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08-19-2012, 08:33 PM
so i joined this guild known as "The Rusher" led by Rushorgtfo
im having tons of fun but i dont know if i made too quick of a decision
the guild name does mean i can rush anyone i want right?
rushing has brought me a 1200-150 kdr in the last 3 weeks vs mostly 61-66 very few 71 but i do those too
rushing is good for kdr especially when u got friends like mine
today i rushed a guildy and hes like y u rush
and im like rusher guild.... and hes like same guild...
so i told him rush back then

08-19-2012, 08:38 PM
thug life

08-19-2012, 08:40 PM
rushing is fun? But if you keep rushing others, you will never able to be AoA.
Have fun, give some damge to others for ur own fun.
And get infame from ur reaction dude.
I'll remember ur name as rusher in my mind now : (

08-19-2012, 08:40 PM
Lol....The whole pvp system is just retarded. Childish fools saying go. They make me laugh. HAHA

08-19-2012, 08:42 PM
rushing is fun? But if you keep rushing others, you will never able to be AoA.
Have fun, give some damge to others for ur own fun.
And get infame from ur reaction dude.
I'll remember ur name as rusher in my mind now : (

who said you cannot be in aoa for rushing? It's not even a rule

08-19-2012, 08:42 PM
rushing is fun? But if you keep rushing others, you will never able to be AoA.
Have fun, give some damge to others for ur own fun.
And get infame from ur reaction dude.
I'll remember ur name as rusher in my mind now : (

And the "Go" system is better?

08-19-2012, 08:43 PM
I resemble that above remark. ^^:P

08-19-2012, 08:44 PM
who said you cannot be in aoa for rushing? It's not even a rule

Nobody saids it , but still i think people who are enjoying on bully others will not able to : )

08-19-2012, 08:46 PM
And the "Go" system is better?

So u think rushing is better?
I agree with pvp system is stupid.
However, Rushing is not good at all.
If rushing is good why others told me rushers are annoying?
you tell me the answer.

08-19-2012, 08:49 PM
So u think rushing is better?
I agree with pvp system is stupid.
However, Rushing is not good at all.
If rushing is good why others told me rushers are annoying?
you tell me the answer.

I did not say that, I asked if you believed it.

"Go" is meant to test skill, but in a way so is rushing.

Trying to beat someone who took you unawares, and beating them? Great feeling.

Oh so people told you they're annoying? If they told you jumping off a cliff was cool would you listen? You PvP how YOU want. They can PvP how THEY want.

It's a game, they have as much right to PvP how they wish as you do.

That's just my 2 cents,

08-19-2012, 08:50 PM
From now on, instead of calling it rushing, let's call it playing

08-19-2012, 08:50 PM
In my opinion, the "Go system" is like holding the door for someone. You don't have to do it (rush), but if you do, it's more polite.

08-19-2012, 08:56 PM
Stop calling it 'rushing' please. It is so easy for average people/players to get caught up with different trends. Literally, three people started the new term 'rushing' because they weren't very skilled, I suppose, at PvP. Thus starting a new trend which everyone calls 'Go'. It's truly pathetic, PvP is fun no matter how you want to do it.

08-19-2012, 08:58 PM
I did not say that, I asked if you believed it.

"Go" is meant to test skill, but in a way so is rushing.

Trying to beat someone who took you unawares, and beating them? Great feeling.

Oh so people told you they're annoying? If they told you jumping off a cliff was cool would you listen? You PvP how YOU want. They can PvP how THEY want.

It's a game, they have as much right to PvP how they wish as you do.

That's just my 2 cents,

I agree about your point on this is just game.
However, this is online game.
Which means you play with other human being.
True it can be fun to beat up others.
However, I don't think we have right to annyoing others at game for your own satisfy.

Don't be childish , you know what I've mean.

In real life if som bully bashing u up with out reason, can you accept it?

This is game but you play with others, so it's same.

I hope I didnt upset you : (

08-19-2012, 09:04 PM
I agree about your point on this is just game.
However, this is online game.
Which means you play with other human being.
True it can be fun to beat up others.
However, I don't think we have right to annyoing others at game for your own satisfy.

Don't be childish , you know what I've mean.

In real life if som bully bashing u up with out reason, can you accept it?

This is game but you play with others, so it's same.

I hope I didnt upset you : (

I heard trolling, insulting age, and confidence in your ability to upset people, because you cannot discuss this without arguing *sigh*.

1. I personally do not "rush"

2. If they don't like it the host can boot, or the person/people can attack back. You aren't forced to let them attack you.

