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View Full Version : A question about pvp

08-22-2012, 11:48 AM
shelby- mage
endergame-bear like me

These guys are tough I think there the best in the level 30 pvp. How are they so good? I seen them beat moslty everybody! I seen them fight against 3 people at the same time and still won. Are these guys original players or is there some secret to pvping

08-22-2012, 12:04 PM
There is a secret to pvping: you need to pvp for a very (and I mean VERY) long time to instinctively know the right timings for the right skills. That implies that you know all the skills you have and have undestood their impact of your oponent. It takes a lot of practice.

Just as an example since you are a bear. Mages have one skill that can really hurt you: drain. Birds have one skill can really hurt you (a bit of a lie this one but ok for the sake of simplicity) = blast. What you need to do is to make sure that you are away from them when they cast such skills. In order to do this, you need to understand the differnet combos players use for these skills. For instance, drain for mage will usually happen after debuffs, so when a mage debuffs you, you may want to try to stomp then and run in teh other direction so that their drain doesnt touch you.

I've simplified the story here and gave you one example but any pvp fight is unique to the extent that you are not fighting a machine. For instance, Birds like to keepo blast to destroy the mana shield of mages but mages will wait till the last second to putthe mana shield on so that it doesnt get blasted and f the bird waits too long, he may get drained, etc You see the drift?

So in summary: just PVP a lot and you will become good at it. I do not know the aforementioend guys but if they are that good, I reckon you will be able to see that from their stats if they are not hiding them. Check their pvp kill/death ratio. if it is above 2:1 they're probably not that bad ;-)

08-22-2012, 12:13 PM
they have really top builds for that level and expensive gear.

I haven't been on in a little while in pvp. I have 2 years of 30-40 pvp experience and can match them probably except for the new forgotten items.....

Some of the really pro people with over 15k pvp kills have moved on to PVE,endgame,and 56 glyph pvp

(blitz,Shelby,lisaaaaaaaa,magenesss,killamip,and badges were some of the best 30-40 I knew) :P

08-22-2012, 12:30 PM
Or it could just be u ;) lol

08-22-2012, 12:32 PM
Something called haxing never heard of it?

08-22-2012, 12:47 PM
by builds what do you mean

08-22-2012, 01:22 PM
Shelby pro

08-22-2012, 04:09 PM
by builds what do you mean


What is a build? Uhm... It's like a setup for your character. There is attribute build, skill build, gear build, etc. Skill build is probably the most important. Skill builds should reflect on how you like to play. I can help you with a build, but you can simply find skill builds on some forum guides. Have fun PVPing!

08-23-2012, 02:50 AM

08-23-2012, 03:38 AM
With the new weapons, other players will now get a look in, a level 32 bird beating a voodoo 70% of the time was unheard of a month ago, now with the forgotten bows, the tides have changed, these players if they can adapt to the change in pvp will be the best of the best, if not and rage about the power of weapons, are they really any better than us? Or were they the players in "over powered" gear before.

08-23-2012, 03:48 AM
Shelby pro

K, rephrase that please. (;

Shelby nun.*

08-23-2012, 05:49 AM
best 35 was twink till he got banned zzz

or all of us at 35 cap ;)