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View Full Version : Guild: Legendary Alliance

04-20-2010, 08:47 PM
Legendary Alliance guild Main Picture (P.S. we have alot more on the guild website, look under the forum: Guild Gallery/Albums for those): http://i884.photobucket.com/albums/ac50/EliteFlamin/1Legendary.png

(The guild name was changed from "Alliance of Legend" to "Legendary Alliance")
You will feel welcome. You will feel awsome. You will feel noticed. You feel the best guild ever.

See the Legendary Alliance guild website for more info, and a more up to date stuff: http://legendaryalliance.forumotion.net/forum.htm

The guild's official name is Legendary Alliance.
The guild's full name is The Legendary Elite Federation Alliance.

The purpose of this guild will be to perfect group operations in all zones, to be the best in PvP, to equipt all members in legendary items, to become the best guild ever, to help each other, to have fun and far, far more...
Once pvp and trade system comes out we will be dominate in those zones. We will not just be a guild, but a lot more.
Once The Legendary Alliance guild has a sufficient amount of members (all of which must meet the requirements) we will focus more of our attention on in-game things, like pvp, trade, etc.

We do not look for quantity, but rather quality of members in our guild. This guild will be made up of elite, expert, experienced, and talented members, who are frequently online both in-game and on the forums.

Here is a quotes we like and that shows a part of the spirit of this guild.

"We few, we happy few, we band of brothers;
For he to-day that sheds his blood with me
Shall be my brother; be he ne'er so vile"

"We do not look for quantity, but rather quality of members in our guild"

Legendary Alliance is a guild, an Elite expert Alliance, a place to have fun, a united clan of elite players, a place to talk, a place to share your suggestions and ideas, An Alliance!
To be in the Legendary alliance guild,
You must be respectful and polite.
You must be full of ideas.
You should share your ideas and comments etc.
You must be an elite player.
You must be an expert gamer.
You should reply and post frequently.
You must be online frequently.
You should be helpful, trustworthy, friendly, kind, cheerful, creative, responsive, considerate, and respectful.
And just be Awsome. Elite. And most of all Loyal.

We these people Shall unite.
So that we may unite our talents, expertise, attributes, and skills into a solid, ultimate, elite, expert guild, of dedicated, friendly, creative, loyal, and expert members.
Because as I said, we are not looking for quantity, but rather quality of members in our guild.

There are alot of things we are currently working on for our guild, and have completed, here are a few:

A guild website with forums and chat box, etc. (almost complete)
A guild rank system. (working on a official and more organized one)
A guild joining application. (almost completed)
A guild info application. (for people who are members)
Official and more organized requirements.
A terms of agreement.
Different kinds of Groups/teams/squads inside the guild. (just got started on this)
A guild signature. (almost official, just needs a little tweeking)
A guild symbol. (think I've decided on one, but not quite sure yet)
Guild Pictures. (I got a few just got to post them)
A guild Logo.
Guild colors. (Trying to decide)
A guild banner.
A guild flag.
A guild font. (Going to add another one)
A guild main picture. (Completed)
A guild Theme Song.
Have members feel more welcome and confortable. (We have made alot of progress on this, it will always be improving)
There are several other things too.

The guild colors are: Green ruby, Emerald, Blue, Purple, Red, Gold (vbulletin doesn't have a color for this), Brass, Copper, Burgundy, Pink, Obsidian.
I know this is way too many, we are working on narrowing it down and picking out the best ones. So far the top 6 guild colors are: Green, Blue, Gold, Obsidian, Burgundy, and Purple. We are working on the top three guild colors.

View that (http://www.spacetimestudios.com/showthread.php?674-Guild-Legendary-Alliance), this (http://www.spacetimestudios.com/showthread.php?670-Forum-suggestions-ideas-and-possible-solutions-By-The-Alliance-of-Legend-Guild), this (http://www.spacetimestudios.com/group.php?groupid=5), and that (http://legendaryalliance.forumotion.net/forum.htm) for more info.

You MUST be a exprienced game player, you MUST be loyal, and you MUST reply and post frequently. Those are the top three requirements.
Loso, and Leviticus, please may you rejoin the guild?

