View Full Version : Mynas Tombs **must** be fixed.

08-31-2010, 08:58 PM
It's getting silly now, let me give you some figures:-

453 Players, 171 Games
14 AO2 (8 Mynas)
2 AO1
1 Skeller Krunch
4 Ancient Swamps
3 Lost Expedition
10 Fathom Crypt
8 Balefort
17 Dark Forst
55 Forest Haven
25 Intro Quest Zones

While this isn't an exact indication (and yes, I know a lot of games have obviously not shown up in the server window - public instances perhaps?), it gives a pretty good picture of what's happening. Aside from the free players dominating most of the population (which is a shame, but can't be helped) there's an obvious dip in players between Fathom Crypt and AO2.

You could put this down to lack of quest content for the lesser populated campaigns, but I think without a shadow of a doubt, a large contributor is people skipping out campaigns to go directly to the Mynas tombs, and after Fathom Crypt is about when it starts getting faster to farm there for XP.

Even if this isn't the reason for the dip in games, it's gone on far too long. There are masses of players at the level cap without a basic grasp on the fundamentals of PL gameplay. I have no problem educating people, but too much of anything is bad, and I think the community is pretty sick of it. Not to mention the fact that aside from buying an account, you should never have people at the level cap who don't know at least a little about their character.

It isn't just a massive pain in the backside for the community, it's also creating a gap in gameplay that many people want to enjoy, and spoiling the game for many more.

We aren't asking for a major revamp, just something to bring it into balance with the rest of the campaign.


Problem solved...*crosses fingers, toes, arms, legs and eyes*

08-31-2010, 09:00 PM
I suggest putting those djiinns in and making sure that they have no leash.... brilliant.

08-31-2010, 10:23 PM
looks good to me. nice and simple.

08-31-2010, 10:36 PM
What about the full games we can't see? Anyway, love this idea.

09-01-2010, 12:55 AM
While I agree with your suggestion, I also think that people should be able to play how they want. So, who cares if there are a bunch of 45s that are not to your standards? Just don't play with them. Not everyone wants to play this game hardcore. Some want to get to the highest level because it's a game. It's only a game.

Again to your suggestion - woukd be nice if they did this.

09-01-2010, 12:49 PM
OMG, setec is so right. First, every game has areas that people powerlevel/farm at. But let's not overlook the benefits of the Mynas generation: They think Ao2 is HARD. They think Swamps, Skeller, and Ao1 are hard as well. It's hilarious!

I was in a high 30s group yesterday and one guy wanted to try the Mynas djinns and everybody ran for it. OMG, I was LMAO! Since they had a L38 warrior and a L38 mage and at least one birdie, they could have done it. At least the Djinns. Sobek would have been hard but also possible. I've done it in different games with about that much as a bear and as a support mage, but LOL, they did not know how to use their skills!

The bear then goes that he just got back from an all L45(!!) group except for himself and that AO2:5 was HARD. OMG, I was LMAO again! Because other than maybe an all bears group (where it's hard only because your damage is so slow, though again there're ways to overcome this a bit), all those areas are not bad if you can do COMBOS! (preferably the inter-class type, not the self-type, which doesn't do as much damage, but isn't bad either). I myself have run into L45 groups trying to run Plasma and they DO find it HARD and hell, I even found it hard as a bear when I gather and scream until hoarse and the mages look at me like I'm an alien when I ask for nightmares and the birds do the same thing when I tell them to scream their heads off. LOL. And of course, the other bears only know to hack-n-slash. It's hilarious 15 minutes later and you've barely made it down one hall. OMG. Usually a few of them leave, disgusted because there's no damage. LOL! Of course, they will always still think it's hard (because THEY make it hard).

Sometimes I wonder whether these "Mynas" players notice that there are smarter ways to play or whether they just think they don't have the skills or they just have to respec or just have to get the right pink.

Anyways, please don't remove my fun. I really enjoy the observational game. If I want to go fast, I just run away from these people and start my own game. As I've said before, it only takes 2 or 3 players who know their skills to carry the whole group, or maybe just 1 if one of the others listens. Hmm...maybe they don't all speak English...?

09-01-2010, 01:01 PM
This needs to be done. The Tombs are destroying the game, and nearly forcing upcoming new players to join the sad, sorry Mynas generation. I don't know what I'd do if I were trying to raise my first player in this current environment. Since AO2 came out, and the Tombs of Lameness were discovered, I have leveled a few characters from 1 to 45. Usually games are pretty easy to find up through LE, but then things get sad. The only way I've been able to level my characters Mynas-free is because I have several other characters I can play when there is nowhere for my leveling character to play. If it were my first character, I would be basically forced to join the most pathetic of groups, that is the Mynas gen. This needs to be fixed. If you want to powerlevel, fine, meet some people and have them power you through megamaze, LE, or AO1. The Tombs are not powerleveling as it should be, they are just ridiculous. There is no way a level 40-45 map should have a section 2/3 of its length that presents absolutely no challenge whatsoever to a group of level 30s. The Tombs are broken. They have broken AO2, and beyond that they have killed PvE in this game above level 30. Combined with the Swamp nerf, the Tombs are responsible for there being absolutely nothing to do in this game except PvP.

09-01-2010, 01:48 PM
91*2*2=364 xp ... 10 times / hr = 3,640 xp ... Value of items dropped during each run is about 1,500 gp, the cost of a hardcore playa. In other words, it's practically free. If that's not an exploit, what is?

