View Full Version : tri stat?

08-22-2012, 12:19 AM
Ok I was the first to come up with this idea a long time ago, even posted about it and got trolled/flamed for it. Now my questions are why is more players going tri stat? 2) for those that are tri stat how is it working out? Finally for end game someone posted they were tri stat int bear and I'm wondering how that's working out especially in pvp

08-22-2012, 12:49 AM
sts does it for you if you leave auto level on

08-22-2012, 12:52 AM
sts does it for you if you leave auto level on

I think he meant some thing like this.

Int : 164

Dex: 67

Str: 67

Or something like that.

08-22-2012, 01:04 AM
@elite yes like that. There's more people popping up with stats like that and I mean end gamers to that have been around for awhile. I'm trying figure out why people are doin it, but when I mentioned tri stat I was laughed at. Guess it's the new weapons causing the trend idk

08-22-2012, 01:06 AM
I think he meant some thing like this.

Int : 164

Dex: 67

Str: 67

Or something like that.

leave autolevel stats on

it will do that

08-22-2012, 01:13 AM
Ok I understand auto lvl I'm at 71. Now explain why a end gamer that was 66 at cap and double stat to 71 till forgotten dungeon came went tri. Don't tell me auto did that. There's more thread about someone switching to tri. SWITCHING not auto

Suentous PO
08-22-2012, 01:13 AM
http://i1062.photobucket.com/albums/t500/suentous/th_09f80f7247528a36030839d6ec06e45f.jpg (http://s1062.photobucket.com/albums/t500/suentous/?action=view&current=09f80f7247528a36030839d6ec06e45f.jpg)

Your just going to suffer in one aspect in order to get a tiny bit better in some other aspect. Might be able to get some trick pony that works in pvp vs a certain type of build, but not as a generally good toon. If it would have worked Im pretty sure we'd have seen it now, but yu only see low level tri spec toons, I'm pretty sure for a reason.

08-22-2012, 01:15 AM
Yea you see low lvl toons tri stat thanks to auto as hades said. Explain 71 with tri stat there's a reason

08-22-2012, 05:35 AM
Yea you see low lvl toons tri stat thanks to auto as hades said. Explain 71 with tri stat there's a reason

Its so the person can wear a variety of items in town just for looks. Thats it.

08-22-2012, 09:16 AM
There isn't a special reason why people go tri stat. Endgame they do this do you can boost some stats health, mana, regen, etc..

08-22-2012, 11:45 AM
Tri stat at low lvl is usefull for twinks as the new forgotten weps do not have base stat requirements. I could be a full lvl15 int bear and still use a bow/sword while using int gear. Could be full str using dex/staff.....this Is the answer I was looking for. So its basically like the stat stacking ive heard about

08-22-2012, 11:55 PM
I know that mages are good with tri stat but im not to sure bears or birds should build that way

08-23-2012, 01:49 AM
I dont think tri would be good at high lvl, but maybe lower. Right now im seeing a whole new ball park in stay builds with these forgotten weps. Im getting my bear to lvl30 and pvp with certain stats and etc. If anyone wants to try out some new stuff let me know, cause I honestly think pvp need something fresh and voodoo Mages shouldn't be a basic guarintee to win

08-23-2012, 01:51 AM
voodoo mages have been a free win for 2 years

08-23-2012, 01:59 AM
Then isnt it about time we adapt and come up with a way to to stop em? New weps give us new options to work with. Voodoo Mages im coming.....hopefully lol

08-23-2012, 10:57 AM
So rather then sts take a normal approach and have you make your own voodoo mage or them just tone down the mage, they make a new easy-to-obtain weapon at all levels... Then make it OP and this is some how a good thing? Do people just not care about working for a reward any more?

Suentous PO
08-23-2012, 01:03 PM
Y tri stat at low lev? Ok you have more mana regen, and die by bow before u need it, or you have lil more health and die in 2 bow shots all the same.

08-23-2012, 01:36 PM
its called experimenting if you dont want to then don't. As for why idk why because i have nothing better to do. yea i could make my own voodoo mage, but that just means im not willing to adapt and overcome. i could just be like some people and complain they be nurfed and blah blah, but instead i choose to adapt thats the whole point. Just cause one thing is op dosnt mean you need to cry about it every time

08-23-2012, 01:43 PM
Why I'm Tri Stat. I come from an old school table top gaming background. You never put all your points in one stat in one of those. You roll dice for your stats and then decide where you want to put the points for each set of dice rolls, and then build up your character from there.