3. Again I do not "rush", please learn facts before saying incorrect statements.

4. Childish? Not even going to answer that.

5. But this ISN'T real life. It's a game, and if you want to imagine it as more that is of no concern to 99.9% of the PL populatiom.

6. Upset? No. I love a good discussion.

Well I've said my piece, I'm out,

08-19-2012, 09:12 PM
Saying go is for a fair fight when both of you are buffed and ready. Rushing is like in real life waiting for someone to turn their back then you start fighting them. I personally don't care if you rush just know that I'll continue rushing you, but as with most rushers(not all) will not fair out and call up their buddies to come and team on you. That's where I draw the line if it takes 2-3 even 4 other people to come in and team on someone in my books you are no pro. If you can't fight 1v1 and need help to take someone down you are not fighting fair. No their is no rules to pvp, but I say if you want respect and be known as a good pvper you should be able to handle yourself. I have no respect for a couple of pvpers whose names ill leave out, but the reason I don't respect them is every time I did kill them fair 1v1 there ends up 2-3 people join all on his team and team up. Also when you rush and I rush back kill you and someone says no rushing and you decide to say I rushed you, your making a excuse for yourself to continue rushing and also to make it sound like your the victim, when you know you rushed first. My other complaint is all this garbage pvpers talk, it's pixels for gods sake and some people believe it or not play pvp just to play and don't care about kdr. Then we have to listen to the oldest insult I've ever heard"noob" or you suck and blah blah blah. Ok you can kill me congrats, what do you want a cookie? You killed me or I kill you gf offer tips etc. And make pvp more fun instead turning into a trash talking garbage fest. We don't need that in pl it ruins peoples enjoyment of playing. Maybe that person your trying to insult has had the worse day imaginable and they come to play pl and take a break just to hear more insults. People are saying these knew weps are ruining pvp when in fact there are players doing more damage to pvp then a unbalanced pvp system.. End rant

08-19-2012, 09:12 PM
I heard trolling, insulting age, and confidence in your ability to upset people, because you cannot discuss this without arguing *sigh*.

1. I personally do not "rush"

2. If they don't like it the host can boot, or the person/people can attack back. You aren't forced to let them attack you.

3. Again I do not "rush", please learn facts before saying incorrect statements.

4. Childish? Not even going to answer that.

5. But this ISN'T real life. It's a game, and if you want to imagine it as more that is of no concern to 99.9% of the PL populatiom.

6. Upset? No. I love a good discussion.

Well I've said my piece, I'm out,

It seems like i need to study english more (Truely).
Even I thought it make sense for me, it seems not to others.
Anyway, sorry about arguing.
And I'm out of this topic too.

08-19-2012, 09:14 PM
From now on, instead of calling it rushing, let's call it playing

I'm out of thanks.

08-19-2012, 09:40 PM

08-20-2012, 01:46 AM
R u still lvl 66? Cuz if u r, then u have a major advantage against those without angel set. Its really an unfair fight...

call it
08-20-2012, 01:52 AM
Cool story bro, I don't care if you rush or not.
firstly, however, posting that you are unsure if it was a good idea and if you want to stay in guild on the forums is likely going to get an officer of the guild to make your mind up for you, and remove you.

Secondly, if you want any kind of respect in game, don't rush unless everyone is happy to play FFA.
If you don't care then rush.

Thirdly, now that you have rushed so many people ,even if you quit the rusher people are going to rush you for life because you are now a rusher.
Enjoy being rushed when you quit the the rusher and try to play in a call game.



08-20-2012, 08:39 AM
I rush and its fun and when you die its fun too lol :)

Sent using spray paint from a "can"

08-20-2012, 08:41 AM
Can someone post the "unwritten" rules of PL PvP?

08-20-2012, 08:52 AM
So u think rushing is better?
I agree with pvp system is stupid.
However, Rushing is not good at all.
If rushing is good why others told me rushers are annoying?
you tell me the answer.

Its easy. The people complaining are playing in 5 vs 5 map and care too much about their kdr.

If you want to duel... you should do a 1vs1 map. Then you can "ready... set... go" all day and not have to worry about it. 5 on 5 "ready set go" is weak. That's why I don't PVP.

Suentous PO
08-20-2012, 08:54 AM
Why do you post pvp stuff in gen section? Your thread is lonly here so I brought it some company, some of its many relatives I have also seen before and will see again. The "is rushing bad" family






08-20-2012, 10:42 AM
Devs are making Damage up! HP regen Down! Weapons show to be evolving into "Offensive" style. That means they support rushing? Huhuh i mean " Playing". And with the new forgoten bow. WHO doesnt wanna have a taste of FFA Since the bow its so good. At Any LVL. So u may wanna put the word " GO " into the forgoten chests or in a private game. Otherwise all i see its more rushers on the upcomin content. Yes Sir if they put a GCD it doesnt mean we cant play FFA as we used to.

