter, ppl is already busy enough farming energies dying of boredom on hauntlet since its the most efficient place to farm them. Make an item like there used to be that allow us to enter Brood as long as this item is in our inventory, make it even cost 1k-5k tokens if you want. I have full Crafting slots, cant think of the despair of someone with only 5 slots.
The addition of a point boosting elixir is completely unnecessary, hopefully this isnt implemented on further events.

Expected more from winter event, anyway, Merry Christmas.

Bruh i can't even type this within typing machine

Sent from my SM-A217F using Tapatalk

12-15-2022, 08:48 AM
Traceable lb vanities and different design vanities each week!? Thats actually really awesome! Tons of content this time.
Awesome job STS!!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

12-15-2022, 08:57 AM
Pooooooog. Only aura recipes in vendor?? No vanity sets? Aww thats a bummer. And would it be possible for u guys to remove the jewels detail on the gold arlor winterfest vanity? They look bad tbh and if its going in store itd be nicer to not have those goofy jewels

Sent from my SM-A235F using Tapatalk

12-15-2022, 09:13 AM
Tier Rewards
Gold and Platinum Tier are a complete joke, crate tokens? Instead of adding a decent pet/egg or decently designed Vanity item/set on plat tier we get the always super useful crate tokens, seriously now, Who thought this was a good idea? Crate tokens have no use, wait nvm, we can use them to buy Ebon weapons/drag weapons/bunch of eggs and arc shard, I guess everyone (everyone who has already opened locks to gather these tokens ofc) will go for arc shard since all the other stuff is useless.
If you are adding a Jewel Chest I highly encourage you to improve this chest since we all know the vast majority will get a standard jwl that will never be used, let the gamble for Locked Chests, we need decent rewards from tiers.
The titles are good, merrymaker is a nice change to the usual single colored titles.

Lb Rewards
1 different set for each week, why? The single set recolored for each week was good alrdy imo, guess the rewards being tradeable kinda makes up for it.
The overall Reward distributions seem fair tho top 5 should get a banner as well.
Make Badge or banner bound to lb Runners, something should stay bound otherwise whats the point? Anyone could buy the whole Rewards and pretend they actually won the lb.

Token Vendor
Hopefully im wrong on this one but from what I've read, Vendor only has recipes to craft locks, auras (that require the actual aura only obtainable through locks), Teddy bears with hats (that require buying the bear with platinum) and the new point booster lix.
Is this some kind of prank?
Where are the pets, Vanity items, furniture and the event Lesser and Greater Chests?
There're plenty of items being added to events, stop hiding them all inside Locked crates!

Boss Loot
So far so good, i would add a recipe to both platinum tier bosses and brood, these recipes would let us craft a holleythrax themed Vanity set (wing recipe-Syrillax, weapon recipe-Elite Guards, helm and armor recipe-Holleythrax).
Other Vanity items or winter themed furniture would be appreciated as well.
Maybe replace arc chester with Hero Lucky? Who doesnt have arc chester already?

New pets
Overall appreciated for having 5 new pets, the downside? 4 of them are restricted to platinum users either through locks or store sale, i get the point of running a business is making money but considering the release of the new 3 arcanes, 3 new auras, aurelian set and winter tree weapons i think it's more than enough.
Make any of the other 4 pets (Hero glacial grom/frostbitten/Hero drauger/arc glacian) lootable from Brood.
Arc Yowie:
Passive: whats the %rate for each different attack to happen?
HB: replace the gl for 20/25% haste/15% HP Regen, make the dmg reduction stackable.
AA: decrease CD to 18-20 seconds.
Hero Glacial Grom:
Passive: how long lasts the freeze?
HB: add +20/30 Str,Dex,Int.
AA: does the freeze ability granted to the passive work for any pet that has this as a slotted aa?
Passive: add a 5%chance to freeze to the 5seconds fire DOT.
HB: make dmg stacking.
AA: decrease CD to 23-25seconds.
Hero Drauger:
Passive: is the extra dmg stacking? Does the dot also trigger the 15% dmg Buff?
AA: whats the %rate for the stun to happen?