09-01-2010, 02:14 PM
Nah, not an exploit. Frankly, it's players who discovered this in the game and passed this on to other players. I would be curious to see if stats could be released that show how many people play Mynas then quit at 30 enemies left. I'm sure there are quite a lot. I would bet that there are more players running Mynas than on the forums. More people like it then complain about it.

This isn't like people shooting through walls or anything from back in the day either. I'm not saying they shouldn't fix this either BUT for now, it is the way it is. PL was supposed to be a quick pickup and play game. Well, for some, doing a run or two through Mynas while waiting in line somewhere is pure killing fun. Yes, people use it to level, so what? I played from the beginning like all of you. I leveled my first char to 45 without Mynas. Actually, I used to level all 3 chars to the max level before buying the new maps. (1 to 13, 1 to 13, 1 to 13, then buy Dark Forest, repeat) But just because we came up the hard way doesn't mean the next gen doesn't deserve to have 45s.

Look, I get the problems with Mynas. I do. If elite maps are made for all levels then there will eventually be an elite Mynas. Frankly, if running Mynas helps get more players addicted to getting the high level, it will help grow the user base for this game. This will in turn mean more money for SS Devs to develop all the cool things that are coming.

And guess what? If they fix Mynas, there will just be some other map people use for runs. Actually, there are maps now used for that but Mynas is the most popular.

I know SS is trying to balance the casual vs hardcore player. I would hate to be in their shoes.

09-01-2010, 02:17 PM
Devs, please? lol
i agree, i did powerlevel there from like 34-35 so i could use an axe i had gotten, and i was disgusted...
i was bored out of my mind just slashing down zombies, since the only ones that damaged me at all, (in my lvl 10 armor that has 15 armor if i remember right) were the archers...only because they attacked before i saw them...and if that type of playing is what this game is becoming, i wasted my money. simple as that. i dont want to play a game where, the only reason most people are playing is so that they can get to the level cap in a week, and then just stand around in town trying to get people to buy their loot for ridiculous prices, then turn around and go back to mynas, pop some elixers, and go get more loot to sell...its pathetic, especialy since, a while back somebody on here said something about half the population bein at the level cap, and now im pretty sure thats close to bein accurate...or at least it seems like it....forest haven towne is the noob towne, and yet every time i go there to get to my stash, at least 2/3 of the people there are lvl 45...maybe its just me, but it really seems like it...this game has become, i can get to lvl 45 in a week, and ur not capped yet playin for a month, u suck, now buy my loot for 100k even tho u cant use it for another 10 lvls...

09-01-2010, 02:22 PM
I see the logic in these fears but at the same time, there seems to be this "There are too many 45s" thinking as if only a certain few get to be 45s. "The others I see on the map probably don't deserve it." I don't know, just think of Mynas as the bad part of towne. Don't go there unless you want to walk among the unworthy. :)

Seriously though, it will get better. Maybe the Devs will fix Mynas, maybe they won't. I'm sure everyone will be on AO3 when it comes out. And hopefully the Auction Haus will fix the spam fest in Towne for selling.

09-01-2010, 02:29 PM
There will always be power levelling, but the Mynas Tombs just take the biscuit, and there's no denying they're easier for xp than the previous 2 campaigns, which in my opinion, makes it broken.

09-01-2010, 03:11 PM
There - FIXED.


09-01-2010, 03:25 PM
There - FIXED.


omg! thats amazing!

09-01-2010, 03:42 PM
Herbzie, it's wish fulfillment day! whoohoo

09-01-2010, 08:02 PM
I'm stunned....and over the moon :)

09-01-2010, 08:20 PM
Buy a lottery ticket, the inplemented your plan.

09-01-2010, 09:56 PM
why!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! damn no more power lvling now this lv was only played on to get from any lv to 45 and now we can -.-

09-01-2010, 10:18 PM
Oh well, you'll have to get power levelled in the old fashioned way, by friends/kind hearted people in dungeons only slightly above your level.

Character names are in my signature, add em, and when I next see you on (and I'm not just doing a fly-by visit) I'll help you level some :)

09-02-2010, 12:49 PM
Copying this here from my response to another thread, as it is highly relelvant:

I just found the new power levelers. They are running through the sandstone halls. You get 75 kills but you have to fight one lesser djinni. If you go in no other room, you can still do it in under 5 minutes. So 75 x 4 = 300, which is only 60 xp fewer than running through the Tombs of Mynas before the tweak. A net reduction of 16.6%.

Or put another way, it now takes 6 runs through Sandstone Halls to equal the effect of 5 former runs through the old Mynas Tombs. Expect to see lots of sandstone halls in the coming days, unless they drop a few D'Jinn bandits and hallway djinnis in there next.


09-02-2010, 05:27 PM
Ahhh, I was wondering why I was seeing alot of those maps running last night.

09-06-2010, 10:28 PM
Why can't they just put a level requirement?? All I want to do is farm gold because that's all there is to do!!! Haha trying to get pinks and then selling them gets old after a while. It starts to make the game a little boring. At least take the lesser djinns out. There are way too many of them

09-07-2010, 01:43 AM
I know some 45s with 1000 deaths 3000 kills and don't know what a respec or combo is >.>

09-07-2010, 01:48 AM
lol I started the ao2 level 3 boosting 10 minutes after ao2 was released told 4 people..... Sigh can't trust anyone these days

09-07-2010, 07:57 AM
Right. I'm sure you are solely responsable for people exp farming that map.

09-07-2010, 09:20 AM
An now we know that it WAS fixed. Grat suggestions!