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View Full Version : Taunt Skill

08-27-2012, 11:56 AM
What Taunt skill is generally considered to be the best? I've been using back breaker, but have heard good things about graviton slam. Given I only have room in my hotbar for one taunt skill, which one is generally considered to be most useful?

08-27-2012, 12:02 PM
What Taunt skill is generally considered to be the best? I've been using back breaker, but have heard good things about graviton slam. Given I only have room in my hotbar for one taunt skill, which one is generally considered to be most useful?

Well from my com experience ( which isnt a lot , plenty of better coms who will be able to help you better ). I would go with Gravity well , stomp , Back breaker and singularity,slam.If i had to chose one , i would go with Gravity Well. Keep in mind back breaker combos with stomp or singularity.

08-27-2012, 04:20 PM
Actually all are good. Pretty much all of coms skills have a taunt with it. Personally my set up is gravity well, singularity, neutron stomp and backbreaker.

08-27-2012, 04:36 PM
Nebula and Growing Rage brings out huge AoE damage and taunt. Use with gravity well + Slam + Backbreaker to bring them in range of Nebula and combo with damage. Kinetic Reserve also increases damage by a good amount near the last 3 seconds so activate it before charging a group of enemies.