Sigh when did pvp get so boring....who even had the idea of saying go and wating a player to go eat an hamburger before fight. All i see its some lazzy azz on pvp wating 2-3min for someone to say go or stay AFK in the Arena, come on son.

pd: Kills go faster than ussual. So do deads. Its your skill that determine if u kill more or less. Being a good rusher will keep your kdr good. Bad rusher will get his stats destroyed faster.

08-20-2012, 12:16 PM
Guys rushing is not against the rules. Its just that lots of people hate it. So deal with it. I mean, personally, im not a fan of rushing, but i deal with it and so should u

08-20-2012, 12:21 PM
I like good old Quake II. No problems in deathmatch...

08-20-2012, 12:40 PM
Rushing and being a jerk are 2 different things. There's nothing wrong with "rushing" its the childish behavior that follows it.

Play the game the way YOU want to play. If you're going to rage and be a baby about it, you're the one that's all worked up. Not me..lol

08-20-2012, 01:45 PM
Cool story bro. Come at me and I'll knock you down. ;)

08-20-2012, 01:58 PM
In my opinion, the "Go system" is like holding the door for someone. You don't have to do it (rush), but if you do, it's more polite.

Best analogy ever.

08-20-2012, 02:08 PM
Cool story bro. Come at me and I'll knock you down. ;)

Challenge accepted ;)

Sent using spray paint from a "can"

08-20-2012, 02:42 PM
All what I can say is.. Meh..

08-20-2012, 02:47 PM
Cool story bro. Come at me and I'll knock you down. ;)

Challenge accepted ;)

Sent using spray paint from a "can"

Find me end-game, Gladiator. ;)

08-20-2012, 08:28 PM
thug life

I didn't chose the thug life, the thug life chose me :P

08-20-2012, 09:05 PM
I rush people I don't know, it's an alt I'll stop. I don't see the big deal, Anneowen seems to hate it.

08-20-2012, 09:28 PM
so i joined this guild known as "The Rusher" led by Rushorgtfo
im having tons of fun but i dont know if i made too quick of a decision
the guild name does mean i can rush anyone i want right?
rushing has brought me a 1200-150 kdr in the last 3 weeks vs mostly 61-66 very few 71 but i do those too
rushing is good for kdr especially when u got friends like mine
today i rushed a guildy and hes like y u rush
and im like rusher guild.... and hes like same guild...
so i told him rush back then

Just FYI... All guildies can be rushed lol if they get mad, then they don't need to be in our guild. They obviously don't understand what the guild is about. Not many people have what it takes to stay. You must have pretty thick skin here. We welcome anyone and understand when people can't stay.

08-20-2012, 09:37 PM
Just FYI... All guildies can be rushed lol if they get mad, then they don't need to be in our guild. They obviously don't understand what the guild is about. Not many people have what it takes to stay. You must have pretty thick skin here. We welcome anyone and understand when people can't stay.

OH SNAP! You done got the Mrs. involved!! (otherwise known as the BOSS in my household.) ;)

08-20-2012, 09:53 PM
I don't see why people get mad when u rush, I dont really pvp but its like call of duty, u don't wait for the person to say go, u just kill em, isn't the point of pvp to get a lot of kills, if u have to say go its just gonna take longer. If they keep killing u when rushing then get better, when u die u hav an advantage because you don't have to wait for ur skills to load up.

08-20-2012, 09:58 PM
Find me end-game, Gladiator. ;)

fo sho! its goin down like water down a drain ;)

08-21-2012, 03:43 AM
I miss the old days of pvp. The go system doesn't really bother me and I can handle rushers. If your gonna get mad cause you can't pvp or afford good gear or whatever excuses people come up now, then maybe you shouldn't pvp.

08-22-2012, 12:44 AM
I miss the old days of pvp. The go system doesn't really bother me and I can handle rushers. If your gonna get mad cause you can't pvp or afford good gear or whatever excuses people come up now, then maybe you shouldn't pvp.

The thing is... In the old days people used to treat each other with a degree of civility that often doesn't exist today.

And "winners" seldom boasted of their skills or belittled others.

Today we have players like the op, who think that they are skilled when using angel gear they beat people in 55 gear and like a true hypocrite, whine when they find themselves against equally geared opponents.

Somehow I don't see another Xrax coming from the new generation of players.