View Full Version : New ideas for Vanity

08-27-2012, 06:50 PM
Not sure if this has been brought up before or not. But near the release of the new Batman movie, DL released vanity that looked like the Batman costume. Well since SL is my primary game of choice for MMOS I would love to see some awesome Halo 4 vanity that looks at least related to Halo or something near it, of course near the release of my favorite console game of all time. So does anybody agree??

08-27-2012, 06:53 PM
True, they may need to get permission first from Halo makers (forgot who makes those games), and it'll be tough.
Other games they can get vanities from:
Army of Two
Gears of War
and maybe, Bioshock.
These games also have really awesome and unique outfits.
But I totally agree, it would definitely boost SL :)

08-27-2012, 07:19 PM
True, they may need to get permission first from Halo makers (forgot who makes those games), and it'll be tough.
Other games they can get vanities from:
Army of Two
Gears of War
and maybe, Bioshock.
These games also have really awesome and unique outfits.
But I totally agree, it would definitely boost SL :)
They don't need permission at all. You really think sts asked DC if they could use batman outfits? They called it the dark crusader, instead of dark knight for a reason. They just make master colonel outfit, switch the look up a tiny bit and there you have it.
EDIT: read this back and it seems a little hostile lol, I didn't intend it that way, it was just my input sorry

08-28-2012, 06:38 AM
Honestly it depends on copyrights and patents that have been secured for their intellectual property. people get sued all the time for infringement, it's a fine line to walk. Apple sued samsung for, among other things, "making their smart phones rectangular, with rounded corners" sometimes it just not as easy as coloring it different, or changing the name.