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View Full Version : Good Awakes/Stats

01-21-2023, 09:39 AM
So what's the point of going for good Awakes/stats if the maps got nerfed hard and not worth running anymore spending all those gold for Good GL%/Stats/Kraken/Gears

For me with fairly decent gl 820gl still doing fine i can work with 50-55k per run nerf was needed but what we got was too much?

Maybe rebalancing by adding more gl to portal bossess? Idk at this point what to do lol

01-21-2023, 03:41 PM
So what's the point of going for good Awakes/stats if the maps got nerfed hard and not worth running anymore spending all those gold for Good GL%/Stats/Kraken/Gears

For me with fairly decent gl 820gl still doing fine i can work with 50-55k per run nerf was needed but what we got was too much?

Maybe rebalancing by adding more gl to portal bossess? Idk at this point what to do lol


This is a case of going FROM giving more candy than you can take TO actually giving you the normal amout of candy.

Now you have lost sense of even the normal sense of candy does to you since you've seen the truckloads of candy you were getting.

An advise for you is to accept and move on just like every body has on different aspects of this game.

Ppl can still farm millions in an hour just not as much. Gold is still flowing in but not as much.
They did this to reduce the amount of gold getting inside the game.

They probably saw the statistics and understood the economy might break with this amount of gold coming in, facts/stats that we don't have our paws on.

You are still going to make the same ratio of gold(as to your gl set) and it's going to be the same worth of gain, as you will see all items drop in price and re- stabilise.

01-21-2023, 05:11 PM
Yeah - it is tough to go from raking in way too much gold to getting an appropriate amount of gold.

I'll announce a change to the portal bosses gold next week. Not saying you'll suddenly love it... but it'll be a concession.

Best wishes!