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View Full Version : Vamp bios

08-24-2012, 01:28 AM
Felt like having a thread where we could talk about the backgrounds of our vamps. Just a placeholder atm, I'll add more details later. E.g. maybe I'll add back stories on how they became vamps.

My vamps:
Nyx - goddess of night, child of chaos, only ever seen in glimpses. (She may be the true original source of all vampiric lines.)

Ereshkigal - goddess of the underworld (notice a theme in character types I like?), rules the underworld with her consort Nergal. (Another contender to be the origin of vampirism - maybe working together with Nyx?)

Raspiutin - (my take on who you may know as Rasputin - cuz the name was apparently taken) - mad monk, mystic, prophet, psychic, sorceror. (Of course he'd be a vampire - basically the same thing as a mighty mage choosing to become a lich.)

Selene - ancient deity of the moon, daughter of the titans Hyperion and Theia. (Revered by lycans, gangrel and some malkavians, maybe part of the group that created vampires to counter...???)

Steppinrazer - a reggae infused cyberpunk vampire. (See "Count Zero" and "Neuromancer".)

Wraithlin - a skillful mage from a strange land of sentient elves, bears and birds, traveled to the shady land of legends (DL) to become more powerful, become eternally young (and have more fun.)

Annwn - he is the source of concept of "otherworld" which was then named after him. A place of eternal youth - and currently, a bit of bloodsucking.

Syzygy - her name in one respect refers to the alignment of three celestial bodies; in fact it refers to the line from the outer two bisecting the center one, i.e. cutting it in half. She cuts things in half. That's what she's good at. That's what she does.

Etain - figure known in Irish myth, also known in Witchblade as the lover of Concubar.

Madmalkav - (had to use this because the name I wanted, Malkav, was taken) - he is (for me) Malkav, the progenitor of the mad line of vampires.

I hope to add back stories and perhaps an ongoing storyline. I love magic, vampires, etc. etc. etc. and I love making up stories - I've had great fun being the DM, GM, Storyteller (depends on game) for a bunch of RPGs...hmmm, how'd I get into MMORPGs? Even though they are anemic storywise by comparison.)

See ya soon!