This thread is the discussion and talk, about The Legendary Alliance guild.
Please send me a message telling why you want to join and a few things about you, and if you feel like you meet the requirements, and have filled out a joining application, then I will consider accepting you into the guild.

Please also see the guild website (http://legendaryalliance.forumotion.net/forum.htm). Please note that this website is still under construction and is being constantly updated, so visit it frequently.
Sometimes it will messup and the website will look all weird, just refresh the page and it should go back to normal. Also sometimes when it is normal, when you refresh, it will look weird, just refresh again, and it should go back to normal.

Please see the below post, the one with the title Guild Application

04-20-2010, 09:58 PM
In the last thread, I asked about having multiple multiple characters in the guild. None of my characters are actually in any guild yet.

04-20-2010, 10:04 PM
Astrauk, I have sent you an invite, By the way there are no in-game guilds yet, there are only forum groups which we call "guilds". But once in-game guilds come out, then this guild will be a in-game guild too, as well as a forum guild.


Addition to the thread:

If you want to join Legendary Alliance, fill out this application and send it to me, then I will consider inviting you into the guild. You do not have to fill out all of the application, just fill out what you want to, but it would be appreaciated if you filled it all out, or at least most of it.
Here is the official Legendary Alliance guild joining application:

I N - G A M E







-Screenshot of character stats:

-What other classes are you experienced with or wish to play?:

-Post a in-game picture of each class you are experienced with and the stats:

-If you have any other classes, above, please fill out the above questions for each class.

-How do you feel about the game?

-How would to help in the game?

-What do you think about the devs?

-What do you think is the future of this game?

S P A C E T I M E - F O R U M S

-How many posts on the forums do you have?

-How many started threads on the forums do you have?

-How do feel about the forums?

-How often do you reply to posts?

-How often do you post?

-How often do you reply to messages?

-How often do you check your inbox?

-How often do you check threads?

-Overall, how often do you reply?

-How often are you online on the forums?

G U I L D - F O R U M S

(There is nothing here yet.)


-Time zone:

-Average Playtime per Week (Hours):

-Average Forum time per Week (Hours):

-What country and state do you live in?


-Do you know any Legendary Alliance members?:

-Where you referred here by any Legendary Alliance Members? If yes, who?


-How many years of gaming experience do you have?

-How frequently do you reply?

-Male or female:

-What system do you play Pocket Legends on? (list details like 3G or 3GS, 16gigs or 32gigs, etc):


-How do you feel about the Guild?

-How do you feel about joining the Guild?

-How would you help in the Guild (not on in-game stuff):

-How much do you like the Guild name?

-What are your ideas/suggestions about the Guild?

-What are your comments about the Guild?

-What do you like about the Guild?

-What do you dislike about the Guild?

-What would you change about the Guild?

-What would you want to add to this Guild?

-What do you want to be the future of this Guild?

-What do you think is the future of this Guild?

G U I L D – T H R E A D

-Have you read all of the guild thread?

-What would you add to the guild thread?

-What do you like about the guild thread?

-What do you dislike about the guild thread?

-What would you want to change about the guild thread?


-Tell a little about yourself:

-Why did you choose to apply to Legendary Alliance?:

-If you had to describe yourself as a 'casual' or 'hardcore' player, which would you choose? And why?

-Do you mostly play the game? Or are you mostly on the forums?

-Did you read the Guild requirements and agree to them?

-Anything else you would like to add to your application?

-Anything else that you think should be in this application?

-Anything that should be changed about this application?

-What are your suggestions and feedback concerning this application?

04-20-2010, 10:20 PM
Yeah, I know but it sounded in the other thread like you thought that I was also part of the other forum guilds, just wanted to make it clear. Anyway, I'll see you in-game :)

04-21-2010, 03:31 AM
Im thinking of making a guild called Alliance of Legendary Alliance

04-21-2010, 08:50 AM
Thx for the invite, joined.

04-21-2010, 09:21 AM
Im thinking of making a guild called Alliance of Legendary Alliance

Just join this guild. here ill send you an invite.

04-21-2010, 09:36 AM
Yea Nathanyc join this Guild.... I have feeling we will be very successful in the future.

