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View Full Version : the future of pvp?

08-20-2012, 07:47 AM
I've tried PL pvp and I hate it. To me it's all about who hits the buttons fastest, who has the least lag and who has the best equips and most "battles" are over in less than a second. In DL pvp (I'm talking about ctf) a big part of the game is about paying attention to where everyone is at. Builds and gems are still a part of it but skill and cleverness can still go along way.

Thren got me looking at what's coming with the next cap raise and I wonder if DL pvp is heading towards PL pvp's 1 second type battles.

Dark binding (charged) has 118 dps for 7 seconds (826 total damage), then vermin swarm (uncharged) has 117 dps for 5 sec (585 total damage), fatal burst has 108 and leap 215. This is 1734 total damage. I currently have 1300 health. I realize that our health will increase but so will our damage (I currently have 4 in passive damage, you would think level 31 will have at least 5 avail, maybe even 6, plus firebrands, etc at level 31 will have more damage).

Also, dark binding, vermin swarm, fatal burst and leap all have stun or root possibilites.

Are we seeing the last of the really fun times in DL pvp right now? I'm worried that at the next cap it'll turn into PL style with whoever hits the buttons fastest will win the 1 second fight, except in DL it will be 7 seconds while you are rooted or stunned while watching db and vs drain your health while you can't do anything about it.

I care very little about vanities and running 3d missions in Dl. The only reason I play is for Pvp. I've already watched PL get ruined and don't want to see the same happen with DL.

08-20-2012, 08:04 AM
I assume you are talking about endgame. Try doing some twinning.

08-20-2012, 08:15 AM
I assume you are talking about endgame. Try doing some twinning.

And how would having twins help? 2 devices?

08-20-2012, 08:24 AM
And how would having twins help? 2 devices?

I didn't play PvP in PL, so I didn't realize this was a problem. I can see how the math comes together though, thanks for sharing the details, Rob. I like the way DL PvP feels, one-second kill-or-be-killed standoffs any time you run into an opponent doesn't sound like fun to me.

08-21-2012, 06:01 AM
I assume you are talking about endgame. Try doing some twinning.

And how would having twins help? 2 devices?

Lol. I think he meant "twinking" . Typo.
Guess u know twinking means since u pvp alot.

08-21-2012, 06:51 AM
Lol. I think he meant "twinking" . Typo.
Guess u know twinking means since u pvp alot.

Stomp definitely knows what a twink is but he doesn't pvp. ;)

08-21-2012, 11:21 AM
WVhillz & I discussed this in game the other day and even though we're already at the point where whoever releases/lands skills first has a higher chance to win.... There is still a chance that the other can win. Its all about knowing the range of those skills because -everyone- has all the same skills.

That in itself is part of the problem. With a linited selection of skills everyone is using the same ones in different orders and similar builds. Yes it evens out the field but it also makes it a "first hit wins" situation.

Maybe more skills and adding a Dodge stat (seperated from Defense) would help players tweak their builds to suit them better while having some individuality. Without introducting different classes to the system.

08-21-2012, 11:42 AM
I assume you are talking about endgame. Try doing some twinning.
Someday I'm going to mod the auto correct on my Iphone.

09-04-2012, 02:05 AM
It's not a 1-2 second fight if you know how to actually 'Play' the game, also a thing called kite might get you out of it or ms or just be quicker and nuke ^_^ And I'm sure DL will be like pl same as SL when they get into the high lvls 56-66+ I'm sure there will be easily 2 second kill..