Kraken items
Artifact: make all have the 20dmg we all know warriors have no use for miserable extra 400hp, same goes for rogues and that extra 3.5% crit.
Give a passive effect that reduces kraken weapons CD by 3-4seconds OR increases their proc rate by 15%.
Ring: change proc into "chance on attack" instead of "chance on killing".
Make the proc stack up to 4 times.
Belt: change proc into "chance on attack" no point on making it a proc that gives extra luck/gl if we have killed the enemy already before the proc activates.
Replace gl buff for a 5%hp Regen/Leech/Poison dot.
Do these items have a cd? If so, whats the CD for each item?
Are there any buffs to be expected for kraken weapons? Sword needs a Buff, idk others.

Holley set
Good addition, hopefully weapons have some kind of winter/ice themed proc WITHOUT a cd.

Again Brood requires flamestones to enter, ppl is already busy enough farming energies dying of boredom on hauntlet since its the most efficient place to farm them. Make an item like there used to be that allow us to enter Brood as long as this item is in our inventory, make it even cost 1k-5k tokens if you want. I have full Crafting slots, cant think of the despair of someone with only 5 slots.
The addition of a point boosting elixir is completely unnecessary, hopefully this isnt implemented on further events.

Expected more from winter event, anyway, Merry Christmas.

Said reality is that they won't even read your constructive criticism and suggestions, they'll probably do nothing.

12-15-2022, 09:32 AM
Thats besides the point, even prior 2017 when lb vanities used to be tradable, there was always something exclusive to the player who ran it. It serves as a souvenir lb runners collect over time.

Lb becomes pointless when literally everything can be traded. I hope this gets looked at again, as this type of reward system is actually a downgrade for lb players and the integrity of what a leaderboard should possess.I don't understand how lb rewards being tradable is an issue to you. If you don't want the item/vanity then don't get it.

And if you run event to get on lb, then you'll get the prize anyway, so you can just keep it instead of selling it.

And those who didn't have time to run at least have a chance to buy it, so in the end everyone's happy :)

I personally wish that I could sell my halloween lb vanity set, because I didn't like it and only wanted the banner+badge. And I know others would like to own it. So.

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12-15-2022, 09:36 AM
Tier Rewards
Gold and Platinum Tier are a complete joke, crate tokens? Instead of adding a decent pet/egg or decently designed Vanity item/set on plat tier we get the always super useful crate tokens, seriously now, Who thought this was a good idea? Crate tokens have no use, wait nvm, we can use them to buy Ebon weapons/drag weapons/bunch of eggs and arc shard, I guess everyone (everyone who has already opened locks to gather these tokens ofc) will go for arc shard since all the other stuff is useless.
If you are adding a Jewel Chest I highly encourage you to improve this chest since we all know the vast majority will get a standard jwl that will never be used, let the gamble for Locked Chests, we need decent rewards from tiers.
The titles are good, merrymaker is a nice change to the usual single colored titles.

Lb Rewards
1 different set for each week, why? The single set recolored for each week was good alrdy imo, guess the rewards being tradeable kinda makes up for it.
The overall Reward distributions seem fair tho top 5 should get a banner as well.
Make Badge or banner bound to lb Runners, something should stay bound otherwise whats the point? Anyone could buy the whole Rewards and pretend they actually won the lb.

Token Vendor
Hopefully im wrong on this one but from what I've read, Vendor only has recipes to craft locks, auras (that require the actual aura only obtainable through locks), Teddy bears with hats (that require buying the bear with platinum) and the new point booster lix.
Is this some kind of prank?
Where are the pets, Vanity items, furniture and the event Lesser and Greater Chests?
There're plenty of items being added to events, stop hiding them all inside Locked crates!

Boss Loot
So far so good, i would add a recipe to both platinum tier bosses and brood, these recipes would let us craft a holleythrax themed Vanity set (wing recipe-Syrillax, weapon recipe-Elite Guards, helm and armor recipe-Holleythrax).
Other Vanity items or winter themed furniture would be appreciated as well.
Maybe replace arc chester with Hero Lucky? Who doesnt have arc chester already?