King Richie
04-21-2010, 09:45 AM

Proud LEGENDSMember

04-21-2010, 09:46 AM
Everyone who is a member of Legendary alliance, please edit your signature, by putting in "Legendary Alliance Member"

04-21-2010, 12:01 PM
lol at Richie. I to am a:

Proud LEGENDS Member (http://theappradar.com)

04-21-2010, 12:12 PM
Reaper, this is a thread to talk about the guid "Legendary Alliance" and not about the guild "Legends"

04-21-2010, 12:55 PM
i think ill join guilds when they actually make guilds and have somewhat of a benefit being in one lol.

04-21-2010, 01:02 PM
from experience.. most guilds that mass recruit end up being pretty bad. i like what venom is doing with their specific class needs and interview process.

nonetheless, i doubt this game will be as technical as pc based mmos so probably mass recruiting works.. more ppl means better chance of finding a group.

at the current difficulty of the instances, i find that even with zero tank its doable. im looking for harder instances where a GOOD tank that KNOWS how to tank and hold aggro is required... so all the fools that go balls dps or run into a boss rooms and aoe like crazy before the tank engages.... is in for a "lil bill" one shot surprise

04-21-2010, 01:03 PM
i think ill join guilds when they actually make guilds and have somewhat of a benefit being in one lol.

When they come out with in game guilds, we will be a in game guild, as well as a forum group/guild. And also about your other post, we do have requirements. And also, our saying is that we do not look for quanity, but rather the quality of people we recruit.

04-21-2010, 01:05 PM
i know that :)

04-21-2010, 01:15 PM
Ok so the question is now, Are you going to join or not?

04-21-2010, 01:29 PM
Thank You for the invite, but to be honest, i'm not a fan of the guild name :(. im going to see how much this guild thing is going to be a playing factor in gameplay and i'll decide then.

some people starting to build guilds like we're going to be running 10 or 20 man instances... eg raid schedules.. etc.. lol asking their applicants: "how would you feel if you were asked to sit out in one of the raids as backup". if the game gets to that point it will be interesting and one of a kind (it already is = pocket mmo). but a game like that takes years and years of planning and time to integrate.

nonetheless at least people are enthusiastic about where this game is going :D

04-21-2010, 01:41 PM
Ok thankyou for answering.

04-21-2010, 02:27 PM
true that legendary alliance guild seem to be verry organise ... but like nyk said i rather wait and see who's really for real and who just wants to be in a guild…… at this point it wouldnt be fair of me joining in without being sure of the time investment im gonna put in,but i respect you guys alot and this is a great thing for the comunity keep it up and become a great guild master

04-21-2010, 02:51 PM
I like the name a lot better now than it was previously. Good job on changing the name. I also agree that mass recruiting just to get numbers up means you will get 80% horrible players and 10% actual commitment. SO just be careful.

If a guild wants me, they will come to me and ask, and they will do so because they have played with me in game and seen my talent, not just because I said I want to join and they said sure!!

04-21-2010, 02:59 PM
Legends FTW.

04-21-2010, 05:11 PM
Read the requirements part of the description of the Legendary Alliance guild, for the requirements for joining this guild. If you feel you meet the requirements then send me a message about why you want to join. And I consider inviting you to the guild Legendary Alliance.

04-21-2010, 10:16 PM
I like the name a lot better now than it was previously. Good job on changing the name. I also agree that mass recruiting just to get numbers up means you will get 80% horrible players and 10% actual commitment. SO just be careful.

If a guild wants me, they will come to me and ask, and they will do so because they have played with me in game and seen my talent, not just because I said I want to join and they said sure!!

I just now read some of your threads, and their topics, And you are usually online, so I'll send you an invite and see how you do in our guild.

04-22-2010, 12:40 AM
Two things

1. Even though I enjoy your enthusiasm, and I like your description of the guild, being the Founder/Leader of Venom we are in no way in an Alliance or Partnership with your guild at this time what so ever, I would appreciate it if you would remove that from your description post.
2. Please do not make a post on your own thread just to tell the forum that you are proud of your own guild. We all know you are :) When I bumped my post, it was because there were spots that were being filled very quickly and I was just alerting that community so that they had time to assess their situation and see if my guild was the right fit for them. Thank you and good luck!

