View Full Version : Raids

08-24-2012, 02:12 PM
Wouldnt it be nice if Star Legends had at least one Raid? I realize that this game is designed for fast play on a mobile platform so the Raid probably couldnt be like alot of traditional MMO's with a 40 person raid limit, but I think 15 would be reasonable. Having a raid would introduce a new aspect to the game with new strategies and difficulties along with possible new raid only loot. Perhaps there could be a guild only option for raids that could add a whole new aspect to guild life in SL. Maybe there could be new seasonal raids where much coveted vanities had a chance to drop? Anyone else out there feel like SL could use a Raid?

08-24-2012, 02:35 PM

it was discussed earlier

as far as i remember devs say that more ppl on the map will slow down the gameplay drastically

but maybe the situation changed with the new client

the idea is GOOD

08-24-2012, 06:57 PM
YEAH!!! Lets do a raid on the Scorn home world!!! lol

08-25-2012, 10:03 AM
A raid on the Scorn home world...I like it. Just imagine if this game ever gets so big that it gets its own movie, a raid on the scorn home world would make for a great movie plot. lol

08-29-2012, 01:52 PM
A raid on the Scorn home world...I like it. Just imagine if this game ever gets so big that it gets its own movie, a raid on the scorn home world would make for a great movie plot. lol

Raids sound like a cool idea, IF the spacetime engine can handle it.

I don't think SL will ever get its own movie. Halo couldn't get a movie off the ground, and its made enough money to buy a small country (or at least rent one forever :http://www.wired.co.uk/news/archive/2011-04/15/liechtenstein-airbnb). Though there is a novelization being written by yours truly (yeah, yeah, self promotion). Besides video game movies typically don't far well.