View Full Version : Is there any way to stop annoying friend and guild requests?

08-22-2012, 12:50 PM
Is there any way to stop annoying friend and guild requests? As soon as I log into the game or I enter an instance I get multiple requests and maybe I am an odd ball, but I have no interest having hundreds of complete strangers on my friends list. I have no idea why these people who have never even played with me before send these requests to me but it is very annoying. If I have played with someone for a few runs and decide that I like them then sure, but the random level 4 toon standing on the science deck is a complete irritation. So far I have had no interest in joining anyones guild. In my opinion MMO's in general usualy have guild specific incentives such as guild banks, or raids, etc.. which this game does not have. Being bombarded with every 14 year olds request to join their guild is flat out irritating. How do I turn it off?

08-22-2012, 12:53 PM
Same, I agree with you, it is very irritating. Sadly, there is no way to disable this. You'll just to have cope. It helps to stay out of Blackstar, I only go there if necessary. Being able to block certain requests was brought up before but never looked in to.

Good luck out there.

08-22-2012, 01:14 PM
Im collecting Friend requests since 2 weeks :D
I am at 702 atm xDD its fun

08-22-2012, 02:58 PM
You cant stop it but you can turn off the notifications for both in the option menu, notifications. It will still happen but it won't be so visible and interrupting if you turn those notices off.

08-22-2012, 03:05 PM
Im collecting Friend requests since 2 weeks :D
I am at 702 atm xDD its fun

Still haven't accepted mine :(

08-22-2012, 03:10 PM
It's kinda annoying getting about 1 FR a minute and no I'm serious I get like 1 FR every minute and I reject unless I know em...there's reject gifts, reject pms so y not reject FR?

08-22-2012, 03:22 PM

Have accepted urs :D
Had to scroll down the WHOLE list ._. puh now i deserve a cookie ;D

08-22-2012, 03:23 PM
I got flamed to death for mentioning this lol. At least I see some people that agree now :D.

08-22-2012, 03:27 PM

Have accepted urs :D
Had to scroll down the WHOLE list ._. puh now i deserve a cookie ;D

How bout a thanks instead? :p

08-22-2012, 03:28 PM
Deal :D

08-24-2012, 09:37 AM
So... One quick fix at least to the quild requests was to create my own guild. It cost me a cool 10k but to get rid of that awful green spam on my screen constantly is worth it to me. I refuse to spam others to join my guild and be a part of the problem, but if anyone wants to join mine for no other reason than to have the requests stop then.. here is a novel idea..ask "Tavar" the new guild leader of "We are the Borg". I really think the game would improve for alot of people if this issue of friend and guild spamming was actually addressed.

08-24-2012, 10:05 AM
Cmon dudes!

Why so snobbish? If you don't want to play with others - y to choose MMO in the first place?

To stop item-spamming you can check 'reject gifts' option

Then, if you proceed to the next tab in options menu - you can un-check 'guild invites', 'friend requests', 'dungeon invites', 'trade' and even 'chat' notifications..

These options will never be completely turned off, as the core idea of MMOs is social play, but you can get rid of notifications

I found it easier to accept all friends requests and now i always have someone to run with - any time, day or night..

Some random ppl asked me to join bases and thus i had a chance to be a part of funny flashmobs..

You can not forget yo best friends anyway (i can not say that about all their alts though lol) - so finding them is not that hard

Just feel the flow and ride the wave!

It's fun actually - just don't feel yourself the 'navel of the world' (idk if u get it - it's a russian expression) ;)


08-24-2012, 02:26 PM
Cmon dudes!

Why so snobbish? If you don't want to play with others - y to choose MMO in the first place?

To stop item-spamming you can check 'reject gifts' option

Then, if you proceed to the next tab in options menu - you can un-check 'guild invites', 'friend requests', 'dungeon invites', 'trade' and even 'chat' notifications..

These options will never be completely turned off, as the core idea of MMOs is social play, but you can get rid of notifications

I found it easier to accept all friends requests and now i always have someone to run with - any time, day or night..

Some random ppl asked me to join bases and thus i had a chance to be a part of funny flashmobs..

You can not forget yo best friends anyway (i can not say that about all their alts though lol) - so finding them is not that hard

Just feel the flow and ride the wave!

It's fun actually - just don't feel yourself the 'navel of the world' (idk if u get it - it's a russian expression) ;)


yea its better to have a big list of poeple in your reach, espicialy now that only few are doing runs,
by runs. i mean a good quick solid run.

08-24-2012, 04:36 PM
There two ways!

ONE! Ignore it and do wha the other cool people are doing, collect friend requests (I have 1800+ atm on my engi)


TWO! Make your own guild with only you in it ;) (that's what I do)

08-24-2012, 05:27 PM
Im collecting Friend requests since 2 weeks :D
I am at 702 atm xDD its fun

I had 500+.. I was going to decline all, I didnt pay attention and pressed accept all.. It was terrible, just terrible

ON TOPIC: Yes, there are 2 notifications, 1 for friend requests, and 1 for guild requests. It will not make the pop-up go away, but the notification in the top-right wont be there as long as you keep those 2 off. ;)

08-24-2012, 05:46 PM
I just see no point in the friends list if you have 1000+ people who you never even talk to. Might as well make it a who's online list? The point of a MMO is to socialize with others and play the game. Not to have a list of a bunch of people who never talk to you. Sure its nice having people to run with, but you might as well make it an online list so you can join in on runs with random people. Then again you would just go to the join screen to find a random game to play in. It's probably just me, but I would love the requirement to have a type name only add request and a limit to your friends list unless you pay platinum/credits for more. That's how most games ensure the friends list doesn't become a spam list. No I am not an anti-friend list person, but I would love it if it were more useful than just a bunch of people you don't know. I like to add people that I actually talk to, but rather not have to sort through the names of the people I never talk to. Sure I could turn off all requests, but that would still defeat the purpose of a friends list. I welcome friend requests as long as the person actually socializes with me once in a while. It doesn't have to be an on going thing, but someone who I talk to occasionally. It can get really irritating sorting through the people I want to add and the people who just friend a person because they saw them once. Even when I reject a friend request, it's just easier to add them all because they will eventually try to add you again.

Edit: By adding the type name requirement, people will actually know your name rather than clicking an add button. Instead of becoming the 537th person I added on my friends list.

08-26-2012, 04:57 PM
The reason why I "collect" friend requests is quite simple.
The requests I've rejected the one day I will have to reject the next day again. So just turn noti's off and ignore them.
My GM is busy rejecting requests every time before hes logging out, mostly he's keep rejecting the same requests lol

08-26-2012, 05:03 PM
Cmon dudes!

Why so snobbish? If you don't want to play with others - y to choose MMO in the first place?

To stop item-spamming you can check 'reject gifts' option

Then, if you proceed to the next tab in options menu - you can un-check 'guild invites', 'friend requests', 'dungeon invites', 'trade' and even 'chat' notifications..

These options will never be completely turned off, as the core idea of MMOs is social play, but you can get rid of notifications

I found it easier to accept all friends requests and now i always have someone to run with - any time, day or night..

Some random ppl asked me to join bases and thus i had a chance to be a part of funny flashmobs..

You can not forget yo best friends anyway (i can not say that about all their alts though lol) - so finding them is not that hard

Just feel the flow and ride the wave!

It's fun actually - just don't feel yourself the 'navel of the world' (idk if u get it - it's a russian expression) ;)