04-22-2010, 02:23 AM
Ok, there, deleted. Can you please delete your posts about this mistake too?

Fair enough.

04-23-2010, 03:47 PM
Here is how you go to the forum group/guild page. Ok, first, look at the blue bar right under the word "forum", you must scroll to the very top of this page to see it. Now on the blue bar it should say
"New Posts. Private Messages. FAQ. Calender. Community. Forum Actions. Quick Links" Ok, now click on the link that says "Community" now there should be three option under it "Groups. Friends & Contacts. Member List" so this is how it should look like:

New Posts Private Messages FAQ Calender Community Forum Actions Quick Links
------------------------------------------Friends & Contact
------------------------------------------Member List
(Without the dashes)

Ok, Now click on "Groups" and it should take you to the forum groups/guilds page.

And there you are.
I hope this guide helped you. :)

P.S. Does anyone know where and how to upload a forum group picture?

Uncle Sam
04-24-2010, 04:22 AM
Hi, I would love to join in your guild. I am a lvl 27 warrior and growing.. ;)

04-26-2010, 02:37 PM
Two things

1. Even though I enjoy your enthusiasm, and I like your description of the guild, being the Founder/Leader of Venom we are in no way in an Alliance or Partnership with your guild at this time what so ever, I would appreciate it if you would remove that from your description post.
2. Please do not make a post on your own thread just to tell the forum that you are proud of your own guild. We all know you are :) When I bumped my post, it was because there were spots that were being filled very quickly and I was just alerting that community so that they had time to assess their situation and see if my guild was the right fit for them. Thank you and good luck!

Ok, updated thread again, is it alright xanthia?

04-28-2010, 03:29 PM
Follow this link if you want to get more info about our guild: http://www.spacetimestudios.com/group.php?groupid=5

If you want to join our guild please read all the this thread and all the guild discussions, then if you want to join send me a message telling why, and also a few things about you, and if you feel you meet the requirements.

04-28-2010, 11:16 PM
w00t w00t!!

05-03-2010, 06:07 PM
The guild's full name is "The Legendary Elite Federation Alliance".
I have to say...that's one long name.

05-03-2010, 06:31 PM
Yes, that is why it is called the full guild name. The official guild name is Legendary Alliance.

05-03-2010, 07:20 PM
"Long ago in a galaxy far, far away"
Oh you also might want to re-read this... :)

05-04-2010, 09:40 PM
Welcome to the guild Kingslaya.

Oh you also might want to re-read this... :)

Ok, ya I guess that is kind of cheesy.

By the way I added more to the guild application, and I put it in a post right below the thread.

I just find it funny that this thread had 911 views. Lol.
YAY, This thread now has over 1000 views.

05-07-2010, 03:48 PM
The guild website is out, I'm still touching it up, but still check it out: http://legendaryalliance.forumotion.net/forum.htm

Please note that the website is still under construction and is being constantly updated.

05-09-2010, 08:38 AM
I was thinking of applying, but I didnt have an hour to spare to fill out your application. I think my mortgage papers were shorter when I bought my house =/

05-09-2010, 12:37 PM
You do not have to fill everything out, just fill out what you want to, but it would be appreaciated if you filled it all out.

05-10-2010, 11:39 AM
The website is almost finished, I just got to post a few more topics, and add in a few neat extra features, then it will be complete, but I will still update it from time to time. The Legendary Alliance guild will soon be officially open for recruitment, then you can fill out a joining application, make an account on the website, and join the guild. If want to join sooner you can, but for now, until the official opening, I will only be accepting people who exceed the top three requirements.

We do not look for quantity, but rather quality of members in our guild.
We will be the best and we will dominate in PvP.

05-13-2010, 07:59 PM
We now have our guild symbols and guild Main Picture.
Legendary Alliance guild Symbols:
Legendary Alliance guild Main Picture (P.S. we have a few more but look on the guild website, under the forum: Guild Gallery/Albums for those): http://i884.photobucket.com/albums/ac50/EliteFlamin/1Legendary.png

11-20-2011, 10:03 PM
wo0w long time players