View Full Version : 81 Kraken Belt has Lower Stats than 76 Arcane Belt

12-30-2022, 12:36 PM
I just realised, I know that its not technically a bug but I think its a mistake



No crit, less damage?
Assuming a mistake..

12-30-2022, 03:12 PM
I guess that's how they "balanced" extra stat and weapon proc buff

12-31-2022, 12:35 PM
Wrangler gives 2 of the 3 primary stats. Kraken gives 3/3 primary stats, which can add to overall Dmg slightly.
Not that big of a deal in my eyes. The amount of Str being put onto Kraken items is generous, and gives a nice amount of health.
-It's the reason why i always prefer Arcane items in the first place. Mythic set was always so low mana. Arcane is just strong as a whole.

Plus, crit can be made up using Groucho pet as an AA, since that's the new "Meta" for rogues, or ESunk runners.
Run around with a non Haste% happiness bonus, Proc your vest and weapon, then buff crit with ability and kill everything. :-)

Edit: Maybe they'll fix it like they balanced the damage values on the artifacts. We'll have to see. Still waiting for Frostbitten to be fixed too.