New pets
Overall appreciated for having 5 new pets, the downside? 4 of them are restricted to platinum users either through locks or store sale, i get the point of running a business is making money but considering the release of the new 3 arcanes, 3 new auras, aurelian set and winter tree weapons i think it's more than enough.
Make any of the other 4 pets (Hero glacial grom/frostbitten/Hero drauger/arc glacian) lootable from Brood.
Arc Yowie:
Passive: whats the %rate for each different attack to happen?
HB: replace the gl for 20/25% haste/15% HP Regen, make the dmg reduction stackable.
AA: decrease CD to 18-20 seconds.
Hero Glacial Grom:
Passive: how long lasts the freeze?
HB: add +20/30 Str,Dex,Int.
AA: does the freeze ability granted to the passive work for any pet that has this as a slotted aa?
Passive: add a 5%chance to freeze to the 5seconds fire DOT.
HB: make dmg stacking.
AA: decrease CD to 23-25seconds.
Hero Drauger:
Passive: is the extra dmg stacking? Does the dot also trigger the 15% dmg Buff?
AA: whats the %rate for the stun to happen?

Kraken items
Artifact: make all have the 20dmg we all know warriors have no use for miserable extra 400hp, same goes for rogues and that extra 3.5% crit.
Give a passive effect that reduces kraken weapons CD by 3-4seconds OR increases their proc rate by 15%.
Ring: change proc into "chance on attack" instead of "chance on killing".
Make the proc stack up to 4 times.
Belt: change proc into "chance on attack" no point on making it a proc that gives extra luck/gl if we have killed the enemy already before the proc activates.
Replace gl buff for a 5%hp Regen/Leech/Poison dot.
Do these items have a cd? If so, whats the CD for each item?
Are there any buffs to be expected for kraken weapons? Sword needs a Buff, idk others.

Holley set
Good addition, hopefully weapons have some kind of winter/ice themed proc WITHOUT a cd.

Again Brood requires flamestones to enter, ppl is already busy enough farming energies dying of boredom on hauntlet since its the most efficient place to farm them. Make an item like there used to be that allow us to enter Brood as long as this item is in our inventory, make it even cost 1k-5k tokens if you want. I have full Crafting slots, cant think of the despair of someone with only 5 slots.
The addition of a point boosting elixir is completely unnecessary, hopefully this isnt implemented on further events.

Expected more from winter event, anyway, Merry Christmas.

Thanks for all the suggestions! They are very much appreciated.

To improve on previous years' events we moved what would normally be Tier rewards into loot. The intention is to bring excitement back to the game zones as opposed to piling it all on the accumulation of score. I think criticism here is totally fair but I am committed to seeing if this approach is the improvement I'm looking for (and if it isn't we'll try something else in the future).

Your "is this a joke," and "is this a prank" comments obscure the constructive aspects of your post. Not sure you want constructive feedback yourself, but there it is ;-)

I'll discuss your Pet feedback with the team but on the surface it all seems unnecessary and OP to the extent that we'd just be creating more balance problems. I completely understand wanting to throw more numbers and preferred numbers at the Pets you (maybe kinda) like, but with so much power going around already I feel like these are in the right spot. Of course, if I'm suddenly looking at a failed battery of Pet Egg offerings then I'll think again about how much power to stack on 2023 Pets starting with Lunar New Year.

Your Kraken Battle Sign (AA) suggestions are good and match up with other players' suggestions. Changing them all to +20 Damage is not the right move - but giving them all +10 Damage is probably okay. Though the Sorcerer's 76 gives them +10 Damage, the impact of +120 Primary Stat is still profound.

I agree that the Kraken Battle Belt and Ring should proc on damage instead of kill. The reasoning for putting the proc on kill was to encourage endgame players to include 'minion kills' in their strategies. Unfortunately, one piece of 81 Arcane gear isn't going to change anyone's assumptions about how they need to play content - so switching it to 'on damage' gives us a more powerful and attractive item.

As for the stat changes on the procs, I'd ask that you play with these items for a week or so and let us know if you still feel that these specific changes should be considered. We have been running with these new pieces for several weeks and have made countless changes to the stat offerings and the procs and feel very good about the overall performance.

Thanks for your continued support, and Happy Holidays!

12-15-2022, 09:40 AM
i hope there is 40% plat sale and 2x plat

Sent from my SM-A125F using Tapatalk

12-15-2022, 10:00 AM
Is the tear elix stashable? Asking for my 15 level 81 chars :)

Gesendet von iPhone mit Tapatalk

12-15-2022, 10:06 AM
[emoji58][emoji58][emoji58][emoji58] @cinco remove this plzzz bruuhhhh

Run fair no[emoji724] need like this

Give the poor a chance for the upcoming christmas event fight fair no need 15% boost score like this...

