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View Full Version : The Future of Regen Armor?

08-31-2010, 10:59 AM
As of now, anybody who can get their hands on Thoth or Isis armor uses it, because it far outclasses other armor with it's stats, including very high HP and MP regeneration. High regen on equipment is now the standard.

The question is, does this mean all future high-end pink armor will boast high amounts of regen? The level cap is only 45 now, and we already have almost eliminated the need for potions at high levels due to the fact that we gain our Health and Mana back so quickly. Looking at all the pinks from various level ranges, we see that as level requirements for armor increase, usually, so do the amount of regen on the armor.

When making AO3, and the rest of the maps afterward, this is what I want to see:

2 different classes of armor:
1. High regen rates, but mediochre armor and other stats.
2. Medium-low regen rates, but with stats that outclass other high-regen armor.


What are your guys' thoughts on future regen? Will it continue to be the standard, or is it a passing fad made for the Oasis? Do you want to see mix-and matching, and how do you think it will change the game?

08-31-2010, 11:02 AM
yeah since thoth right now gets enough crit to match osiris, annd isis also gets enough dodge to match osiris and then some more, its really ridiculous the regen value. I think that the critical and doge should be raised in osiris and horus, not making isis or thoth weaker.

08-31-2010, 11:46 AM
i love ur idea...im pretty sure i would be using the weak armor tuough so i got regen...i have a lvl 35 bear still usin lvl 10 armor because it has 2 m/s, while all the armor at my level has only 1 m/s...so i apready sacrifice armor for mana regen...its worth it...

08-31-2010, 11:49 AM
I like the idea, Thoth and Isis are way too good, I think they should make changes on the current armor too

08-31-2010, 11:51 AM
i have a lvl 35 bear still usin lvl 10 armor because it has 2 m/s, while all the armor at my level has only 1 m/s...so i apready sacrifice armor for mana regen...its worth it...

worst idea ever.... if u are really dying for 1 more ms get a crocs helm or weapon. u are sacrificing TONS of armor right now and all that extra mana u are getting is going to buffs and heals u wouldnt need with more armor.

08-31-2010, 01:45 PM
Crit and dodge need to be raised on other armours. Or health and mana need to be gained after every lvl up so that more regen will appear to have the same effect at lower lvls.

08-31-2010, 04:46 PM
Crit and dodge need to be raised on other armours. Or health and mana need to be gained after every lvl up so that more regen will appear to have the same effect at lower lvls.

Why isn't this in the game? It should be.

OoO and not to mention how I've been 1hit with 400hp and 120+ armor.