View Full Version : How do you...

08-26-2012, 09:48 AM

Do you farm...

In groups?

In pairs?


One map or an entire campaign?

How long do you run?

Do you pace yourself? 0_o

These are the very things that bother me day by day. HELP ME UNDERSTAND.

Mom: Dinners ready!

Me: Oh s+#-%;#-%!! Mac and cheese here I come!

08-26-2012, 09:54 AM
if i feel like flying all the way to boss, i do it.
sometimes i believe in paterns, like destroying every object,kill all mobs before killing boss.

08-26-2012, 10:03 AM
I see. Thanks for your input, I really want everyone to say how they farm.

08-26-2012, 10:08 AM
The most valuable drops come from mobs and destructables. Though they are extremely rare. It's great if you get a pink from a boss, but I would much rather a vanity, so I farm maps, usually solo, where there had been drops their before. On mobile, but I would link you to the updated shard and vanity map list, search it, it lists the places for all places where valuables have been dropped

08-26-2012, 10:13 AM
The most valuable drops come from mobs and destructables. Though they are extremely rare. It's great if you get a pink from a boss, but I would much rather a vanity, so I farm maps, usually solo, where there had been drops their before. On mobile, but I would link you to the updated shard and vanity map list, search it, it lists the places for all places where valuables have been dropped

I know of this thread. I wasn't asking where people farm. Just how they farm. :P

08-26-2012, 10:41 AM
99.9% Solo here, depending on what the intended goal is i usuasly Farm 1 to 2 maps. Since vans where launched i See myself farmining everywhere end up gettin sick of IT all so i just buy them. AT every New lvl Update i Farm the lvls that have the gems that go with my built. When farmining a specific vanity ill Farm that vanity for days nvr switchining maps.

Now when i Farm kills there is only two maps i do......

Ill do group runs only for the sake of leveling and teaching.

I believe this new Update has a New dungeon sys that requires Team dynamics..i hope..

PS.. I dont touch any non lootable breakables unless im farmining for ghosts that drop gem pinks. Iike i stated before over a million kills never seen anything but ghosts come outta there. Take it how u want my game only spawns ghosts not drops.

I Farm Solo so dont have to See someone jump in my game and loot a epic vanity and then state damn that took 10Minutes.....

08-26-2012, 03:42 PM
99.9% Solo here, depending on what the intended goal is i usuasly Farm 1 to 2 maps. Since vans where launched i See myself farmining everywhere end up gettin sick of IT all so i just buy them. AT every New lvl Update i Farm the lvls that have the gems that go with my built. When farmining a specific vanity ill Farm that vanity for days nvr switchining maps.

Now when i Farm kills there is only two maps i do......

Ill do group runs only for the sake of leveling and teaching.

I believe this new Update has a New dungeon sys that requires Team dynamics..i hope..

I Farm Solo so dont have to See someone jump in my game and loot a epic vanity and then state damn that took 10Minutes.....

Ha I do the same.

08-26-2012, 06:49 PM
Whole campaigns. No offense to the thread creators but you seriously can forget about this vanity drop list thread. Because when a vanity item drop in 1 mission of a campaign, then it drops in the entire campaign. Vanities drops by campaigns and not by missions =)

08-26-2012, 07:19 PM
No they actualy dont

08-26-2012, 08:11 PM
No they actualy dont

Alright then you could explain me why they not doing?
I don't have any proves that they drop in all missions of a campaign but I have found vanities and also asked other player where they got their. Like the albino bats. They got it from different missions then the list reads, so it makes sense.
Well anyways, if don't wanna believe me lets just wait. Slowly the vanity drop list should go to that point

08-26-2012, 08:42 PM
I can only imagine a world full honest people.

08-26-2012, 09:03 PM
Alright then you could explain me why they not doing?
I don't have any proves that they drop in all missions of a campaign but I have found vanities and also asked other player where they got their. Like the albino bats. They got it from different missions then the list reads, so it makes sense.
Well anyways, if don't wanna believe me lets just wait. Slowly the vanity drop list should go to that point

In the nicest way, Mafia has 1mil PvE kills in DL. I think he would know best what drops where and how.

08-27-2012, 05:33 AM
He might have 1 million kills (which is amazing) though he ran through the lvls and didn't complete them to 100% and missed alot of chances for vanities that way.
I don't have 1 million PvE kills but I have found alot of rare vanities, such as albino bats, dark manic mask, black tracksuit and orange gambler. Half of them didn't drop on missions enlisted in the drop thread.
You dont need to believe me. I just tell you they DO drop by campaigns and my part is done

08-27-2012, 09:02 AM
I'm kinda new to this game but i farm all the way to the boss, dont kill it so he keeps summoning minions
you can get lots of drops that way

08-27-2012, 09:04 AM
At the rate at which content is added and mechanics are changed currently I feel like the purpose of farming is defeated and therefore do not farm at all.

08-27-2012, 06:01 PM
I'm kinda new to this game but i farm all the way to the boss, dont kill it so he keeps summoning minions
you can get lots of drops that way
That's really smart I should try that the next time I farm for a vanity.

At the rate at which content is added and mechanics are changed currently I feel like the purpose of farming is defeated and therefore do not farm at all.

You should try, gives people something to do during the cap.

08-27-2012, 08:12 PM
while sleeping

08-27-2012, 08:28 PM
while sleeping

You farm while asleep? Lol cool! I have got to learn how to do that... >_>