Sent from my RMX2061 using Tapatalk

Agreed +100

12-15-2022, 10:36 AM
Thanks for all the suggestions! They are very much appreciated.

To improve on previous years' events we moved what would normally be Tier rewards into loot. The intention is to bring excitement back to the game zones as opposed to piling it all on the accumulation of score. I think criticism here is totally fair but I am committed to seeing if this approach is the improvement I'm looking for (and if it isn't we'll try something else in the future).

Your "is this a joke," and "is this a prank" comments obscure the constructive aspects of your post. Not sure you want constructive feedback yourself, but there it is ;-)

I'll discuss your Pet feedback with the team but on the surface it all seems unnecessary and OP to the extent that we'd just be creating more balance problems. I completely understand wanting to throw more numbers and preferred numbers at the Pets you (maybe kinda) like, but with so much power going around already I feel like these are in the right spot. Of course, if I'm suddenly looking at a failed battery of Pet Egg offerings then I'll think again about how much power to stack on 2023 Pets starting with Lunar New Year.

Your Kraken Battle Sign (AA) suggestions are good and match up with other players' suggestions. Changing them all to +20 Damage is not the right move - but giving them all +10 Damage is probably okay. Though the Sorcerer's 76 gives them +10 Damage, the impact of +120 Primary Stat is still profound.

I agree that the Kraken Battle Belt and Ring should proc on damage instead of kill. The reasoning for putting the proc on kill was to encourage endgame players to include 'minion kills' in their strategies. Unfortunately, one piece of 81 Arcane gear isn't going to change anyone's assumptions about how they need to play content - so switching it to 'on damage' gives us a more powerful and attractive item.

As for the stat changes on the procs, I'd ask that you play with these items for a week or so and let us know if you still feel that these specific changes should be considered. We have been running with these new pieces for several weeks and have made countless changes to the stat offerings and the procs and feel very good about the overall performance.

Thanks for your continued support, and Happy Holidays!

Please remove the Flask Elixir would ruin LB running making it P2W everyone participating have to free up crafting space to compete against Rich players having 24/7 15%boost tradable energy kit is already enough adding boost.....

12-15-2022, 10:40 AM
Please remove the Flask Elixir would ruin LB running making it P2W everyone participating have to free up crafting space to compete against Rich players having 24/7 15%boost tradable energy kit is already enough adding boost.....

While the trade-friendly flask can be purchased for Platinum there is an option to purchase the effect directly for Gold.

Crafting is certainly an option and, as you indicate, you have to make choices with the limited spaces you have.

12-15-2022, 10:46 AM
there are still some missing screenshots? when will it be updated?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Sakura Bushido
12-15-2022, 10:56 AM
While the trade-friendly flask can be purchased for Platinum there is an option to purchase the effect directly for Gold.

Crafting is certainly an option and, as you indicate, you have to make choices with the limited spaces you have.Could this be reviewed in the end though? Seeing this could make a massive difference no matter the purchase option. Running with this on straight can be devastating.

Verstuurd vanaf mijn SM-G996B met Tapatalk

12-15-2022, 11:00 AM
What are the arcanite glacian stats?

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

12-15-2022, 11:01 AM
Could this be reviewed in the end though?

After it has run for a while and the feedback is not strictly speculation? Yes. Definitely.

12-15-2022, 11:14 AM
This new Gift Tree could use a buff... The rewards will be unnoticeable. Elixirs would be better..? I don't think many people care about spirit exp or 50 pet exp...

12-15-2022, 11:16 AM
While the trade-friendly flask can be purchased for Platinum there is an option to purchase the effect directly for Gold.

Crafting is certainly an option and, as you indicate, you have to make choices with the limited spaces you have.This is good if it's for gold, might be a nice gold sink if it works well and can be used in future events

Sent from my DE2118 using Tapatalk

12-15-2022, 11:17 AM
After it has run for a while and the feedback is not strictly speculation? Yes. Definitely.

Any comments about the top25 lb rewards? Why is there nothing to run for, imagine being a top6 in this event compared to top6 in halloween event (the badge was cool enough so people who lost their top5 position wouldn't be as disappointed)? Could you add a badge please. Also why no title and banner for top5?