What this means is that you can't put all your points in one stat, because each dice roll gets assigned to a stat. BUT you can use those points/dice rolls to Create a unique build for your character. So coming from that kind of background it was natural for me to build my Mage with most of the points in INT, but also points in DEX and STR.

Now I don't PVP so I don't know if its a good build for that but, I have fun with my mage, and the build is sufficient to the task for PVE. After all, Points in INT increase spell ability, Points in DEX increase Hit% points in STR increase Health regen/dodge. so my dodge, hit/crit and H/s are a bit higher than a pure int mage, my M/s is a bit lower but unless I HAVE to use mana shield, my mana
doesn't run out.

08-23-2012, 02:54 PM
yea see tell i played pl every rpg i did play you distributed stats evenly with base being highest. Idk why people are scared to experiment ik my bear right now is l28 and with tri stats i have the stats of a lvl33 pvp bear. Problem is i cant use lvl30 gear so i might try it with a lvl25 onyx or crystal set. Just because sts made some op weapons dosnt mean pvp is shot you still have your gear to use. Also skills as ive said that is my main thing i enjoy in lower lvl pvp is the fact were you distribute and how much you distribute in certain skill can always make a big diffrence. Now ive pvped at diffrent levels and im not very good, but i dont care bout kdr why? because im still having fun, what ruins it is the garbage people like to spew out like were actually in real life. Its all pixels

Suentous PO
08-23-2012, 03:35 PM
im not sure if i made you mad somehow, i was just stating my opinion that tri specing is not the most effective way to gain effect
( lv 10 forgot bow damage=52-107. pink pjs 9 armor at best) damage is now most important.
do anything that makes you happy, dont take this as trolling. i dont think a tri spec has ever won a tourney am i wrong on that?

08-23-2012, 04:47 PM
@suen nah you diidnt get me mad i understand opinions and appreciate them as every one has their own views and some are useful.No i dont think any tri has won a tourney, but there hasnt been one with the new forgotten weps. Anyway i have just throw the whole project out anyways because of people that complained about the base stats on forgotten weps is now raised to were you basically have to be pure on at least one stat. Thanks for that sts, why is people that complain get thier way, but those of us who adapt to the newness have to suffer? I have not complained about a singal update till now im really raged about this

Mage till the end
08-23-2012, 05:46 PM
Hitek does it
For the noobs out there he's the number 1 highest kills for bears

08-23-2012, 06:10 PM
cainn, when i tri speced, I didn't evenly assign my points. What I did was basically used the same formula that STS gave us in the beginning. example my mage at start had 10 total points in stats:
7 int
2 dex
1 str
I more or less kept that ratio for quite while. once I hit about 60 or so I just started putting everything in int. I may go back and respec to see what that ratio would do for my stats. Hey Im curious. Yeah I know curiosity killed the cat, But, Satisfaction brought it back. :-)

That ratio allowed me to equip gear for my level and still gain benifits from the other 2 stats. If you want to experiment, you might want to try that balance rather than evenly distributing the points.

Again to be clear, I don't PVP, an Honestly I don't have any desire to. However my PVE stats have me at around 83K kills with about 3.5K deaths. Yeah that death count sucks, but Most if it is cause I'm just too stubborn to leave a map till the dang boss is dead. LOL Vlod owned my butt for at least 1K of those deaths. :-) Like you said Cain, Its just a game. :) ^5

08-23-2012, 08:41 PM
see tri isn't so bad lol. @shell i just kinda did what your saying on my end game bear 85str/65dex/215 int or around those stats. im good at pve and alright in pvp. I mean im bout the only end game int bear i see in pvp and i can manage some kills as long i dont get kited. The problem is people dont like end game int bears and i have to listen to some "int bears suck" or etc but im still working on it. Need get me crafted sand int set and im cherry with 101crit 386damage and 250+ armor.... i really miss my dodge though i think i can still get 35-40 not alot but not overly excessive

08-24-2012, 04:39 AM
Int bears were really fun in nuris, as the staff had a fire aoe proc. With lightning staffs no such proc. Soint isn't as practical. However the elite staff.proc might make it worth it.Sounds like something to try when i get bored. Best spec is still str/dex. Unless the elite staff magically changes to fire damage.

08-24-2012, 04:48 AM
I still havnt seen someone using the elite staff in pvp. I guess its for pve lol