12-15-2022, 11:18 AM
After it has run for a while and the feedback is not strictly speculation? Yes. Definitely.

Thanks for reply i have another question does holly weapons have a proc effect or it's only needed for the 3/3 , is it possible to add currency chest in vendor for tokens? Like harvest last time since there's nothing much to buy or spend tokens on would be nice to have chances for plat to increase crafting slots thanks for adding the harvest currency chest tho was able to max alt crafting station !

12-15-2022, 11:25 AM
After it has run for a while and the feedback is not strictly speculation? Yes. Definitely.Plans to update roadmap?

Enviado de meu M2102J20SG usando o Tapatalk

12-15-2022, 11:26 AM
Is the tier points reduce? thanks for working devs. Happy Winter!

Sent from my M2012K11AG using Tapatalk

12-15-2022, 11:26 AM
Any comments about the top25 lb rewards? Why is there nothing to run for, imagine being a top6 in this event compared to top6 in halloween event (the badge was cool enough so people who lost their top5 position wouldn't be as disappointed)? Could you add a badge please. Also why no title and banner for top5?

On "top25" my comment is: go get that Top 5! You can do it! I believe in you!

12-15-2022, 11:27 AM
Thanks for reply i have another question does holly weapons have a proc effect or it's only needed for the 3/3 , is it possible to add currency chest in vendor for tokens? Like harvest last time since there's nothing much to buy or spend tokens on would be nice to have chances for plat to increase crafting slots thanks for adding the harvest currency chest tho was able to max alt crafting station !

We've got enough procs rn. The Holley Set is 3/3 and it gives nice benefits everywhere and extra benefits in Winter zones. It also looks nifty and very 'wintery,' if you ask me!

12-15-2022, 11:28 AM
Plans to update roadmap?

Enviado de meu M2102J20SG usando o Tapatalk

There are plans to update the roadmap but it's really not necessary right now - with here to the end of the year being all about Winter.

12-15-2022, 11:29 AM
On "top25" my comment is: go get that Top 5! You can do it! I believe in you!Can you please take a look on my idea as well Cinco?
Seprate the gears visual from The vanity set visual

Like add an option to
Set visual (Gears )
Set visual ( Vanity)

So we could decide to use it or not.. ty
For your hard work.. happy new year

Sent from my SM-A217F using Tapatalk

12-15-2022, 11:30 AM
There are plans to update the roadmap but it's really not necessary right now - with here to the end of the year being all about Winter.I see, but is it possible to confirm if there's a Awakening event after the winter? Usually there's, but how we had a event on october(thing that never happened), i Don't know if an awakening event is planned to january.

Enviado de meu M2102J20SG usando o Tapatalk

12-15-2022, 11:31 AM

Sent from my RMX2001 using Tapatalk

12-15-2022, 11:40 AM
Thanks for all the suggestions! They are very much appreciated.

To improve on previous years' events we moved what would normally be Tier rewards into loot. The intention is to bring excitement back to the game zones as opposed to piling it all on the accumulation of score. I think criticism here is totally fair but I am committed to seeing if this approach is the improvement I'm looking for (and if it isn't we'll try something else in the future).

Great, we need good loots to drive players into playing the event other than lb, which is why the Boss Loot table is scarce, repeated common pets (arc chester, Hero Regifter, Hero krampus) could be replaced by other more appealing pets. Adding holley set pieces as Boss loots is a good idea, gg. We still need 1-3 vanities and several furniture items as Boss loots. Adding a title as a Brood drop would be good as well ( "Eggslasher", "Brood's menace", "Mistletoer", etc).

Your "is this a joke," and "is this a prank" comments obscure the constructive aspects of your post. Not sure you want constructive feedback yourself, but there it is ;-)

Is hard to keep the cool down after seeing some of the details from preview but i get it, ill try my best to stick to details on future feedback.

I'll discuss your Pet feedback with the team but on the surface it all seems unnecessary and OP to the extent that we'd just be creating more balance problems. I completely understand wanting to throw more numbers and preferred numbers at the Pets you (maybe kinda) like, but with so much power going around already I feel like these are in the right spot. Of course, if I'm suddenly looking at a failed battery of Pet Egg offerings then I'll think again about how much power to stack on 2023 Pets starting with Lunar New Year.

Simply trying to make these pets usable instead of still not cutting it to make themselves a spot into the "most used pets" list, because as of now i dont see that happening.
Im worried to seeing arc glacian.

Your Kraken Battle Sign (AA) suggestions are good and match up with other players' suggestions. Changing them all to +20 Damage is not the right move - but giving them all +10 Damage is probably okay. Though the Sorcerer's 76 gives them +10 Damage, the impact of +120 Primary Stat is still profound.

Sounds fair to me, still even if warlock artifact gives +10damage the impact of the proc is much higher on the new kraken artifact

I agree that the Kraken Battle Belt and Ring should proc on damage instead of kill. The reasoning for putting the proc on kill was to encourage endgame players to include 'minion kills' in their strategies. Unfortunately, one piece of 81 Arcane gear isn't going to change anyone's assumptions about how they need to play content - so switching it to 'on damage' gives us a more powerful and attractive item.

Sadly the way the Gameplay works atm, Minion kills are not that important, at least not in Zodias Maps, only Gauntlet, this should be taken into consideration for the Next expansion's design.

As for the stat changes on the procs, I'd ask that you play with these items for a week or so and let us know if you still feel that these specific changes should be considered. We have been running with these new pieces for several weeks and have made countless changes to the stat offerings and the procs and feel very good about the overall performance.

Hope thats the case, i still dont see why the 25gl would make any difference when all the players use gold loot sets to farm gold, which makes removing belt a must, maybe would have a higher impact on the artifact BUT imo these items' procs should be focused on speeding up the farming/empowering our character, so i suggested those other options to change instead of the gl.
Some proc based on something else other than stat buffing would be appreciated, not a big fan of those.

Thx for the reply!

12-15-2022, 11:46 AM
We've got enough procs rn. The Holley Set is 3/3 and it gives nice benefits everywhere and extra benefits in Winter zones. It also looks nifty and very 'wintery,' if you ask me!

Any chance we could get weapons base dmg a little buffed? It seems extremely low.

12-15-2022, 11:53 AM
T25 rewards is a big disappointment, overall good event im exited

Sent from my Redmi 8A using Tapatalk

12-15-2022, 12:01 PM
All I want for Xmas is a good plat sale 😬

12-15-2022, 12:06 PM
the question is: why Holley's set gives a special buff in event rooms ( i mean gold loot bonuses), being that there is no gold to get for in these maps. what's the use to have this buff? Imo is kinda non sense

Enviado de meu moto g(8) usando o Tapatalk

12-15-2022, 12:13 PM
the question is: why Holley's set gives a special buff in event rooms ( i mean gold loot bonuses), being that there is no gold to get for in these maps. what's the use to have this buff? Imo is kinda non sense

Enviado de meu moto g(8) usando o TapatalkYeah right 50% gold loot extra with unawaken gears sounds funny not like everyone got at least 200gl in old items some ppl even 450gl xD last year done 1,1m points which gives me 12m pure gold xD 16k runs xD worth it

Wysłane z mojego ASUS_I005DA przy użyciu Tapatalka

12-15-2022, 12:29 PM
We've got enough procs rn. The Holley Set is 3/3 and it gives nice benefits everywhere and extra benefits in Winter zones. It also looks nifty and very 'wintery,' if you ask me!

Thanks been wondering about this if it has a proc or not glad it doesn't gonna be a perfect movement speed Loadout and wouldn't mess up with the procs rotation

12-15-2022, 12:42 PM
So again making useless stats on warrior items hehehe for what we need 400 hp? We all Know you all prefer mages giving best stats and procs [emoji106]

Enviado desde mi SNE-LX3 mediante Tapatalk

12-15-2022, 02:02 PM
the question is: why Holley's set gives a special buff in event rooms ( i mean gold loot bonuses), being that there is no gold to get for in these maps. what's the use to have this buff? Imo is kinda non sense

Enviado de meu moto g(8) usando o Tapatalk

Probably gold gonna drop from bossess this year specially brooding grounds

12-15-2022, 02:42 PM
Now that the event is out, moving discourse to feedback thread (link (https://www.spacetimestudios.com/showthread.php?666951-Feedback-Winter-Week-1)).